Mo You of Thousand Years/C9 It Turns out the World Is Really Gray so Grey That I Can't See the Road.
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Mo You of Thousand Years/C9 It Turns out the World Is Really Gray so Grey That I Can't See the Road.
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C9 It Turns out the World Is Really Gray so Grey That I Can't See the Road.

April, which was supposed to be a synonym for beauty and gentleness, the lovely peach blossoms, the brilliant cherry blossoms, the blooming peonies, the fiery rhododendrons, all now turned into gray relief sculptures. Even when the moon was about to burst, its brilliance was still clear.

I plummeted through the gray of the cold, oblivious to height, to depth, to where I came from, to where I didn't know where I was going, which made me think of the spirits that roamed the underworld, walking in another world without borders, longing to see the old woman who sold soup, but stubbornly telling myself that I couldn't drink it.

A faint sigh came from the end of the firmament, through the heavy fog, and touched my detached heartstrings, the sad, melancholy breath, the melancholy of life.

A white shadow peeked out from the gray, gradually clear, bright like the moon, sparkling like the snow, brilliant yet clear like the void, is the flowing clothes Mo You, eyes clear and tired, just like the dissolving snow, pulse a sigh, asked me.



Where did the pain come from?

The pain came.

Where did hatred come from?

He hated it because he loved it.

Mo Yu lightly frowned and mumbled: "Pain is due to hatred, hate is due to love. There was pain, there was hate, there was hate, there was love. To be able to feel pain, hate, and love was the blessing of life. You should rejoice that you can still feel the taste of life. "

With a flick of his sleeve, he turned around and said in a sharp and clear voice, "Your pain is given by life, your life is given by heaven and earth, you have the right to choose, my life is given by you, your pain is also given by you, can I choose to give it up?"

Hearing this, my heart was filled with grief as I stared at her. She was my white fox, intelligent and pure, light as a dream, light as a poem, but unexpected. She would be as sad as autumn, cold as a sword.

"Your path is under your feet, but mine is under your control."

The white shadow faded, the jade leaked out.

A faint voice came from the other side of the room, "Drinking Alone advised Jun Yu not to get drunk. The Hundred Year Old Wine has just awoken …" Unending.

Wang Dezhu (980-1058) was originally from Zhaozhou (now Hebei Zhaoxian).

His father (Wang Chao, Duke of Lu) was a Huaizhou defender who was responsible for filling in the yamen.

In 1996, Li Jiemou led his army to invade the Qing and Yuan armies, and Zhen ordered the army to go out to fight, and split the army into five paths to attack. Wang Chao led sixty thousand soldiers to send out Sui Yuan and Ning Xia. Wang De used the age of 17 to go to war with his father. He became the vanguard leading tens of thousands of men to fight against the Iron Gate. He personally decapitated level 13 beasts and captured tens of thousands of animals. He then entered the Gansu Spiritual Martial Force. Although they had tens of thousands of soldiers, their morale was low due to all their hard work along the way. The enemy troops were in high spirits. Wang Chao didn't dare to rashly enter the army. De asked for an opportunity to subdue the enemy, to select five thousand elite troops, to fight the enemy for three days, and to retreat. "When you return to your master, you are most afraid of danger, and danger is bound to be chaotic," he said. So lead the troops from the 50 miles from the pass of Xia Zhou, cut off the enemy retreat. Then, he gave the order for the Chaotic Storm Slash. The army was solemn and majestic. Li Jiemou sent scouts to look into the distance, saw the army of Song soldiers, dare not intrude.

On his return to the capital, Wang used his post as the commander in chief of the army. He was responsible for local public security, serving as the inspector of the four prefectures, Xing, Ming, MAGIC, and Xiang. Zhang Hongba gathered a large number of bandits and robbed their homes. The people could not live and work in peace. The local authorities could not quiet down. De used the cart to carry the warrior, while the carriage carried the warrior dressed as a woman to seduce Hong Ba. When he reached Handan, Zhang Hongba indeed came to intercept him. The warrior angrily shouted, and all the bandits were caught. Change to Shaanxi East Road Supervisor and Arrest. "This man is the one who captured Zhang Hongba," the Rogue warned. From then on, the Thief disappeared without a trace.

In the early days of the Celestial Sage, the Bozhou Regiments were appointed to the army, and the city walls were badly damaged after many years of lack of repair. The use of the rate part of the repair. Renjian's Medal of Honor. After being called back to the capital, he was promoted to vice director of Daizhou's infantry army. He was appointed to the post of Yu Hou, Ying Prefecture Regiment, Deputy Commander of the army, and was appointed to the observation history of Guizhou and Fuzhou. "Later, I learned about Jizhou, Suizhou, Qingzhou, Stillwater Prefecture, and so on.

