Mo You of Thousand Years/C16 Catch the Wind and Snow in Xichuan
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Mo You of Thousand Years/C16 Catch the Wind and Snow in Xichuan
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C16 Catch the Wind and Snow in Xichuan

"When encountering a white fox, the scholar is scared out of his wits."

There was no time in the mountains. The world was full of ups and downs. Ten years of time and time were like flowing water.

The winter of this year was especially cold, and the snow was also especially heavy. After several days and nights, the Great Thousand World was full of silver.


Dusk Cloud,

The moon had set and the sky had darkened.

The Flying Butterfly in the West Ridge,

She was so delicate that she could make people feel pity for her.

A silent chant.


In a room.

The rivers and mountains faded away,

The Pearl Curtain of the Serene Spring was broken.

The Azure Cliff Jade Sword was hanging.

Blue River, Green Mountain …

Su Yeyue.

However, one day, a figure appeared in the middle of the mountain range. This person was disheveled, his clothes were tattered, and he was carrying a big bundle on his back, and he was currently using both hands and feet to climb up the steep slope in a flurry. With the heavy snow blocking his path, he fell back three times and fell continuously, looking extremely miserable.

He lowered his head, not daring to look, only then did a giant bird "pop" shriek, flutter past his head with its wings, bringing a gust of cold wind and rustling snow. This person was so scared that he cried out "Aiya, there's a ghost" in his heart, and did not even dare make a sound. His feet slipped as he fell to the ground, holding his head in his hands and not daring to move for a long time.

His dirty face was still delicate and handsome, his eyes scanned the forest vigilantly, suddenly stopping in a distant part of the forest, his eyes were filled with fear, his whole body was trembling, the chill spread out from his heart, he could no longer hold it in, he shouted, "Monster —" His eyes rolled back, he fainted.

In the dense fog, a woman in white was faintly discernible as she was dancing, her white clothes were snow-white, graceful and without bones, treading on snow without a sound. From the beginning to the end, she was facing each other, her long black hair was unadorned, and following the change of her dancing posture, she gently swayed back and forth behind her back.

He clearly remembered that he met a banshee while he was crawling on the mountain. Why was he sleeping on the bed, which family did these fine quilts belong to? Aiya, wasn't it because this young one had been scared and tired all day that he was actually dreaming by the side of the mountain? He sat up in shock, jumped off the bed, and looked around the room. There was nothing but a small incense burner on the table, and a dilapidated temple could be seen through it. He was slightly relieved that it must have been some woodcutter who had saved the life of a man who did not fear winter and was not afraid of the heavy snow, thinking that if his benefactor had not saved him, he would have frozen to death in the wilderness. Aiyo, that's exactly what happened! He became a wild ghost before his name even came out! How miserable! I'll go out and see. If my benefactor is still here, I'll kowtow three times to thank him for saving my life.

Just as he was about to take a step, a woman in white silently appeared outside the wooden door. This woman's skin was as clear as jade, as white as the sun, and her beautiful eyes were as clear as the autumn water. Her eyebrows flew diagonally like a distant mountain, and she wore a snow-white dress. Aiya, looking at her black hair that reached her waist like a waterfall, looking at her spotless white clothes, looking at her alone in the forest, looking at her smiling and charming eyes, and thinking of the back of the Banshee she just saw, her face instantly changed, and she shouted "Monster!" "Monster!" He looked around for a hiding place, but other than a bed, a table, and a chair, there was nothing else in the room.

The young man wanted to hide under the bed, but to his surprise, the edge of the bed was too short. After trying so hard, she couldn't even get inside, so she could only curl up into a ball and stared at the white clothed female as she asked in a trembling voice, "You … Is it a monster? "

The white-clothed woman's smile gradually became wider. She slightly parted her cherry-red lips and replied, "I am a thousand year old fox spirit." The voice was cold and rapid as if coming from the sky. It frightened the young man so much that he started to scream. He almost fainted. He covered his mouth and laughed. "Idiot, I'm just lying to you. I'm human."

How could the young man be willing to believe it? He tightly curled up at the corner of the bed, raised his eyes in surprise, and trembled as he sized up the white-clothed woman, shaking his head as if he didn't want to believe it.

The woman in white pursed her lips into a smile as she slowly walked closer. She said gently, "Don't be afraid. I'm also lost here and live here. I'm not a monster."

The young man was still silent, staring at her in fear. Since there was no way out, he could only try his best to curl up into a ball and grit his teeth.

The white clothed female suddenly touched the back of his hand and asked with a smile, "Do you feel any heat? How can a monster have body heat? "

The young man let out a low cry, and drew his hand back into his bosom as if stung by a scorpion, trembling more and more. Then he remembered that his teacher had said something about ghosts and yin, about demons and evil, about disappearing without a trace, about not being warm, about being different from people. Since she was a human, she should know that men and women should not be close to each other. She was so beautiful, and she did not know which family's daughter she was from, nor did she dare to stay on the side or hide her name, and since she was so sparsely mannered and unrepentant, she was definitely not a lady of the Prominent Class. Perhaps she was born in a remote village, or was born in a remote village. I, Yan Ruyu, have been a scholar for many years, and have a strict family background. Although I was attacked by snow, bandits, and could not meet women in private, so I decided to resign as soon as possible. "Yan Ruyu, from Hangzhou, came to the capital to take the exam.

