Miraculous Skilled Doctor/C9 Grass searching
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Miraculous Skilled Doctor/C9 Grass searching
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C9 Grass searching

"Little pervert, you really have guts." Aunt Li laughed and scolded.

"Zhou Ting, carry me into the room." Li Ying could not help but ask.

Zhou Ting wiped off the water droplets off of Li Ying's body with a towel and then carried Aunt Li in his arms.

All the muscles in his body bulged out, revealing his muscular body and Aunt Li's eyes were filled with desire.

After placing the Aunt Li on the bed, Zhou Ting did not dally and climbed onto the bed.

Aunt Li shut her eyes tightly, feeling the ecstasy of this feeling she had not felt in a long time, and couldn't help but loudly shout out …

The increase in the Dragon and Phoenix Art's strength made Zhou Ting feel that his bed's fighting ability had also become stronger.

In the past hour, Widow Li had lost it countless times, and had obtained great satisfaction from it.

"Little Ting, be careful when you go out. Don't let anyone see you." Aunt Li whispered into Zhou Ting's ear.

Seeing Aunt Li's chest moving up and down from her breathing, Zhou Ting also nodded and asked: "Aunt Li, do you want more in the future?"

"If you have the time, come over. I'll give all of Aunt Li to you." Under Zhou Ting's powerful physique, Aunt Li's legs were weak as she spoke.

"Then I'll come over when I have time. I'll be leaving first." The two of them kissed for a while longer before Zhou Ting finished dressing and headed back home.

After returning home and preparing a simple dinner, Zhou Ting sat cross-legged on the bed and started cultivating the Dragon and Phoenix Art.

Just a moment ago, he had been entangled with Li Ying, so direct cultivation would be of some help.

Feeling a slight increase in his body's true energy, a tinge of joy appeared in Zhou Ting's heart.

If he felt that it was not bad, tonight he would definitely be able to step into the cultivation category, and enter the first stage of the《 Dragon and Phoenix Art》!

Time trickled by, and when the first light of dawn tore through the night, Zhou Ting's eyes slowly opened.

He didn't let himself down after a night of training. He had finally stepped into the first realm.

"After entering the first level, if I want to raise my strength, do I need more women?" After he finished his breakfast, he began to practice the [Soaring Dragons and Phoenix Dance] cultivation technique.

Zhou Ting was not greedy for cultivation, he practiced his fist arts twice, brought along his lunch and headed towards the North Lake.

"When I advised you not to cherish the Golden Silk Cloth and to cherish the youth. Flowers open to fold straight beard fold, do not wait for no flower empty to fold branches. " Walking on the rural road, Zhou Ting casually picked up a tree branch and randomly whipped it in his hand, then elegantly recited a poem.

However, the last two sentences didn't exactly reflect Zhou Ting's thoughts. He knew these women, who he had to do whatever he wanted, and he had to seize this opportunity to get on them. Otherwise, once he left Yulong Village, it would be inconvenient for him to return and he could only regret it.

Zhou Ting constantly misunderstood the meaning of the other party's poem and very quickly, he arrived at the North Lake Region.

The North Lake was the general name for the fields to the north. After Zhou Ting arrived, he headed straight north and saw the west river of the Jade Dragon Village.

quickly walked over, holding the shovel, he started searching for the Herba Vermicularis he was looking for. After searching by the river for over ten minutes, Zhou Ting finally found two Herba Vermicularis s hidden in the grass.

He happily dug out the two Herba Vermicularis s and placed them in the prepared snake skin pouch before continuing his search.

As long as he did the right thing, he would make a small profit from this concocting. Although Zhou Ting knew that this kind of medicine could be sold very quickly in the upper circles, he was only a grassroots. He didn't have much of a chance to get close to those high class consumers.

"Hey!" Brother Ting, what are you looking for? " At the river, the water in the countryside was not contaminated and was still clean. There were still some children bathing in the river. The brazen Hu Zi loudly asked when he saw Zhou Ting scurrying around the bushes, as if he was looking for something.

Hearing Hu Zi's words, Zhou Ting's eyes lit up, smiling as he walked to the side of the river and looked at the six children.

This group of children were the oldest among them. They seemed to be twelve years old, and the others were eight or nine years old. They were still in primary school.

"I'll look for this grass here. Whoever finds one, I'll give them twenty cents." Zhou Ting said while beaming.

Children in the countryside would normally not have much pocket money, they would be proud of only having a dollar on them. Now that they heard Zhou Ting's words, the eyes of this group of children lit up.

"Is it only twenty cents each?" Hu Zi rolled his eyes and asked.

"That's right. It costs two yuan for one piece of hair. Ten yuan for one piece." Zhou Ting said seriously.

"Brother Ting, you aren't lying to us, right?" You really gave us twenty cents for one? " Hu Zi asked uncertainly.

"If I lie to you, go to the village chief and have him broadcast on the loudspeaker. The entire village will criticize me. Besides, why would I lie to you people from our hometown? " Zhou Ting patted her soft guarantee.

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