Miraculous Skilled Doctor/C16 Traditional chinese medicine is national essence!
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Miraculous Skilled Doctor/C16 Traditional chinese medicine is national essence!
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C16 Traditional chinese medicine is national essence!

In just over ten seconds, Zhou Ting's tightly knitted eyebrows loosened.

"Apologies!" After Zhou Ting finished speaking, he used both hands to carry the lady. Looking at the huge shop, he realised that the table in front of the old man was more spacious.

He then walked over and threw all the ink and paper on the paper aside. He then placed the woman on the table and took out his silver needle box from his backpack.

Although the woman was in great pain, she still felt a bit embarrassed after being hugged by a young man. Now that Zhou Ting had placed her on the table, the woman opened her mouth and asked weakly: "What are you doing?"

"I'll treat you. Otherwise, this pain will make you faint from the pain." "If you believe me, then close your eyes right now. If there's no effect, then I will pay for all the money you spent when you go to the hospital."

Hearing Zhou Ting say that, the woman did not hesitate and closed her eyes tightly.

"Look, there's a Chinese doctor treating a patient!"

"Can it be cured? Where is the power of traditional Chinese medicine? "

"Tsk, he's the only one who can heal a little the size of a fart, I'll crawl out of Wan Yao Hall today." Liu Qing pouted.

Zhou Ting did not care about the discussions around him, he gently lifted the woman's clothes, revealing her lower abdomen. That bright and clean skin was instantly exposed in front of Zhou Ting's eyes.

Without enough time to appreciate his mature body, Zhou Ting took a deep breath, took out a silver needle, channeled his inner qi, and then fiercely stabbed downwards. The silver needle immediately pierced into the man's lower abdomen, revealing a third of the needle's size.

Under the astonished gazes of others, Zhou Ting did not stop as he quickly pierced four silver needles into the surrounding major acupoints, and then gently twisted the end of the silver needles one by one.

"Look, it seems to have some effect. Her eyebrows are all relaxed now." someone exclaimed in the space of six or seven minutes.

Everyone immediately looked at the woman's face. Indeed, compared to the waxy yellow from before, there was now an extra shade of rosy red.

"What a miracle, isn't TCM a swindler?" Everyone started to discuss at once, and the elder's eyes that was looking at Zhou Ting was also bright.

Zhou Ting did not care about the discussions around him, and sighed in his heart, his own strength was still too low, if he was strong enough, he would have used his own energy to control the needles, why would he waste so much energy?

Ten-odd minutes later, Zhou Ting also stopped what he was doing. After putting away the silver needles one by one, he gave his clothes to the woman, clapped his hands and said, "Alright, get up."

Hearing that, the woman also opened her eyes. She felt that there was indeed nothing wrong with her body, and her eyes flashed with surprise. She could not help but shout, "It really does not hurt! Little brother, your medical skills are really peerless! "

"I'm only temporarily suppressing your illness. You might get sick again in the future. If you believe me, you can look at it from my side. The traditional Chinese medicine can recuperate and cure you without any surgery." Zhou Ting laughed.

"Really?" the beautiful lady asked in surprise.

"That's right, this is the charm of traditional Chinese medicine. It doesn't need a jumbled process, following simple and uncomplicated principles to completely cure the disease. The value of medical skills was not how long and complex a process was. It was to remove the pain for the patient in the shortest amount of time! I hope that in the future, all of you will be more certain and less contemptuous towards my Chinese medicine. "

"Alright!" Hearing Zhou Ting's words, the surrounding people all started to clap.

"Oh yeah, thank you so much for this time, how much money will I give you, and where will you open a clinic? I'll go and find you in the future. " The woman said quickly as she suddenly thought of something.

"It's fate this time, so I won't take any money. I'll give you two sets of prescriptions, once a day. Half a month is fine." Zhou Ting casually waved his hand, and after sweeping his eyes around, he realized that Liu Qing had already slipped away.

"Well, thank you. "Little brother, you just said that Chinese medicine can cure any disease. I wonder if the scar on the face can be removed?" The woman looked at Zhou Ting with her eyes wide open.

"Haha, sis, you have to go to the plastic surgery department to get your scars. How are you going to treat this?" One of the surrounding men said, causing the surrounding people to laugh in a friendly manner.

"It should be treatable, but the price will be higher." Hearing the woman's words, Zhou Ting's heart moved. It was truly looking for a treasure without any effort.

Judging from the clothes the woman was wearing, she should be well-off, maybe she could sell a bottle of "beauty mud".

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