The woman in white turned around and walked away, smiling sweetly as she looked at him. She had read through his thoughts a long time ago, and she laughed secretly in her heart, this scholar was indeed a fool. He had wandered all the way to the desolate mountains, his clothes were tattered, and he could be eaten at any time by wild beasts in the mountains. She smiled and asked, "So he is a scholar. There are no towns within a hundred miles. There are not many people. Why did he come all the way from Hangzhou to the capital?"

Yan Ruyu sighed and said, "So it was' Riverside Inversion '. I didn't want to meet bandits as soon as I boarded the boat. After eating the knockout medicine, I slept all the way to Chuan. Not only was my money taken away, even my errand boy has disappeared. I'm afraid the odds are against me." As she spoke, her eyes were filled with grief. She was actually on the verge of tears.

The woman in white couldn't help but laugh at his delicate appearance. She comforted him, "Don't be sad, since we can go north, why must we go up the mountain?"

Yan Ruyu frowned again, "Who would have thought that right after entering Chuan, I would be kidnapped by bandits and taken into the mountain stronghold. Perhaps it was because I was penniless and threw out of the stronghold, the snow was so vast that it completely covered the road.

The woman in white smiled and said, "You have picked up a life. The road is deep and slippery. You won't be able to get out at this time. Why don't you stay here for a while until the spring begins?"

Yan Ruyu lowered her head and did not say a word. Oh my, could it be that I can't even go down the mountain these few days? What's good about that?

The woman in white continued, "Although this temple is simple and crude, it can avoid wind and snow. Are the books in this bag you're carrying?"

Upon mentioning the book, a smile appeared on Yan Ruyu's face as she replied, "That's right, these are all scrolls. The heavens have eyes, yet they did not let those bandits snatch them away."

The white-clothed woman thought to herself, 'Stupid scholar is interesting. Bandits have always robbed money and treasures, so why would they treasure your book.' He said, "This is even better. You can live here in peace and quiet. You can study diligently. I will give you clothes and food."

Yan Ruyu looked at the white-clothed female with embarrassment. Her cheeks were slightly red as she mumbled, "Does elder sister also live here?"

The woman in white was surprised for a moment, then she laughed out loud. "I don't live here, don't let your thoughts run wild." Her laughter was as clear and melodious as a silver bell, and her jade-white cheeks were slightly pink. The snowflakes falling outside the window were as beautiful as peach blossoms in the morning.

Although Yan Ruyu also felt that her laughter was pleasant to hear, she was slightly displeased in her heart. How could there be a woman laughing in such an unbridled manner? If not, this little one will definitely not agree to it. If you want me to read the book of the sages of Kong Meng as a child, then learn to be a noble and virtuous man, and never meet a woman in private. If anyone sees that this little one has lost her innocence, then even the Yan Clan will lose their luster.

The woman in white saw the disdain in his eyes and coldly smiled. She sized him up and said: "Look at the clothes you are wearing, it can be seen that you are a descendant of a rich family. Now that you are in the mountains, I'm afraid you are going to suffer."

Yan Ruyu quickly clasped her hands together and said, "I am not afraid of suffering, but I hope that you can nominate me next spring. I wish to bring glory to my ancestors so that I can live an honorable life in the countryside."

The woman in white was stunned. All scholars from ancient times were like this. Ten years of studying without knowing a thing or two was enough for one's life to be on the top of the list? He was full of thoughts in the book, so why was he so unpedantic? But this scholar was truly respectable. He didn't want to see everything, even the spring and autumn. He just wanted to be pure and pure. He was kind-hearted.

Not long after, she brought back many daily necessities, all of them of high quality. Yan Ruyu looked at the white-clothed female in shock, her jade face also changing color. How could a daughter bring her man's clothes to me? If they were to be discovered, wouldn't they be unable to wash it off even if they jumped into the Yellow River?

Alas, she was only a twenty-eight year old girl. Even though she was born in a small family, how could she not feel ashamed? She's actually so bold, tsk tsk … How could she not know her lady's identity? This is truly shameful. If I, Yan Ruyu, were to accept these clothes, wouldn't I have the suspicion of having an affair with her? Seeing how I pushed her aside and made her turn back in shame, she knew that Yan Ruyu was a descendant of the Pure Wind House and was definitely not someone she could take liberties with.

Yan Ruyu frowned slightly, her clear eyes were filled with anger, she did not want to accept it, so she scolded him harshly. Then, she thought to herself, "My clothes are already tattered, the only things around me are scrolls." Lowering his head to secretly spar, he finally softened his heart, ashamed to remain silent, as he was willing to accept power.

She then asked him what he was called, and the woman in white coldly looked at him, taking in all his thoughts. She was angry at him for being so pedantic, and his heart was as calm as a mirror. Sighing lightly, she said, "Just call me Big Sister, it's only one thing.

Yan Ruyu still held a bit of respect towards her, so she did not dare to ask any further questions. As promised, she called her "elder sister" and said yes.

The woman in white ignored him and neatly cleaned up the room. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, she blessed him and said goodbye. Yan Ruyu was scared and frightened, but she sighed and did not dare to say more.

Looking around, Yan Ruyu felt worried like she was in a dream.

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