Miraculous Skilled Doctor/C5 Joke
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Miraculous Skilled Doctor/C5 Joke
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C5 Joke

Many of the men in the village went out to work, and there were more women than men. When the villagers were free, they would gather and chat.

"Look, isn't that Zhou Ting?" A group of women were sitting around and chatting far away. One of them saw Zhou Ting from afar with his sharp eyes.

"That's right, this child is getting more and more handsome."

"That's right, look at that place. It's not small at all!" The bolder Li Guifang looked at the approaching Zhou Ting and spoke without restraint.

"Haha, this kid lives alone at night. If you can't hold yourself back, you can go knock on his door tonight." Hearing Li Guifang's words, a woman teased him.

"F * ck you, he's a university student in the city. He might not even open the door if I go. It's better if you go, Sister Liu."


The women in the countryside gathered together and chatted about daily matters whenever they had nothing to do. They might get tired of chatting about trivial matters, but they were very interested in discussing the matters between men and women.

Last night, his strength had increased a little, and Zhou Ting's hearing seemed to have improved a bit, to think that Zhou Ting could hear the words of this group of women clearly.

Although Zhou Ting's skin was not bad, but in front of so many women, he could not take it anymore.

"Little Ting, Gui Fang is going to knock on your door tonight. You can't open it." Liu Ju, who had just teased Li Guifang, asked with a smile.

"Hahaha …" The other women also laughed brazenly.

"Open it. Of course it's open, all of you go and open it. But you have to do it one by one, don't be embarrassed if you happen to meet them." Zhou Ting was overjoyed in his heart, and started a joke with them.

"Haha, did you hear that? This brat wants to take advantage of us. Lil 'Ting, if you're really that amazing, then I'll go look for you tonight. " Li Guifang pointed at Zhou Ting and shouted.

Li Guifang was thirty-six years old this year. She wasn't ugly, it was just that she was a little fat, and had heard from others that this woman was relatively strong, so normal men wouldn't be able to feed her. Her husband had married him for more than ten years. Now that she was forty years old, not only did she not have a beer belly, but she had become thinner and thinner. She looked like she was suffering from kidney failure.

"I'll go buy some ink first." Zhou Ting had still underestimated the fighting strength of the group of women, after throwing out those words, he immediately fled, leaving behind a group of women who were laughing heartily.

"Aunt Zhang, do you have ink? One bottle. "

The small shop at the village entrance was opened by Zhang Huicui, who was around 40 years old this year and had a good appearance. She would usually put on some makeup, causing some of the old masters to like him.

However, Zhang Huicui's man was a villager, so no one dared to provoke her.

Zhang Huicui who was already forty years old had a slightly plump body, which could be described as plump. A simple ponytail, just like a ripe apple.

Zhang Huicui could be considered to be a woman with a foreign aura in the village. The clothes she wore were quite sexy, with a skirt that covered half of her thighs, the clothes she wore completely revealed the moment she bent over.

In the countryside, there were many women who did not wear bras, but today Zhang Huicui did not.

The current Zhang Huicui squatted on the ground and pulled out a box that contained ink, and through her collar, Zhou Ting could vaguely see two snow-white peaks.

Zhang Huicui pulled out a box from under the counter. Inside was a few bottles of ink.

As she was pulling the box, the waves in her chest could not help but sway, causing Zhou Ting to feel dizzy.

A trace of greed and longing flashed across Zhou Ting's eyes. After last night's merriness, Zhou Ting had become more experienced, and his manly nature was slowly revealed.

"Here, one and a half bottles." Zhang Huicui took out a bottle of ink from the box and gave it to Zhou Ting.

Zhang Huicui who stood up, the surging scene in front of her chest was also covered. As if she could feel Zhou Ting's gaze, Zhang Huicui's heart wavered. She was already forty years old, and originally had some charisma, to actually be able to captivate a university student like Zhou Ting.

"What were you looking at?" Zhang Huicui looked at Zhou Ting and asked with a smile that was not a smile.

"Look at those two rabbits jumping around, and then they disappeared. It must be my imagination." Zhou Ting said in all seriousness.

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