Miraculous Skilled Doctor/C23 Old classmate
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Miraculous Skilled Doctor/C23 Old classmate
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C23 Old classmate

Although Zhang Fang was angry from the start, the hand on her wrist did not have the intention to push her away. Zhou Ting rubbed it with all her might, causing Zhang Fang to be even more breathless.

"I've loosened it, I'll come back tomorrow." Panting, Zhang Fang pushed Zhou Ting's hand away.

Zhou Ting knew that he could not wait, so the two of them put on their clothes and Zhang Fang left with Zhou Ting.

"Where do you live?" Zhang Fang asked.

"Whatever, drag me into the city and you can go back." Zhou Ting thought about it and said that he could simply find a hotel.

"Then how can I find you tomorrow?"

"Call me. When the time comes, I'll tell you where I am. Just come and pick me up."

The car drove for another half an hour before Zhang Fang sent Zhou Ting to the city center.

"I'll pick you up at seven. Don't run around." Zhang Fang called out to Zhou Ting.

"Got it, just call me when the time comes." Zhou Ting waved goodbye to Zhang Fang and returned back along the same road.

Looking at the night sky of Jiangling City, the street lamps were bright and resplendent. Under the resplendent lights, men and women still walked in.

"Everyone was looking for him for thousands of times, but when they suddenly looked back, that person was in a place with no lights at all." After reading the poem, Zhou Ting couldn't help but sigh deeply. He hadn't even been in a relationship before and he had already lost his virginity.

Looking at his knockoff phone, which showed that it was 9: 30 pm, and seeing that there was coincidentally a "Youth Inn" not far away, Zhou Ting quickly walked towards it.

"Zhou Ting?" Zhou Ting was just about to reach the door, when a youthful voice suddenly called out to him.

Turning his head to look, Zhou Ting also laughed. The one who stopped him was her university classmate, Zhang Ru. Zhang Ru's face was round, her eyes were not big, but her eyelids were pleasant looking. She usually liked to pout and act cute with her hair draped over her shoulders. She could still be considered cute. The only difference was that she already had a boyfriend.

"Why are you here? Isn't your home in Qingdao? " Zhou Ting asked curiously.

"Yeah, didn't he come to play with his boyfriend? In the end, something happened to his family, so he hurried home. I'll stay here for a day before going back."

"Are you staying in this hotel? "What a coincidence, I'm coming too." Zhou Ting laughed.

"Of course not, I haven't found a hotel yet. The hotel I stayed in yesterday wasn't soundproof, so I wanted to change to a safer one." All the surrounding hotels have been filled. Come, let's take a look at this place. " Zhang Ru called out with a smile as he walked in with Zhou Ting.

"Two rooms." Zhou Ting took out his wallet and said.

"I'm sorry, there's one more room." The front desk girl said apologetically.

Hearing that, the two of them were stunned. Zhou Ting looked at Zhang Ru and said, "Why don't you sleep here? I'll look for somewhere else."

"It seems like the people around here are all full. I wonder what's going on with so many people." Zhang Ru pouted.

"The end of July and the beginning of August, is the peak season for coastal tourism, there are a lot of tourists coming to Jiangling City, so the place is full. How about you two share a room. " The receptionist explained with a smile, obviously treating them as lovers.

"Not so good. Are there really no rooms in other places?" Zhou Ting looked at Zhang Ru and said.

"Hmm, it should be gone. How about we …" Zhang Ru said in a low voice, her little face slightly red.

Seeing Zhang Ru's expression, Zhou Ting knew that he must have been silently accepting, and immediately lamented that the current girl's thinking was too trendy, he took out his identity card to register, paid, took the remote control and the room door card, and then headed to the third floor with Zhang Ru.

Zhou Ting and Zhang Ru could only be considered to be very familiar with each other.

Zhang Ru was still a girl after all. She still felt a little shy in her heart, so she obediently followed behind Zhou Ting.

"Have you had dinner?" When he reached his room, he took out his card to open the door, and Zhou Ting asked.

"Yes, I ate it with my partner." Zhang Ru replied.

After placing his bag on the counter, he went downstairs to get two bottles of fruit juice. When he returned, he saw that Zhang Ru was watching TV.

"Oh right, Zhou Ting, I haven't asked what are you doing here?" asked as he handed over the juice.

"I'll be in my senior year soon. I'll see if there's any way to earn some money to pay for my senior year's living expenses." Zhou Ting replied with a smile.

"Did you find it?" Zhang Ru blinked her eyes and asked.

"I found a patient. Since I can treat her illness, I'll stay for a few days." Zhou Ting casually replied.

"You can cure me now? You still want to stay and treat him? What disease is that? " Zhang Ru asked as she blinked her eyes and tilted her head.

"Nothing, I'm just a little depressed." Zhou Ting laughed.

"Oh, Chinese medicine can even treat this? Your specialty is the best. " Zhang Ru realised, after taking a whiff of it, she looked at Zhou Ting with ridicule.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Zhou Ting was absolutely terrified when he saw this.

"Are you treating depression, or are you being supported by others? The fragrance from this body is not something that only men possess. " Zhang Ru moved closer to Zhou Ting's face and laughed.

The aura that was like an orchid was spat on Zhou Ting's face, causing his heart to waver.

"How can you be kept by others, only you can think of that." Although Zhou Ting said that, he was actually slandering women in his heart. His sense of smell was truly sensitive.

"Oh? No? "Then where did your scent come from?" Zhang Ru glared at Zhou Ting as if he was an adulterer, and interrogated him.