During the Holy of Holies, Zhang presented Her Majesty to the public in court, demanding that the military officials of the Imperial Guard be supplemented. "Complementing military officials is an important matter in the military and political field. It is not something that can be casually used," he said. Her Majesty insisted on making up for it, but Wang De continued to refuse.

Ren Zong flipped through the official documents of the empress dowager's chamber. Upon seeing Wang De's deeds, he believed that they could be of great use. He would sign the letter to the Privy Council. Wang De said gratefully, "This humble subject is a martial artist and should stand above the battlefield and serve the Emperor. "Entering the Imperial Court under the authority of His Majesty is already satisfying. Moreover, the lack of knowledge is not enough to carry out confidential matters." People from the sect urged him to take up the post, and Wang Dejie took up the post of deputy minister.

Wang De with a handsome face, black face but white neck, distinctive, similar to Taizu Zhao Kuangyin. Kuangzhong said: "Moral use is popular, it is not appropriate to keep secrets for a long time." He changed Wang De to the Martial Ning Army, the governor of the Great Governor's House of Xuzhou (as an adjutant of the Imperial Governor's House). In addition, the official, Confucius, framed the use of virtue in the name of buying horses, and reduced it to the rank of the Lord General of the Right Bull. He also appointed a judge from Hu Guang Suizhou State. While his family was terrified, Wang De used it as usual. However, he did not receive the guests and was transferred to Cao Prefecture, which was located in Cao Prefecture, Shandong Province. Someone said to Wangde Yu, "Kenzhou, Confucius, has framed you. Today, he is dead." Wang De replied: "Zhong Cheng is an official, how can he harm me? It's a pity that the court lost a loyal official. "

Chidan sent spies to spy on the military, and it was suggested that he be arrested and beheaded. Wang Dejian said, "We can't decapitate them. The spy found out the truth and went back to report to his master. You can surrender without fighting. " The next day, the military parade was held. When the soldiers heard the sound of the war drums, their morale was boosted. To march, to retreat, to ambush, to charge, to practice for a day, no one broke the orders. Then he gave the order to prepare the fodder and advanced in the direction indicated by the sound of the drum. The spy reported to Chidan that the Song troops were suppressing the territory. Not long after, someone came to negotiate with him. Wang used the transfer of Chen Zhou (the clinic in Huaiyang, Henan Province) to Zhizhou. He then changed his position to Zhizhou, Anyang, and went to the same school. Recall the court to be a spiritual observer.

Wang De used his expertise in archery to follow Ren Zong to the Rui Shrine to serve as an archer. After Ren Zong finished shooting the arrows, he let De use the arrows. Wang De said to Ren Zong respectfully and humbly, "This humble one is already old, I am unable to draw my bow and shoot any arrows." Ren Zong repeatedly asked for it, but he refused to shoot with two arrows in his hand. Ren Zong looked at him and said, "My beloved one shot him." He had no choice but to obey his orders. He fired again and again, and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Ren Zong smiled at Wang De and said, "Who said that my beloved is old and weak?" He was given a court uniform and a gold belt, along with the title of Grand Preceptor.

In the first place, we will pay our respects to the Head Steward of Danzhou Road and the Head of the Imperial Guards of the Ming Dynasty. We will also pay our respects to the Emperor of the Qi Dynasty for the sake of protecting the peace and for the sake of saving the Emperor of the Kingdom of Qi.

Emperor You Three Years (1051), with the Crown Prince as Grand Preceptor.

Ren Zong sent people to ask about the border guards and Wang Dejie said, "In the years of Xianping and Jingde, the late emperor bestowed all the generals with battle formations. I hope that we will not give the formation diagrams to the generals in the future so that they can adapt as they please. " Ren Zong thought that what he said was correct and that he could accept it.

Later on, he was given a longbow, fifty arrows, and the Duke of Fenglu as an envoy of the three cities of the River Yang, as well as a secret envoy.

Wang De used experience of four emperors (Taizong, Zhen Zong, Ren Zong, Ying Zong) to have a strategy, a way to govern the army, a way to benevolent under the heart of the earth. As the army approached, they did not observe the battle between the Sagittarius and the Regional Commander, but their reputation spread far and wide.

He was buried at the age of 79 in the village of Jing Wang, the town of Longhu, in the new city of Zheng, at the age of seventy-nine, for two years (1065).

Wang Deqin had once offered his services to the sect, and the sect was extremely lustful and happy.

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