I Am A Legendary Hermit/C17 I Need to Absorb the Soul of the Zombies
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I Am A Legendary Hermit/C17 I Need to Absorb the Soul of the Zombies
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C17 I Need to Absorb the Soul of the Zombies

In a swift move, Jiang Hao dispatched the one-horned creature and stealthily approached the building.


Shortly thereafter, the sound of an explosion echoed from nearby.

The one-horned guard stationed at the building's entrance turned pale at the commotion and dashed toward the source of the noise.

Once the guards had cleared out, Jiang Hao wasted no time in pushing open the building's grand doors.

A staircase lay before him, and he descended the steps.

After some time, he found himself before a suspended iron cage.

Inside lay a one-horned monster, nearly two meters in length.

Jiang Hao tapped the cage's edge with his dagger and asked, "Are you the former City Lord?"

The creature opened its eyes and cast a glance aside.

"Who are you?"

"Someone has sent me to rescue you. Just stay put; I'm going to unlock the cage and free you."

"It's too late..."

The one-horned City Lord shook his head. "A magic array has appeared in the city, its power slowly draining our souls. Before long, this place will turn into hell."

"Draining souls? That doesn't make sense..."

Jiang Hao expressed his confusion, "On my way here, everyone I passed, from pedestrians to guards, seemed perfectly normal. How could their souls be getting absorbed?"

"They're of too low a level to notice the changes within themselves."

The City Lord explained with difficulty, "I am the lord of this city, the strongest among us. I can sense anything that happens here."

"This is the Magic Building, a haven for monsters. Who could possess such power to use magic to absorb their souls?"

Jiang Hao was skeptical. "When did this magic array first appear?"

"Roughly a few days ago."

"A few days ago?!"

A sense of alarm struck Jiang Hao.

That was precisely when they had stormed the Magic Building for their trial.

Subsequently, the Magic Building underwent a transformation.

Every monster within had become more powerful.

Could it be that the cost of their enhancement was the souls of other monsters?

The more Jiang Hao pondered, the more perplexed he became. He questioned, "If you knew the magic array was siphoning the souls from everyone in Oasis City, why didn't you spread the word?"

"I've said it, but it was to no avail," the former city lord spoke with a somber tone. "Yesterday, the traitor visited me. I set aside our past conflicts and shared with him what I had discovered."

"He didn't take it seriously. In fact, he said..."

"What did he say?"

"He claimed it was all orchestrated by his master, who needs our souls for a certain task."

"I see."

Jiang Hao clapped his hands together and inquired, "Do you know if someone is controlling the Magic Building?"

Upon hearing this, the former city lord propped himself up with his hands and looked quizzically at Jiang Hao. To him, Jiang Hao was merely a common one-horned creature, yet the question he posed was far beyond his expected level of knowledge.

Jiang Hao spoke with gravity, "Is there someone pulling the strings behind the Magic Building?"

"To tell you the truth, I had never considered that before. But after what the traitor revealed yesterday, I do sense a power, a hidden force manipulating all the creatures within the Magic Building," the former city lord admitted.

"But what difference does it make if we know? We're nothing but minor beings within the Magic Building."

"So, the only one who knows the truth is the deputy city lord who betrayed you?"

"Who are you, really? You can't just be an ordinary one-horned monster!"

The former city lord's gaze intensified as he scrutinized Jiang Hao, questioning his motives.

Jiang Hao shrugged and clarified, "As you can see, I'm not a one-horned monster. I'm a human adventurer."

"You're human?!" The former city lord's face blanched.

"That's impossible. Humans can't just appear here."

"Improbable, perhaps, but here I am."

Jiang Hao pressed on, "Share with me all you know. I'll find a way to rescue you and dismantle that magical formation."

"Hold on, I'm a bit muddled," the former city lord mumbled to himself. "You're a human adventurer, sent by someone to rescue me, and you're willing to help us take down the magic array. Are you truly human?"

From the perspective of the one-horned city lord, there was only one reason for human adventurers to be here: to undergo trials and claim their resources.

The idea of humans aiding monsters is unheard of; it's not something anyone has even caught a glimpse of or overheard in passing.

Jiang Hao, growing impatient, demanded, "Tell me, where is the magic array located?"

"Do you really intend to destroy it?"

"Yes, I do."

Jiang Hao nodded, explaining, "As for my reasons for wanting to dismantle the magic array, they are my own. Are you ready to disclose its location now?"

"Esteemed adventurer, we are deeply grateful for your actions on behalf of our unicorns," the city lord of the unicorns expressed his gratitude while revealing his suspicions about the magic array's location.

The magic array was situated southeast of the Keep, precisely where the traitor resided. The traitor, known as Mocci, was exceptionally powerful. Moreover, he had enlisted the protection of three formidable Tauren guards. Together, their combined strength was such that even the former city lord might struggle to compete.

Jiang Hao released the former city lord from an iron cage and tossed him a Recovery Fruit from his bag. The ex-city lord devoured the fruit in just a few bites, and his depleted health began to swiftly regenerate, stabilizing at around 60%.

In a casual tone, Jiang Hao inquired, "Assuming you're uninjured, who would be the stronger between you and Mocci?"

"Without a doubt, it's me," the former city lord replied with confidence. "I've said it before; I am the mightiest warrior in the city."

"Alright, enough, I get the picture," Jiang Hao cut him off, having noticed the city lord's penchant for digressions and his difficulty in sticking to the point.

Guided by the former city lord, Jiang Hao made his way directly to the site of the magic array. As they neared the location, a shadowy figure emerged on the rooftop. It was none other than the traitor, Mocci.

From his elevated position, Mocci looked down upon them and questioned, "Arca, why do you insist on courting death?"

The city lord, known as Arca, looked up and challenged him, "You're part of the unicorn tribe as well. Why would you assist outsiders in killing our own?"

"Kin? Hahaha..." Mocci laughed heartily, his voice echoing, "In our master's eyes, all of us, myself included, are expendable."

"Only by remaining close to my master can I gain the power I desire and achieve immortality."

"So you've laid out a magical array in the city to siphon souls for your master?"

"Arca, do you realize why you're still alive? It's not that I lack the desire to kill you, but rather that my master commanded me to spare you. However, it now appears that following my master's orders was a mistake."

"I'll fight you to the bitter end!"

Arca leaped onto the rooftop and clashed with Mocci.

Truth be told, the duel between the One-Horned Monsters was quite dull.

They simply pummeled each other with brute force, resembling a street brawl more than anything.

There were no dazzling abilities, no eye-catching, high-level gear to speak of.

Jiang Hao shook his head, redirecting his attention to his surroundings in search of the concealed magical array.

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