Mo You of Thousand Years/C17 Sour Elementary Scholar Ruined Temple a Stomach Full of Sour Decadence to be Ridiculed
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Mo You of Thousand Years/C17 Sour Elementary Scholar Ruined Temple a Stomach Full of Sour Decadence to be Ridiculed
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C17 Sour Elementary Scholar Ruined Temple a Stomach Full of Sour Decadence to be Ridiculed

Beautiful woman, ancient tomb secluded, a song of old words exposed

In a flash, she entered an ancient tomb with an old woman sitting inside. When she saw the woman in white return, she welcomed her and affectionately held her hand in front of her as she softly scolded: "Miss, a moment of pity from you, I'm afraid you might bring disaster upon yourself."

The lady in white giggled, "Grandma, you are overthinking it. Ah You only saw him as a scholar, lost in the wilderness, and extremely pitiful. He was given some things to protect him from the cold. How could it lead to trouble?"

Grandma Tian sighed. "Miss, you are now big, and this tomb is too small. Recently, you often go out of the cave to play and have already scared off the common people. Rumor has it that a thousand-year-old white fox has appeared on the mountain, which might attract some greedy people." Holding her slender jade-like hand, gently caressing it, it was a very doting gesture.

Mo You did not believe her. He pouted and said, "Granny, you personally taught A'You's Qing Gong. You don't trust him. If you can't catch the white fox for a long time, the rumors will disappear." She sat beside Grandma Tian and intimately leaned her head on Grandma Tian's shoulder. Her voice was like an oriole, and her eyes were full of light. She looked like she was pouting at her daughter.

Grandma Tian hugged her affectionately as she said, "You gave me your clothes again this time. You know that this tomb is the tomb of the beloved concubine of the previous dynasty's King Dingchuan, and these things are all burial items. They are rare and precious and are not for ordinary people to use.

Mo You also knew that she was being rash and said hesitantly: "What Grandma said is correct, it is indeed A'you's fault. A A'you's careless, thinking that the scholar had fainted on the mountain path, it is truly pitiful, but, since it has already been given out, how can we take it back. Furthermore, the sky is cold, and the scholar must freeze to death without clothes, Grandma, what should I do?"

Grandma Tian sighed, "Since he is trying to save a life, I can't object too much. Fortunately, the snow has sealed the mountain, so it will be very difficult for the woodcutter to enter the mountain. If there are no abnormalities, the snow should be difficult to melt within two months. Just let him go down within two months."

Mo You smiled as he thanked his mother-in-law, then offered to visit Yan Ruyu from time to time to send her food and water. Seeing that she was rarely so happy, Grandma Tian nodded in agreement, warning her not to reveal her whereabouts.

From then on, Mo You would look for Yan Ruyu every two or three days. At the beginning, it was just to give her some snacks, but Yan Ruyu was also submissive and did not dare to look at her directly. She became more and more suspicious of her identity. To go back and forth like this was truly improper. It was difficult to guarantee that others would notice. At that time, what should he do? If she did not come, how would she live without water or food in the temple? After a series of contradictions, he once again held back his silence and bowed to express his gratitude, not daring to get close in the slightest.

A few days later, when Yan Ruyu saw that although she did not behave in a refined manner, her words were neither frivolous nor obscene. Gradually, the contempt she felt towards her disappeared, and when she arrived, she was surprised to find that Mo You was not like the uneducated woman she had imagined, who could recite poems, talk, or write essays, she couldn't help but have a whole new level of respect for him.

At this time, Yan Ruyu was still unhappy in her heart. She felt that she was too out of line, and could not escape from her vulgarity, but in the end, she was still just a lower class person. She was far from the elegance and nobility of a noble family girl, and while she was demeaning, she was also touched by her gentle and generous ways, making no effort at all.

Mo You knew that he suspected his identity, so he did not reveal it. Usually, he only pretended not to know, but when he asked, he would tell her about it out of inconvenience, and Yan Ruyu would not mention it again.

Although he was kind and gentle, he didn't dare to play around in front of her at all. As a result, he found Yan Ruyu to be extremely interesting, with an honest and innocent demeanor, ignoring the fact that he bowed politely to her or her modesty, he started to have the intention of teasing her instead. Sometimes, he would flick the snow on the leaves, knock the windows, and Yan Ruyu would appear out of nowhere, causing Ye Huanmo to look like a demon.

One day, when Mo You had nothing to do, he would accompany him and when he saw how serious he was reading, he could not help but chuckle to himself. Yan Ruyu had already completely disregarded her as a monster, and even chatted with her when they were not reading, but was always strict with etiquette; she also shook her head as she spoke, "Young Master Yan is a scholar, your words are not as interesting as us mountain girls, so how about I tell you a story?"

On one hand, he could occasionally hear Mo You blurting out the words of the Phecda Jewel, and on the other hand, he spent all his years studying hard at the Orchid Window, leading a life of wealth and wealth. He was surprised and fresh about the interesting stories that Mo You would occasionally tell, and as he listened attentively, Mo You said:

There was a rich man with the surname Zhu, who spoke of taboos and loved to speak in a gentle manner. He said to the new piggy coffin, "Remember my family's rules: My surname is Zhu, you are not allowed to call me 'Zhu' (pig), call me 'Master' or 'Master of the Family'; you are not allowed to use vulgar slang and speak more elegantly. For example, eating says' eating '; sleeping says' sleeping '; sick says' sick '; sick says' recuperating '; dying says' dying ', but the prisoner can't be called' beheaded 'but' executed '... "

The next day, a pig got swine fever. The little pig coffin hurriedly came over and said to the rich man, "Reporting to master, there is a 'old master' who is sick, call him 'eating' or 'going to bed' or 'going to bed', I am afraid it will be difficult to 'recover', why don't we 'execute' him?"

