I Am A Legendary Hermit/C7 Soloing a Highlevel Dungeon
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I Am A Legendary Hermit/C7 Soloing a Highlevel Dungeon
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C7 Soloing a Highlevel Dungeon

Jiang Lulu's abilities placed her squarely in the middle of the team's rankings. Under normal circumstances, Jiang Hao wouldn't have to worry about her. But the premature appearance of the Gate of Choice brought with it a myriad of dangers, including a variety of monsters and traps. Everyone has their own self-interest, and Jiang Hao was no exception. He could hold himself to high standards, but he wouldn't let his cousin face danger.

"The Gate of Choice, here I come!" Jiang Hao declared as he stepped through Gate Number One, into complete darkness. When he opened his eyes, the darkness had vanished, revealing a forest. The air was filled with the sound of chirping birds, the sight of blooming flowers, and the presence of countless small animals. The serene atmosphere could easily lull one into a false sense of security.

Jiang Hao mused aloud, "This trial is rather intriguing. It not only preemptively bolstered the monsters' strength but also released the Gate of Choice, which should have been the final challenge."

"Now, it's using this tranquil setting to bewilder me. An average person wouldn't stand a chance here." Clutching his black magic staff, Jiang Hao proceeded at a measured pace toward the heart of the forest.

While most would opt to conceal themselves and endure the three-day ordeal of the Gate of Choice, Jiang Hao was different. With his exceptional skills and courage, he was determined to stir up trouble using the system and the items he possessed.

Before long, Jiang Hao encountered a horde of monsters. Their skin was a ghastly green, with pointed noses and heads—a group of Goblins, enlarged many times over. Brandishing wooden clubs, they charged at Jiang Hao in a frenzied assault.

With a flourish of his black magic staff, Jiang Hao conjured a brooding cloud above. A sudden downpour ensued. The rain, acidic and corrosive, not only damaged the Goblins' bodies but also their minds, causing them to turn on each other in a frenetic melee.

"This is becoming increasingly entertaining," he remarked. The black magic staff had been unbeatable in the previous twenty levels. Regardless of the monsters he faced, the combination of dark clouds and acid rain had always led to their swift annihilation. However, this time, the enlarged Goblins, though affected by the acid rain, did not descend into the same chaotic infighting as before.

They stood there, stunned, a look of bewilderment in their eyes.

Jiang Hao sheathed his black magic wand and donned the exclusive gear of an Assassin.

With the Assassin's skills at his disposal, he swiftly charged at the group of Goblins.

He began to reap their lives.

After half an hour, Jiang Hao was splattered with green blood.

Dozens of massive Goblins lay silently behind him.

As the Goblins met their demise, Jiang Hao gathered a significant amount of resources.

"What's this?"

Jiang Hao stowed the acquired resources into his storage bag, only to encounter another Goblin.

This Goblin wasn't as large as the previous ones but was still quite sizable, standing two to three meters tall with blue skin.

"Could this be an elite Goblin?"

Jiang Hao peered into the distance, speculating that this Goblin might be the leader of the others, an elite creature.

Each monster had two forms: the elite and the king.

At that moment, the blue Goblin launched its attack.

It was incredibly fast; even as an Assassin, Jiang Hao struggled to track its movements.

As the blue Goblin charged, Jiang Hao gripped his dagger, swiftly aiming for the Goblin's neck.

The blue Goblin leaped up, reaching out to grab Jiang Hao's neck.

Jiang Hao ducked and, with a swift motion of his right hand, his dagger sliced across the blue Goblin's chest.

[The blue Goblin possesses a stealing ability, allowing it to ignore spatial laws and pilfer items from storage spaces upon close contact.]

Startled by the system alert, Jiang Hao quickly created distance between himself and the blue Goblin, checking the contents of his bag.

All the previously gathered resources were intact, but the money had been stolen by the Goblin.

"Such a unique ability..."

Jiang Hao marveled inwardly at the Goblin's unexpected talent.

The next second, the blue Goblin charged at Jiang Hao once more.

Despite his desire to keep his distance, the blue Goblin's speed was overwhelming, shadowing Jiang Hao relentlessly.

As the fight dragged on, Jiang Hao fended off the Goblin's assaults while continuously checking his bag.

If the blue Goblin's harassment persisted, he would lose every last resource he had secured.

"I have no choice but to use this move."

Jiang Hao managed to push the Goblin back and swiftly retreated.

"Fate Wheel."

A massive void ring materialized before Jiang Hao.

The inner surface of the ring was inscribed with numerous odd runes, and along the edge of the inner ring were nine spherical orbs.

Upon closer inspection, these orbs closely resembled the stars in the night sky.

[Host has activated the stargazer's primary skill, Fate Wheel. Luck has increased by 100.]

A subtle smile played at the corners of Jiang Hao's mouth.

Not every profession was deemed worthless.

The stargazer that Jiang Hao was currently employing was one such exception.

Stargazers were a fascinating profession.

Their primary skill was the Fate Wheel.

The Fate Wheel's capabilities extended beyond boosting the luck of oneself and allies; it could also gauge the difficulty of a dungeon and assess the true capabilities of adversaries.

Whenever a team stumbled upon a new dungeon, they would invariably seek out a high-level stargazer before venturing in.

With the stargazer's Fate Wheel, they could determine whether the dungeon's challenges were within their reach.

Should the Fate Wheel indicate unfavorable odds, the team leader would promptly make adjustments.

They would bolster their ranks and upgrade their gear until they were ready to tackle the dungeon.

Another feature of the Fate Wheel was its ability to discern the enemy's weaknesses.

This reconnaissance could reveal not only the enemy's health points but also their special moves.

That said, to endow the Fate Wheel with such abilities, a stargazer's level must be around 100, necessitating the investment of all their valuable skill points into the primary skill.

Reaching level 100 was akin to undergoing two class advancements.

An advanced stargazer would possess an array of even more potent skills.

Allocating precious skill points to a primary skill was a tough call for any stargazer.

The enhanced luck effect of a fully-leveled Fate Wheel was nothing to scoff at.

Jiang Hao engaged the blue Goblin in close-quarters combat once more, no longer concerned that the Goblin might pilfer items from his storage bag during the fray.

The blue Goblin attempted its Steal skill every few seconds.

Yet, each attempt was met with evasion!

Caught off guard by this turn of events, the Goblin's attack frequency inevitably decreased.

Seizing the moment, Jiang Hao inflicted a deep gash across the Goblin's chest.

With another dagger in hand, he aimed a lethal strike at the Goblin's head.

Blue blood sprayed out like a fountain, drenching Jiang Hao from head to toe.

The massive blue Goblin collapsed to the ground with a thunderous crash, releasing a bounty of resources.

Jiang Hao approached the scattered loot and collected the valuable items.

He decided to leave the lower-quality goods where they lay.

The capacity of his storage bag was limited, after all.

Given Jiang Hao's formerly modest status, the storage bag he possessed was merely of medium quality.

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