I Am A Legendary Hermit/C18 Mysterious Power
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I Am A Legendary Hermit/C18 Mysterious Power
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C18 Mysterious Power

While the two were busy exchanging blows, Jiang Hao made his way to the southeast of the Keep. He meticulously searched every nook and cranny, leaving no stone unturned. Beneath the towering trees, amidst the flower beds, even within the fountains... He scrutinized every ant hill, yet found nothing of note. Jiang Hao was reminded of the former City Lord's tendency to miss the point, which gave him a headache. Surely that big oaf hadn't made a wild guess about this location based on some overheard conversation?


A sound sliced through the air behind Jiang Hao. With a swift motion of his right hand, he employed the Wind God skill to effortlessly redirect the incoming attack.

"You despicable human, how dare you infiltrate my oasis? I will end you!" Mocci bellowed, his breath steaming with fury. "Did those spineless followers of Calci send you to rescue him? It's futile! My master is invincible; he will surely kill him, and you too!"

If it weren't for his master's warning about a human presence in the oasis, Mocci's plans would have been jeopardized by this human. As he finished speaking, a horde of unicorns emerged, encircling Jiang Hao.

"Kill me? You'll need the skills to back that up!" Jiang Hao whispered an incantation, and a black magic staff materialized in his hand. He had no desire to clash with this turncoat, but it seemed a confrontation was inevitable.

"Don't fight him, human; you stand no chance!" Calci burst onto the scene, his voice tinged with urgency.

Jiang Hao's expression darkened. The fight hadn't even commenced, and here was Calci, deflating his morale.

It wasn't surprising that Calci had eluded capture. As Jiang Hao weighed the option of abandoning him, Calci cried out, "Go! I'll hold him off!"

Calci positioned himself in front of Jiang Hao, his towering frame providing a solid barrier. "Hurry, my strength hasn't fully returned. I can't hold out much longer," he murmured.

Jiang Hao felt a slight reassurance. At least Calci had some semblance of decency.

At least his risky journey hadn't been for nothing.

"No need! I can take him down myself."

Jiang Hao lifted his black magic wand high and began to whisper an incantation.

Suddenly, the sky filled with dark clouds, and transparent raindrops started to fall swiftly and heavily.

Mocci had been ready to mock Jiang Hao. What good would rain do? Was it supposed to give them a bath?

But as soon as the rain touched the soldiers...

Their bodies started crackling with a "sizzle, sizzle" sound, and their eyes took on a wild, crazed look.

Then they turned on each other, attacking ferociously.

"You despicable human, what have you done!"

Mocci yelled in fury, "Stop, all of you! Cease your attacks!"

Yet the soldiers, who were once so obedient, ignored his commands and continued their relentless assault on each other.

One soldier, not far from Mocci, even swung his axe in an attack against him.

Mocci, enraged, dispatched the soldier, only to be swarmed by more of his own men.

His own troops were now turning on him in attack.

Mocci was utterly shocked, considering Jiang Hao to be an eerie human.

No human had ever turned his soldiers against one another like this.

Meanwhile, Calci was equally stunned by the display of Jiang Hao's combat prowess.

What kind of reinforcement had his subordinates found for him?

He was like a weapon of humanity!

As Mocci was tied up in the fray, Calci was about to step in and assist the soldiers.

If he could take down Mocci today, his people could finally return.

But as he moved to act, the earth trembled beneath him.

A terrifying presence washed over him.

Calci found himself frozen, as if his throat had been seized, unable to move.

Jiang Hao too noticed the anomaly.

The dark clouds he had called forth were being dispersed by some unseen force, allowing sunlight to break through and the rain to abruptly cease.

The unicorns, freed from their bewitchment, looked around in confusion.

"Kill that human! He's the one who bewitched you!" Mocci seized the moment to command.

The unicorns' gazes turned menacing as they fixed their eyes on Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao's brow furrowed, ready to summon the acid rain once more, but unexpectedly, he felt a blockage in his powers.

It seemed as if an invisible force was shackling him, forbidding him from harnessing the power of his dark magic wand.

A horde of unicorns brandished their axes, charging at Jiang Hao with lethal intent.

Calci called out in desperation, "Human, snap out of it and run for your life!"

In the nick of time, Jiang Hao whispered an incantation under his breath.

In an instant, thousands of vines burst from the earth, growing to the girth of a baby's arm within seconds.

These vines enveloped Jiang Hao protectively before whisking him to Calci's side.

Calci gazed at Jiang Hao, astounded by his might.

This human was incredibly strong!


Jiang Hao didn't waste words. With a gesture, he had the thickest vine ensnare Calci, and together, man and beast made a beeline for the city gates.

"Quick! Sever his vines! All of them!" Mocci bellowed, frantic with rage.

The bewildered Unicorn Soldiers finally sprang into action, hacking at the vines with their axes.

Against the relentless assault of their sharp axes, the verdant vines stood no chance, quickly being chopped to pieces.

The Unicorn Soldiers trampled the severed vines in hot pursuit, rapidly closing in on Jiang Hao and his companions.

Catching sight of this from behind, Jiang Hao paused to ponder, then softly recited another spell.

The severed vines rooted anew, sprouting into a frenzy of smaller tendrils.

The unicorns ahead were caught off guard and ensnared by the fresh growth.

Their struggles and bellows only caused the vines to constrict further.

Unaware, the Unicorn Soldiers in the rear kept charging, trampling their entangled comrades, themselves becoming ensnared by the burgeoning vines.

From a distance, the scene resembled a chaotic pile-up, with unicorns stacked upon each other in disarray.

But this entanglement was short-lived as the vines binding the soldiers began to perish en masse.

Like a rampant virus, the vibrant green of the vines turned to ash and white from the roots, the lush color furiously consumed by the spreading blight.

Soon, not a hint of green remained.

The lifeless vines became brittle, and with a mere struggle, the Unicorn Soldiers shattered them into dust.

They bellowed in a frenzy, their eyes blood-red with fury, hellbent on capturing Jiang Hao and the former City Lord to exact their vengeance.

But when they picked themselves up and took a look around, they were stunned. There was no sign of Jiang Hao and the former City Lord.

"Whew, that was a close call," Calci said, being gently set down by a green vine. He looked on with admiration and said, "Human, you were incredibly strong just now. Would you be interested in joining us...?"

"City Lord Calci, we're not out of danger yet. I hope you're aware of that," Jiang Hao said, cutting him off with a grave tone.

He then asked, "A moment ago, something tried to stop and capture me. Are there any other unicorns in the city stronger than you?"

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