Monster Invasion/C25 It Was a Piece of Cake
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Monster Invasion/C25 It Was a Piece of Cake
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C25 It Was a Piece of Cake

Summoning two Iron Tooth Wolves? Three Heaven Swallowing Frogs? Or perhaps four Goblin Kings?

If this theory holds, Zhang Ze would become vastly more powerful!

Should he manage to summon ten Goblin Kings at once, he'd be unstoppable in the third level of the Devil Domain.

Yet, Zhang Ze hasn't attempted this just yet. Time is of the essence, with the national martial examination looming ever closer, and he must bolster his strength without delay.

In Devil Domains already conquered, the Devil Soul Sphere drop rate plummets, leaving Zhang Ze with no choice but to push into higher levels.

Another reason is the daily defeat of each level's BOSS by other players. Newcomers arrive in the Devil Domain daily, and adventurers regularly challenge the BOSS to progress to the next level.

Finding an opportunity to take on a BOSS alone has proved difficult for Zhang Ze, so he's shelved the idea for now.

Before venturing into the fourth level, Zhang Ze withdrew all his Summon Monsters to avoid startling other players.

As he prepared to enter the fourth level of the Devil Domain, a group burst in from the periphery!

Upon spotting Zhang Ze, they bellowed, "Halt! Where are all the Adventurers who joined your team?"

Confused, Zhang Ze turned and replied, "What are you talking about? I haven't formed any team. You must be mistaken."

"Don't play dumb! We've received reports of someone posing as an expert offering free protection, only to swindle rookie adventurers. There have been three incidents within a year, resulting in hundreds of injuries and deaths!"

An Adventurer facing Zhang Ze, wielding a battle-axe, cut him off, "We're the Inspection Team from the Devil Domain Administration, and you're not getting away today. Drop your weapon and come with us. Resist, and you'll face the consequences!"

Without further ado, a dozen people encircled Zhang Ze.

"Don't even think about fleeing to the fourth level through the stone door! We've laid a tight siege; there's no escaping today!" Another Archer, a woman, aimed her bow at Zhang Ze, her voice icy.

Zhang Ze sighed in resignation. No matter how much he tried to explain today, it seemed these people were determined not to believe him.

He surveyed the group coolly. Seventeen in total, and judging by their gear, they were far from your average adventurers. If Zhang Ze put up a fight, predicting the outcome would be a gamble.

"I guess I have no choice but to go along with them," Zhang Ze muttered to himself, shaking his head in frustration. "Today is just not my day."

"Hold on! This man is not a criminal!"

Out of nowhere, a voice rang out. Everyone turned to look, and to Zhang Ze's astonishment, it was Judgement of Heaven!

"Mr. Rakshasa, what are the odds we'd meet again?" Judgement of Heaven greeted Zhang Ze with a warm wave. Zhang Ze was taken aback, but then it clicked—Judgement of Heaven was part of the Devil Domain Administration, so his presence here made sense.

Upon seeing Judgement of Heaven, all seventeen individuals snapped to attention, saluting and addressing him as, "Section Director!"

"Section Director?" Zhang Ze blinked in surprise. He recalled that during their last encounter, Judgement of Heaven had introduced himself as an inspector. When had he risen to Section Director?

"My promotion is thanks to you," Judgement of Heaven said, beaming as he approached Zhang Ze and shook his hand. "After we cracked that case together, my superiors were impressed with my work and made an exception to promote me. Now, I'm the Section Director of the Inspection Department at the Devil Domain Bureau! I owe you big time for your help that day!"

Zhang Ze just smiled and replied nonchalantly, "It was nothing, really. No thanks necessary."

A team member, puzzled, turned to Judgement of Heaven and asked, "Section Director, when we got here, he was by himself. How can you be so sure he's not the offender?"

"First off, Mr. Rakshasa is a good friend of mine, and I trust that he's no criminal," Judgement of Heaven explained. "Additionally, based on the victims' descriptions, the culprit preying on newbie adventurers in the Devil Domain goes by the name Kiss of Death. As it turns out, Kiss of Death is also on our list of wanted criminals, so that's why I'm confident Mr. Rakshasa is innocent."

Upon hearing Judgement of Heaven's words, the group of people silently sheathed their weapons.

"Mr. Rakshasa, did you encounter the Kiss of Death or any of the novices he deceived? Our mission today is to apprehend Kiss of Death and rescue those novices," Judgement of Heaven inquired of Zhang Ze.

"You're too late," Zhang Ze replied, shaking his head. "By the time I got here, the Goblin King and his minions had already encircled the novices. They didn't stand a chance—all of them were slain."

"What?" The news took Judgement of Heaven and his companions by surprise, their faces contorted with anger.

"He's claimed over a hundred lives! The Kiss of Death is utterly reprehensible!" Judgement of Heaven seethed. "Mr. Rakshasa, do you have any idea where he might have escaped to? I implore you to tell us. We'll track him down wherever he hides and ensure he's brought to justice!"

"I'm afraid your search will be in vain, for I have already killed him," Zhang Ze said with a nonchalant shrug.

"Really?" Judgement of Heaven was visibly astonished. It wasn't that he doubted Zhang Ze, but he was well aware of how formidable Kiss of Death was.

The Devil Domain Bureau's files indicated that Kiss of Death boasted a Level-S talent skill and was a seasoned high-level Adventurer who had roamed the Devil Domain for many years. He was reputed to be a master assassin.

Even with Zhang Ze's exceptional innate skill, defeating Kiss of Death would be a formidable challenge.

"It's the truth," Zhang Ze affirmed, noting the skepticism on their faces. He opened his attribute panel, navigated to the kill list, and sent a screenshot of it to Judgement of Heaven.

The kill list documented every enemy an Adventurer had slain within the Devil Domain.

"Kiss of Death has indeed fallen by your hand!" Judgement of Heaven was finally convinced after seeing the incontrovertible proof on the attribute panel, which was known to be tamper-proof.

The others were equally astounded. Zhang Ze, a mere novice who had just broken through the third level, had managed to eliminate a highly skilled Adventurer. And he had done so in a solo battle with Kiss of Death!

None of them dared to guarantee they could single-handedly defeat the Kiss of Death.

"It's unbelievable. Are all the newbies this strong now?"

"When I was a newbie, I used to beg for protection from the pros every single day."

"Don't put yourself in the same league as him. He could be the prodigy of legends!"

Full of admiration, Judgement of Heaven addressed Zhang Ze, "Mr. Rakshasa, you've once again surpassed my expectations. You are truly accomplished for your age! Thank you for vanquishing the Kiss of Death!"

With a modest smile, Zhang Ze replied, "It was nothing. Just a bit of effort."

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