The rich man was so angry that he couldn't say anything for a long time.

"If the master does not want to 'execute' this' master of his own, 'let him' die '!"

Yan Ruyu could hear the mockery in Mo You's words. Her face was flushed red, and Mo You was giggling, appreciating his naive and innocent look. From then on, Yan Ruyu indeed paid attention to her words, the two of them got along more and more, but Yan Ruyu could never escape his pedantic attitude. Mo Yougang often teased him and then laughed at him when he looked down.

After a day had passed, Mo You sat beside him, supporting his face with his hands as he listened to his study. He was very tired, his long hair was casually draped over his shoulders, his starry eyes were slightly closed, and his delicate cheeks were flushed. When Yan Ruyu looked at him, she actually could not take her eyes off him.

Mo You immediately became spirited upon hearing this. He propped up his chin, shook his head slightly, and said:

"In the Warring States Era, the walking posture of the Handan people in Zhao City was very beautiful. When a young man in the Tomb of Yan heard this, he traveled a thousand miles and came to Handan to learn the footwork. In the end, not only did he fail to learn it, he even forgot all about his original footwork. In the end, he could only crawl back home and try to study it in this way. Not only did he fail to learn anything, he even lost himself in the process.

Mo You froze, even learning how to walk could be counted as a joke? Seeing his interest, he felt it was inconvenient to tease him. Smiling and praising "Alright", he said, "Ruyu's lecture is indeed interesting, I will also tell you one:

A mediocre teacher used to read other words. One night, before and after a talk with his disciple "Red Wall", he actually said the word "bestow" was "thief". When there was a thief lurking outside the window, the master recited the mantra: "This is the first part of [Breaking Through Words] [Putong] [Putong] [Putong] [Putong] [Putong] [Putong] [Putong] [Putong] [Putong]]." The thieves were startled. They felt as if they had entered the room from the front of their minds. It was already late at night. When the master had finished, he went to bed in the back room. It was as if he had read it before, as well as chuang above, and then he and his disciple talked about the later book, The Red Wall. The thief sighed and said, "I hid my strength before and after to be seen through by this person. "If I hire such a gentleman, I won't even be able to keep a guard dog!

When Yan Ruyu heard this, she couldn't help but drop her cultured and refined manner, and burst into laughter. After laughing, she asked, "In the joke just now, sister, who was the one who created the two parts of 'Crimson Wall'?"

Mo You raised his eyebrows and teased, "To think that you are a scholar, yet you don't even know about the Eastslope Monk?"

Yan Ruyu's face reddened slightly and she stood up. She clasped her hands together and said embarrassedly, "I truly do not know. Please give me some advice."

Seeing that Yan Ruyu was still staring at him as she asked for an answer, he could only reply, "A scholar from Mei Prefecture. I heard that he has quite a bit of reputation there."

Yan Ruyu thought seriously for a moment and said, "I heard that there was a rather famous person of the same generation in Mei Prefecture with the surname Su. His surname was' Xun ', and his elder sister was talking about him?"

Mo You hastily waved his hand and smiled, "I've only heard about it. It's just a joke, there's no need to be so serious." Yan Ruyu also wanted to ask about the contents of the 'Crimson Wall', but seeing that Mo You didn't seem to want to continue, she could only swallow her words.

In the blink of an eye, it was already past the moon and there were few traces of people deep in the mountains. It was rare and elegant, Yan Ruyu would study hard at the window every day, and when it was too late, she would compose poems with Mo You, recite them leisurely.

One day, Mo You had just left the run-down temple and returned alone to the tomb. Along the way, the fog was like an immortal, the ice was hanging branches, the snow was pressing down on the pine cypress, the western sun was faintly emitting a few lines of pale yellow luster from the gray clouds, which was cast on the ice and snow. As the light flowed, occasionally, a little bird would chirp and jump in the forest, and Mo You thought of a story that seemed like ten years ago but also like a distant story.

"Remember that one moment when the dainty song was played,

Thick rain in the middle of the night;

From the head of the Peach Blossom,

Look for the swallows by the side of the sandalwood,

Chaotic Cloud Mountain's Feng Gaoyan.

He knew that there was a letter from Mei Kai,

The farther away one goes;

Gazing out from the railing …

I want you to bring me some water,

The wind had turned sour.

It's just like a peach slice flying in the snow,

Willow catkins float with the wind;

The sleeve covers the face of the spring breeze,

Dusk left the Han Dynasty.


Filled with dust and no one to sweep it away;

Solitude …

When the flower blooms, I look at it alone. "

He could not help but imagine that enchanting blossoming peach blossom. The person who loved each other had used up all of her heart and could not wait for the figure to leave, just like herself ten years ago … Behind her was still an endless expanse of snow and endless layers of mountains. Ten years ago, she already knew that her past, that laughter and pain, would forever become illusory dreams. As far as she could see, only the deep and dense hibiscus forest covering the ancient tomb in front of her was the most real home today.

She floated as if she was flying, her clothes fluttering in the wind as she walked through the snow forest, quickly disappearing, not knowing that there was a peasant hiding in the forest with tattered clothes, his eyes staring at Mo You as if he was a fairy singing, his clothes soaked in cold sweat, his body trembling, his face ashen, he stared blankly for a quarter of an hour before regaining his senses, his mouth chanting in a flustered manner, "Fox Spirit …." Thousand Year White Fox … "There's really a monster …" Throwing the firewood on his shoulder away, he scrambled down the mountain.

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