"Cough cough, there's someone else in her family. I gave her a massage." Zhou Ting replied indifferently.

"What kind of push? Can you even place the scent of someone else on you? "If you're not clear about it today, I'll go to the class and say that you've been taken in by someone else. I want to see if you can still find a girlfriend." Zhang Ru said proudly.

Zhou Ting was speechless, his heart filled with sorrow and sorrow. If I were to tell others that we are sleeping in the same room, I am afraid you would also be single right now.

Zhang Ru, who was waiting for Zhou Ting's reply, suddenly realized that the man was staring at him from a distance. He could not help but hug him with both of his hands, and asked angrily: "What are you looking at?"

Zhou Ting immediately retracted his gaze, and looked at Zhang Ru who was staring at him: "What are you looking at, aren't you hinting to me where you should be doing this?"

"What!?" You did tug and tug for someone else! You must be looking for an opportunity to take advantage of me! " Zhang Ru shouted out with exaggeration, and the expression in her eyes towards Zhou Ting also gradually became ambiguous.

"Fuck you, what are you thinking about? I learned Chinese medicine from my grandfather from a young age, so I have a better understanding of medical techniques and the human body. She complains about her chest being deformed, so I did some massage for her to correct her position." Zhou Ting helplessly explained.

Hearing this, Zhang Ru's eyes lit up, and she quickly asked Zhou Ting: "Your massage, can it correct the position of your chest?"

"Well, generally speaking, it is possible to correct the position. "We can check it every half an hour. If there is a small effect after half an hour, then we can do it for a few days in succession." Zhou Ting nodded seriously.

Seeing Zhou Ting's assured look, Zhang Ru's heart also fiercely moved, but it did not show it on his face.

"You should go take a bath first." Looking at the time and seeing that it was ten o'clock at night, Zhou Ting reminded them.

"My shower is slower, you should go first." Zhang Ru laughed.

He thought about it for a while and decided to take a shower and soap himself. He didn't refuse and took out a change of clothes from his backpack. Then, he walked towards the bathroom.

Five minutes later, Zhou Ting came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel.

"You can go in." Zhou Ting laughed.

"Yes." Zhang Ru responded softly as she took her travel bag. After rummaging through for a long time, she found a bra and a small chest, and walked inside with a red face.

Zhou Ting could clearly see that these two things were both black.

Not long after, the sound of washing came from the bathroom. At first, it was nothing, but after listening for a while, Zhou Ting's mind kept imagining how Zhang Ru looked like when she was bathing.

Zhang Ru looked very cute, she usually looked very young and cute. She remembered that she had talked with her boyfriend for a year, but she didn't know if he had slept with her.

Resisting the urge to go in and watch, Zhou Ting could only concentrate on watching TV to split his attention.

After around 20 minutes, the sound of the water inside stopped. It seemed that Zhang Ru had finished bathing.

Not long later, Zhang Ru walked out from the bathroom. Looking at Zhang Ru's expression, Zhou Ting was also stunned.

Her hair was wet by the water, and the skin on her face was incomparably white. It was like a lotus flower blooming in water, causing one's heart to linger. The bath towel was not long. Although it was soft and covered, a small outline could be seen on top of it. The bottom half only covered the thigh, revealing the round, snow-white thigh.

Seeing the look in Zhou Ting's eyes, Zhang Ru's heart skipped a beat. His charisma was truly great, even this brat was captivated by him.

Twisting his hips, he walked over to the bedside, shook his hair, picked up the dryer on the table and began to blow his hair.

With his back facing Zhou Ting, Zhang Ru's body wriggled like a snake when she was blowing on his hair. Her sexy body made the demonic fire in Zhou Ting's body burn faster.

Five minutes later, Zhang Ru put away the hair dryer, glanced at Zhou Ting who was sitting on the bedside and asked: "Are you sleepy?"

"Not very tired. If you're tired, then go to sleep first." Zhou Ting shook his head.

"I'm not really sleepy. Let's watch TV. Why don't you go sit on the bed?" Zhang Ru said as she sat on the bed.

This room only had a double bed, the area it could be considered quite big. Hearing that, Zhou Ting also sat on the other side of the bed and watched the TV.

"Zhou Ting, why aren't you talking about your girlfriend?" After a while, Zhang Ru smiled and asked.

"Cough, cough. I'll look for one at the start of the year. I used to live in my dorm." Zhou Ting glanced at Zhang Ru, only to discover that the latter was looking at him charmingly.

"Do you want me to introduce you?" Zhang Ru asked in ridicule.

"If there are good ones, then introduce them to me." Zhou Ting was naturally willing to be introduced.

"You did massage for someone else today. Did you really not sleep with them?" Zhang Ru suddenly asked.

"There really isn't one." Zhou Ting nodded with certainty.

"So you're still a virgin?" Zhang Ru approached Zhou Ting a little, and teased him.

"Err …" Zhou Ting was also stunned upon hearing this, and did not know how to reply.

"When you give someone a massage, you place your hand on their chest?" Zhang Ru casually asked.


"Then did she have any reaction when you gave her a massage?" Zhang Ru once again came over to gossip.

"Ahem, this belongs to someone else's privacy. What's more, isn't it normal to have some physiological phenomenon?" Zhou Ting rolled his eyes at Zhang Ru and said.

After sizing up Zhou Ting with interest for a while, Zhang Ru seemed to have decided that he was going to take advantage of this little virgin he referred to, "Then, do you have any reactions?"

"Nonsense. Open up your towel, see if I have any reactions."

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