Monster Invasion/C5 Defeat the Elite Boss!
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Monster Invasion/C5 Defeat the Elite Boss!
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C5 Defeat the Elite Boss!

"Ms. Yueying, are you alright?" A clear female voice called out from a distance.

Yueying spotted a petite girl clad in a princess costume sprinting toward her. With a flourish of her wand, a beam of green light enveloped Yueying.

"Green Blessing!"

245! (Money Little Princess)

269! (Money Little Princess)

217! (Money Little Princess)

Three men trailed the young girl. Yueying recognized each one. She greeted them with a nod: "Giant God, Dragon King, Zhiqiu, Princess, what brings you here?"

"How could we stay away? You've encountered an elite boss!" The Violent Dragon King exclaimed. "You're absolutely reckless! How could you take it on by yourself?"

Overnight Autumn chimed in, "Dragon King's right. You've been too daring. An elite boss on the first level is perilous. You should've sought more allies before engaging."

Yueying turned to them and declared, "I just want to grow stronger!"

The Dragon King scowled. "Have you lost your mind?"

Giant God gestured for calm, halting the Dragon King's retort, "I get where Yueying's coming from. The important thing is she's safe now."

Money Little Princess scanned the area, puzzled. "Ms. Yueying, where's the elite boss?"

It was then that Yueying realized and said urgently, "A newbie has drawn the elite Iron Tooth Wolf away! We must hurry to his aid!"

Zhang Ze was in full sprint, the elite Iron Tooth Wolf hot on his heels.

"I need to find a spot with fewer people and monsters to make my move!"

In the Devil Domain, the spoils go to the one who lands the killing blow.

Zhang Ze wasn't about to let the reward slip through his fingers.

His power was still lacking. Once his Summon Technique hit level 5, he'd have no cause for concern.

"This spot will do!"

Zhang Ze noticed a hollow up ahead. If he could entice the Elite Iron Tooth Wolf inside, it would be hidden from outside view.

Unwittingly, the Elite Iron Tooth Wolf followed Zhang Ze into the hollow.

"Brothers, time to get to work!"

Behind Zhang Ze materialized five Violent Rabbits and five Hard Armor Turtles, all kneeling in fealty.

Zhang Ze directed them at the elite Iron Tooth Wolf, commanding, "Attack!"

Ten Summon Monsters charged forth in unison.

The Violent Rabbit, swifter than the Hard Armor Turtle, took the lead and confronted the elite Iron Tooth Wolf. They encircled it, brandishing their fluffy fists!

-20! (Violent Rabbit)

-24! (Violent Rabbit)

-19! (Violent Rabbit)

-22! (Violent Rabbit)

-66 (Violent Rabbit LV2)

The elite Iron Tooth Wolf snatched one of the Violent Rabbits and slammed it to the ground!

-271! (Elite Iron Tooth Wolf)

The Violent Rabbit was dead!

"My rabbit!" Zhang Ze couldn't just sit by. He had anticipated the elite Iron Tooth Wolf's formidable attack power, but never did he imagine it would kill a Violent Rabbit in one fell swoop!

The remaining four Violent Rabbits kept up their assault on the elite Iron Tooth Wolf. But in a mere moment, another Violent Rabbit was struck dead by the elite adversary.

"We can't keep this up!" Zhang Ze turned to the Hard Armor Turtle. "Can't you pick up the pace?"

Two Violent Rabbits had perished, and the Hard Armor Turtle was still only halfway there!

With no other option, Zhang Ze reluctantly recalled the Violent Rabbits and positioned the Hard Armor Turtle to intercept the elite Iron Tooth Wolf.

The stalwart defense of the Hard Armor Turtle finally withstood the elite Iron Tooth Wolf's onslaught. Only then did Zhang Ze redeploy the Violent Rabbits to coordinate their attack with the Hard Armor Turtle.

