Miraculous Skilled Doctor/C4 Satisfaction
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Miraculous Skilled Doctor/C4 Satisfaction
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C4 Satisfaction

"You calf, you're really awesome!" The current Xia Ping was gasping for air on the bed.

Looking at the face of Xia Ping, who was glowing with spring light, in her mind, Zhou Ting recalled his grandfather's words before he left:

"Little Ting, the medical skills of our Xiao Clan can be said to be extraordinary. It is not a pseudo-Chinese medicine, it is something that has existed for thousands of years; however, our clan's medical skills need to be combined with the mental cultivation method Dragon and Phoenix Art. The reason why you are in your twenties and still can't cultivate the slightest bit of true qi is because this mental cultivation method requires you to cooperate with a woman in order to increase your strength."

"Little Ting, you must pass on the Xiao family's medical skills. However, you must remember not to be greedy for women and ruin your own heart …"

After sending Xia Ping away, Zhou Ting took a shower, then sat cross-legged on the bed.

Zhou Ting was also feeling nervous. In order to increase his clan's mental cultivation method, he had taken the opportunity to break through his own virginity and obtain the blessings of a man and a woman. As for whether or not the Dragon and Phoenix Art could be improved, Zhou Ting was also looking forward to it.

His grandfather had already been dead for seven days, and other than leaving himself a tiny bit of savings, a pile of Chinese medicine and a [Dragon and Phoenix Art], he did not have anything else. After knowing about his family's cultivation method, Zhou Ting had already planned to start a brand-new life for himself.

Closing his eyes, the Dragon and Phoenix Art's mental cultivation method sped up in his mind. Zhou Ting took a deep breath and started cultivating.

Time continued to pass minute by second, when a tremor came from the Dantian and following that, a warm and weak flow rose from the Dantian. Zhou Ting's heart also started to get excited.

But thinking about how his cultivation went berserk, Zhou Ting immediately suppressed the excitement in his heart. He tried his best to calm down, carefully controlling the weak zhenqi and circulating it through his meridians.

The warm feeling made Zhou Ting feel very comfortable, and very quickly, he was completely immersed in cultivation.

When Zhou Ting woke up, his eyes had also lit up. Feeling the true qi within his body, although weak, but still opening the door to cultivation, Zhou Ting's heart was filled with joy.

Stepping off the bed, the sound of bones cracking could be heard from his body as he yawned comfortably. After washing his face, he began to serve the noodles.

After eating breakfast, Zhou Ting also began to formally consider his future.

He was still young, and with the cultivation method of his clan, it was possible for him to become famous in the city with the help of his clan's medical skills.

However, thinking about the current impoverished status of Chinese medicine, which was not a hot profession, he believed that there were not many people in Chinese medicine. If he wanted to walk the path of Chinese medicine, he still needed to continuously explore it.

His grandfather had only left him a few thousand yuan, and after his fourth year of university, he didn't have much left to pay for his tuition and lodging. He still had more than a month left in the summer holidays, so he had to go to the city to find something to earn some money.

"Without a word, I ascend to the west floor, the moon is like a hook, and the lonely wutong tree is located deep in the courtyard. "If you can't cut it off, it will be messy. It will be sadness for me, but not the usual taste."

In the courtyard, Zhou Ting was holding a brush and practicing writing on a piece of paper. A good Chinese medicine not only requires excellent medical skills and rich experience, it also requires a good writing brush!

The famous doctors of various generations had all written well, causing people to feel deep admiration for them.

"Holy sh * t, there's no water?" Just as Zhou Ting was about to continue practicing, he felt that the ink bottle was a little dry. He wanted to pour some more ink, but realized that the ink bottle was empty.

"The Aunt Zhang at the village entrance should be selling it." After thinking for a moment, Zhou Ting walked towards the village entrance.

"Zhou Ting woke up really early, I thought you would sleep until noon today!" Seeing Zhou Ting going out, Xia Ping, who just happened to be going out, greeted him.

"It's almost 10 AM, where are you going, Sis Pingtian?" Seeing Xia Ping coming out, Zhou Ting also greeted him with a smile.

"Let's go to the fields to see how the corn cobs are doing. They should be harvesting in two days."

"Sister-in-law Pingfan, did you sleep well last night?" Seeing that there was no one around, Zhou Ting went over and pinched Xia Ping's butt ruthlessly.

That soft and slightly flexible feeling came over, causing Zhou Ting to become intoxicated.

"Little pervert, you're much braver than yesterday. Aren't you afraid of being seen by others?" rolling his eyes at Zhou Ting, Xia Ping said in an angry tone of voice.

"Isn't there no one here? I'll touch it again. " With that, Zhou Ting touched Xia Ping fiercely.

The sensitive Xia Ping gasped for breath after being touched by Zhou Ting, and her face instantly flushed a little.

"Why are you in such a hurry? If you don't leave, you'll have a lot of chances." Glancing at Zhou Ting with a slightly flirtatious expression, Xia Ping turned and walked toward the North Lake.

"Little Ting, where are you going?" On the way, he saw a few people who also greeted Zhou Ting.

Yulong Village was a small mountain village and was quite a distance away from the town, let alone a city. Zhou Ting, this university student in the city, could be said to be a high level scholar in the village.

"Let's go to Aunt Zhang and see if there is any ink." Zhou Ting smiled and replied to everyone's greetings.

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