I Am A Legendary Hermit/C4 He Leveled up to the Fifth Floor
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I Am A Legendary Hermit/C4 He Leveled up to the Fifth Floor
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C4 He Leveled up to the Fifth Floor

"I've got it!"

Jiang Hao discarded a heap of Dragon Tongue Fruits before identifying one unique hole among the hundred-plus black ones!

The others didn't inquire about his discovery, focusing instead on fending off the relentless centipede assault.

Jiang Hao lifted his scepter high.

Activating the navigator's skill, six bubbles emerged and floated in the air.

The bubbles grew larger, securely encasing each person.

The venom sprayed by the centipedes was kept at bay.

Then, Jiang Hao unleashed the Wind God's skill.

A tornado whisked the centipedes away.

A breeze scented with the aroma of leaves propelled the six bubbles toward the unique black hole.

Before departing, Jiang Hao hurled dozens of fireballs.

The centipedes were scorched, writhing as if they were dancing!

This time, there were no dissenters!

The public chat erupted with discussions about Jiang Hao's abilities!

The Navigator and Wind God roles were considered somewhat lackluster.

One could do little more than produce bubbles to speed up ships at sea, nothing more.

The other, capable only of generating wind, inflicted no damage whatsoever.

Yet, these two professions, lacking even healing abilities, proved to be perfectly suited for the situation at hand!

Perhaps this was the quintessence of being a Wanderer!

It wasn't just about the high damage of professional skills; appropriateness was key!

The crowd praised the Wanderer once more, with many nations now ordering the recruitment of untalented individuals to train a formidable force of powerful Wanderers!

Meanwhile, Zhou Yi and his companions had reached the second floor, engaging with a new horde of monsters.

Teams from other nations had made it to the third floor.

Although Jiang Hao's team was visible on the public screen, their exact floor remained a mystery to all!

The monsters differed from those expected!

Logically, each floor's monsters should be identical!

Goblins and triangular pythons awaited before the first floor.

Upon entering, they faced countless regenerating mutated centipedes!

The second floor hosted giant chameleons... The fifth, formidable giant toads, each a challenge to overcome.

Yet, as Jiang Hao and his team emerged from the passage, they were greeted by a swarm of giant human-faced spiders.

A stream of spider silk shot out, instantly cocooning anything it touched!

There was no poison, yet escape from within was impossible, leading to death by suffocation!

Without poison, death was even more agonizing.

With poison, at least one could die amidst illusions, sparing some of the pain.

Jiang Hao silently queried the system.

"What floor is this?"

The records indicated that human-faced spiders shouldn't be here.

[Host, you are on a mezzanine level. Defeat the human-faced spider and you will have direct access to the fifth floor.]

[Congratulations, Host, for slaying a thousand giant centipedes. Your Assassin skill, Blade, has been enhanced, and you've acquired a dart. Attack speed has increased by 50%.]

Products from the System were always top-notch!

A slight smile played on Jiang Hao's lips.

Excellent, it's time for my show to begin!

A human-faced spider launched a glob of spider silk at Jiang Hao.

The silk was incredibly sticky, impossible to shake off.

Jiang Hao deployed the Assassin's clone skill, and the spider silk hit nothing but an illusion!

Seizing the moment, Jiang Hao teleported behind the human-faced spider and delivered a fatal blow!

Then, he flung the lifeless spider into the air and impaled it on the ceiling with his long sword.

Jiang Hao toyed with the irretrievable spider silk, activating his flight mode.

Simultaneously, he unleashed the Assassin's skill, sending a flurry of darts dancing through the air.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The wind howled as the group of human-faced spiders was swiftly disemboweled, leaving a reek of blood in their wake.

Suddenly, an even larger human-faced spider descended from above, apparently the leader of the pack.

The spider that had been battling the other five paused and turned to launch a group assault on Jiang Hao.

Jiang Lulu took the lead in continuing the onslaught against the human-faced spiders.

But then, something eerie occurred!

This time, whoever killed a spider would unleash a swarm of tiny spiders from within its corpse.

These diminutive human-faced spiders even had wings!

The sole healer was overwhelmed, her shields insufficient!

Both the swordsmen and the mages sustained injuries!

Though the human-faced spiders were not venomous, their bites caused intense itching and burning, compelling one to scratch uncontrollably!

After being scratched, their skin immediately swelled and reddened!

Witnessing this, Jiang Hao tossed a blue ring onto an open patch of ground.

"Everyone, into the circle!"

The group quickly made it to the designated spot.

Jiang Hao activated the navigator's skill once more.

Where the ring lay, a water cube materialized!

The face spiders trying to break in vanished in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Hao flung his black magic staff, unleashing the Wind God's skill, and countless tiny bubbles enveloped the smaller spiders.

Without delay, Jiang Hao switched his profession to summoner.

With only a second's incantation, he summoned a fire-breathing dragon.

A gout of flame erupted, incinerating innumerable spiders!

The air was thick with the stench of char.

Jiang Hao directed the dragon to duel the spider leader!

A web was shot, only to be instantly incinerated by a fireball!


The spider leader was cornered and ultimately reduced to ash!

With the spiders eradicated, a spiral staircase descended from above amidst a dizzying whirl.

Jiang Hao took the lead, with the others close behind, as the six ascended the stairs and emerged on the fifth floor!

At that moment, the public chat erupted with inquiries.

They had clearly entered on the first floor, so how had they ended up on the fifth floor after the battle?

[Gluaphane - Could Jiang Hao possess the ability to time travel?]

[Umoris - Such a shame we can't harness this individual's talent for our nation.]

[Wrapes - I'm lodging a complaint! Those six are cheating!]

[Umoris - To the person above, stop causing a fuss. If you don't like it, go home and take care of your baby.]

[Blue Star - This is the stuff of legends, skipping levels through monster combat!]

[Blue Star - Jiang Hao chose the 'Door of Death'!]

For a hundred years, no one dared to choose the Door of Death!

Unexpectedly, the infamous Door of Death turned out to be a gateway to skipping levels!

Now, Jiang Hao and his team are the first to reach the fifth floor!

The loot from the first two waves of monsters was mediocre.

But the Spider Leader they ultimately defeated dropped a bounty of valuable items!

Green crystals to purify poison gas!

Red crystals to enhance damage!

There was also a heavy sword with the power to execute foes!

Regardless of who found these items, they were ultimately required to be turned over to the state.

No one dared to openly claim ownership.

However, Jiang Hao effortlessly allocated the heavy sword to the swordsman.

"This weapon suits you better."

The swordsman gripped the heavy sword and swung it forward, unleashing a sword qi that traveled twice the usual distance, complete with searing flames!

At that moment, Zhou Yi's team had just entered the fifth floor.

They stared at Jiang Hao and his companions in utter disbelief.

"It's impossible! You were clearly behind us; how did you get to the fifth floor before us?"

Someone yelled out in protest.

"They're illusions! They have to be! The toad's saliva causes hallucinations!"

The crowd launched an assault on Jiang Hao and his team without hesitation.

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