I Am A Legendary Hermit/C16 Desert People
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I Am A Legendary Hermit/C16 Desert People
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C16 Desert People

The mayor of the one-horned town gripped Jiang Hao's hand firmly and said, "Esteemed adventurer, you have not only saved our lives but also vanquished the bandit leader who has long tormented us. Your gracious deeds will never be forgotten."

"Let's just focus on the matter at hand," Jiang Hao replied, withdrawing his hand. He had no interest in forming a brotherly bond with monsters.

He demanded that the mayor promptly provide the antidote to relieve everyone's afflictions.

The mayor, not wishing to delay, personally escorted Jiang Hao to the basement of Desert Town.

Inside the basement, a large iron pot simmered with a concoction.

The bubbling green liquid emitted an odor so foul that Jiang Hao had to turn away.

He couldn't fathom why there was such a stark contrast in the art of potion-making.

The one-horned creatures practiced alchemy much like humans, using a similar large iron pot to brew various potions.

Yet, in a special region, there existed a group of individuals with a unique profession.

These individuals were also known for their potion-making skills.

Their method involved placing ingredients into an ancient stove, which would emit an enchanting aroma during the brewing process.

The one-horned mayor fetched a wooden ladle and several jars, scooping the green potion from the pot into the jars.

"Respected adventurer, this is the antidote. Please give it to your companions," he said.

Jiang Hao bravely took the first sip and immediately felt a tumultuous upheaval in his stomach.

In an instant, the negative effects plaguing his body vanished without a trace.

Assured of the potion's efficacy, Jiang Hao stored them and summoned his companions to partake in the unsightly and foul-smelling antidote.

As Jiang Hao was preparing to lead his group further into the desert, the one-horned town mayor suddenly reappeared, calling out to him.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hao asked, turning around.

The mayor glanced at the others and hesitated before speaking, "Esteemed adventurer, there are a few words I wish to share with you in private. May we step aside?"


Without further ado, Jiang Hao left the group and followed the one-horned mayor to a secluded spot.

The Mayor of the Horned Monster Town glanced around cautiously and spoke, "Esteemed adventurer, you have demonstrated through your might that you are a formidable warrior worthy of our trust."

"I earnestly implore you, please aid us, the forsaken desert dwellers."

[A hidden mission, "Please Help Us," has been triggered.]

The voice of the system unexpectedly echoed in Jiang Hao's mind.

The Horned Monsters were not native to the desert; they originally resided in Oasis City, located far from the arid expanse.

Several years prior, a rebellion erupted within the city.

The City Lord was overthrown by the Deputy City Lord, and these Horned Monsters were loyal to the City Lord, tasked with the production of various medicines.

Following the City Lord's demise, the Horned Monsters feared they would not escape the traitor's wrath, so they fled Oasis City and sought refuge deep in the desert.

It was the only place where the traitors wouldn't pursue them.

The desert was rife with bandits, their numbers vastly surpassing the soldiers of Oasis City.

Recently, the Mayor received news that the former City Lord was alive, imprisoned in a subterranean dungeon by the traitors.

He pleaded with Jiang Hao to rescue the City Lord, enabling the desert exiles to return to Oasis City.

The system presented Jiang Hao with two options:

Accept the mission and receive the Horned Monsters' exclusive antidote recipe as a reward.

Should Jiang Hao decline the mission, he would be granted a teleportation scroll by the system, allowing him to exit the instance dungeon prematurely.

Jiang Hao didn't respond immediately, weighing the advantages and disadvantages carefully.

The toxic smoke unleashed by the desert bandits was so potent that even Jiang Hao couldn't withstand it, a testament to its formidable strength.

Possessing the Horned Monsters' unique antidote recipe would mean Jiang Hao need not fear the detrimental effects of the toxic smoke any longer.

Regarding the mission's difficulty, Jiang Hao felt ready to face the challenge.

"I accept."

"Respected adventurer, we are deeply grateful for your benevolence. Should you succeed in rescuing the former City Lord, you will earn the highest esteem of our Horned Monster kin."

Without delay, Jiang Hao inquired about the location of the Desert Town.

He also gleaned additional details about the situation.

After the traitor had imprisoned the City Lord, he assumed the role of the new City Lord and enlisted a substantial number of allies from beyond the city's borders.

Rescuing the former City Lord from the underground prison and aiding him in reclaiming his throne was no small feat. Yet, the potential rewards were substantial. Not only could one earn system rewards, but also gain the highest level of friendship with the One-Horned Beasts. In future encounters with such creatures, there would be no need for battle; their strength could even be enlisted for assistance.

After accepting the mission, Jiang Hao excused himself to rest, leaving the others behind in Desert Town. He then utilized the town's teleportation array to reach Oasis City within minutes. This array, a secret construction of the One-Horned Beasts for rescuing the City Lord, was finally being put to use.

Oasis City sprawled across an oasis amidst the vast desert. The city was expansive, with One-Horned Beasts visible at every turn. The mayor had indicated that the underground jail might be situated beneath the Keep. To gain entry, one would have to stealthily infiltrate the Keep.

Jiang Hao's brow furrowed as a plan formed in his mind. A direct assault was the least wise option. Regardless of the new City Lord's strength, and even if inferior to Jiang Hao's, a desperate last stand could result in the destruction of the Keep or the death of the former City Lord.

Before entering the city, Jiang Hao employed a basic Thief skill, Disguise, to camouflage himself as a One-Horned Beast. He then boldly strode into the city. The streets and surroundings closely resembled those of a human city, though the buildings were somewhat smaller, tailored to the smaller stature of the One-Horned Beasts.

Jiang Hao discreetly gathered information about the Keep's location, biding his time until nightfall. As dusk settled, he activated the Gunner's leap ability, vaulting over the three-meter wall and into the Keep's interior.

"Stay silent if you value your life!" Jiang Hao whispered, taking cover behind a stone, as he confronted a solitary guard. With a dagger pressed against the guard's throat, he demanded, "Who are you? What brings you to the Keep?"

In a low, steady voice, Jiang Hao replied, "My identity is none of your concern. Tell me, which part of the Keep is most heavily guarded?"

"I don't know!"

"Very good."

The very next moment, Jiang Hao sliced off one of the unicorn creature's arms with his dagger.

He then clamped his hand over its mouth.

The creature writhed in agony, desperate to scream, but with its mouth sealed, all cries were muffled within.

After a brief pause, Jiang Hao spoke again, "If you refuse to speak, I'll methodically sever your other arm and both legs."

The unicorn creature guard nodded frantically in pain.

Jiang Hao demanded, "Answer me. Where are the guards most heavily stationed?"

With its remaining arm, the guard pointed vigorously toward a nearby location.

Jiang Hao glanced ahead and noticed a light shining in the distance.

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