-22! (Violent Rabbit)

-51! (Hard Armor Turtle)

-48! (Hard Armor Turtle)

-24! (Violent Rabbit)

-69! (Violent Rabbit LV2)

-4! (Rakshasa)

Zhang Ze also notched his bow and let an arrow fly. Though his strike dealt minimal damage, it was still effective.

The Hard Armor Turtles packed a punch, but their slow strikes and the modest damage from the Violent Rabbits meant that the Level 2 Violent Rabbit had to take the lead in the offense.

The fight was grueling. The elite Iron Tooth Wolf proved to be a formidable opponent, holding its own despite the relentless attacks from its enemies.

But after more than an hour, its Blood Volume finally ran dry.

Most of Zhang Ze's summoned creatures had perished in the fight, with only two Hard Armor Turtles and a Violent Rabbit left standing.

"Die already!" Zhang Ze shouted, pouring all his strength into his bow. If he couldn't take down the elite Iron Tooth Wolf, he was in serious trouble.

Suddenly, the Iron Tooth Wolf stiffened, then slowly collapsed to the ground.

After a grueling ninety minutes, Zhang Ze and his minions had finally slain the Elite Iron Tooth Wolf.

A heap of Devil Soul Spheres in assorted colors materialized, among them two pieces of equipment!


Zhang Ze dashed over and eagerly stowed all the loot in his backpack.

The Iron Tooth Wolf had lived up to its Elite Level status, dropping a Medium Rank Devil Soul Sphere upon defeat!

Zhang Ze tallied up his haul: nine Medium Rank Red Devil Soul Spheres, six Medium Rank Green Devil Soul Spheres, seven Medium Rank Blue Devil Soul Spheres, and four Medium Rank Yellow Devil Soul Spheres.

The two equipment items were a Wolf Fang Necklace and a Wolf Bone Saber.

Wolf Fang Necklace

Quality: C

Spirit: 0.5

Special Effect: None

Durability: 100/100

Wolf Bone Saber

Quality: C

Damage: 50-90

Special Effect: None

Durability: 100/100

"This necklace will come in handy. The Wolf Bone Saber packs a punch, but close combat isn't my forte, so it's not very useful to me. I'll find a chance to sell it later," Zhang Ze mused.

Once he had inventoried his spoils, Zhang Ze was buzzing with excitement and proceeded to summon the Iron Tooth Wolf.

An elite Iron Tooth Wolf materialized, letting out a fearsome howl as it appeared. Zhang Ze tensed, fearing a sudden attack.

But such fears were unfounded. Summoned creatures were completely loyal to their master, regardless of their former ferocity.

Relieved, Zhang Ze watched as the Elite Iron Tooth Wolf knelt before him.

"Trading four Violent Rabbits and three Hard Armor Turtles for an elite beast is a bargain!"

Looking up at the towering Iron Tooth Wolf, which stood over two meters taller than him, Zhang Ze nodded in satisfaction.

[Iron Tooth Wolf (Rakshasa)]

Level: 1 (Max Level: 5)

Experience: 1/10

Health Points: 3000

Attack Power: 260-380

Defense: 1500

Skills: Rend

"These stats are incredible! With attributes like these, the Iron Tooth Wolf is unbeatable at the first tier," Zhang Ze chuckled to himself.

Glancing at the clock, he realized it was already past 11 PM. He had classes to attend the next day. Plus, spending too much time in the Devil Domain would leave him exhausted, so he decided it was time to rest.

But first, Zhang Ze took a moment to check his backpack. He had collected 61 Low-Rank Devil Soul Spheres and 25 Medium-Rank Devil Soul Spheres today.

He could combine these items to create an Advanced Red Devil Soul Sphere. After pondering briefly, Zhang Ze absorbed the Advanced Red Devil Soul Sphere and listed the remaining items for sale on the trading site.

Zhang Ze mused, "The Devil Domain Guide mentions that if my Strength Value goes up in the Devil Domain, it should also increase in the real world. I'll take a break now. Tomorrow, I'll head to the school's Martial House and see just how much my strength has improved!"

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