Mortal/C1 The Great Divination in the House of the Immortals
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Mortal/C1 The Great Divination in the House of the Immortals
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C1 The Great Divination in the House of the Immortals

The sun was shining, the sky was blue and the clouds were white; birds were singing and flowers were fragrant; the land was full of life; and beside the little eastern city of blue sky and clear water, there was a neat little villa filled with the scent of nature.

In front of the villa, there were fake mountains, flowing water, and fish leaping into the air. In front of the villa, there were fake mountains, flowing water, and fish leaping into the world.

The interior decoration was simple, but it gave off a very comfortable feeling, as if it could no longer be added or reduced. It was as if even the arrangement of the items could not be moved! Otherwise, you will feel like you are having a hard time with yourself!

This place gave people a feeling: It was only suitable for the Celestial Immortal's Residence in the sky. It was the feeling of a mortal coming from the world.

"Are there any deities living here?" Anyone who could see the place would ask the same question in his mind; but he wouldn't have any idea how good it would be for me to live in it!

The song accompanied by music suddenly sounded on the 2nd floor of the villa. That was the sound of a cell phone calling.

"Who the hell woke me up? Do you still want me to live?" A voice that was out of place came from the master bedroom of the villa.

"Haha, the sun is about to reach my butt, is it still early?" A beautiful female voice came out from the study next to the master bedroom. However, the feeling it gave off was not the slightest bit uncomfortable because of her words!

In the master bedroom, I reached out from under the covers to pick up my cell phone and pick it up; my wife was typing something into the computer in the study.

My name is Zhuo Gui: born in a village, 8 years old Qi Gong, 12 years old Yi Jing; specialized science "accountant", this science "industrial enterprise management"; disappeared from school at 22 years old for 5 years, reportedly trained in 13 enterprises; entered "Hanyu" enterprise at 28 years old; worked together with "Hanyu" boss Zhang DeShun through 10 years of hard work, extremely rich and legendary will a small company with annual sales of 500 thousand as a world-renowned multinational, cross-industry, annual sales of trillions of top corporate groups! He is one of the top 10 top young entrepreneurs in the 21st century! The most legendary thing about me is the calculation: accounting and fortune-telling! In the words of my followers: "He is a great master of magic in the history of the world, from penniless to the world's richest man!"

In fact, other than settling accounts, laozi was bullshitting with them! Whoever disobeys my orders will receive three coppers and the dead will be given to me to make a living! Also crowned the Chinese five thousand years of the Yi Jing culture of the true essence! Haha! The more officials believed in it, the more so! Mystical! Haha! Legend! This father's legend is actually bullsh * tting with officials who wield great power and use the Book of Changes on them! If you don't accept it, then let me see you earning 1 billion!

I often said a sentence: "Laozi is not afraid of wearing shoes barefoot! If you have a temper, you have to earn money! If you don't have a temper, you have to earn money! Otherwise, beauties are not something you carry. A good car is something someone else drives. A mansion is something you look at and not something you live in! "Haha!"

My wife, haha! I swindled him into it! "She was a rare beauty in the world: pure and pure, bright eyes and great teeth, noble with a peony, and delicate with roses; a beauty that could make men salivate but not dare to blaspheme!

The call is from my successor, Liu Tianfeng! In the Hanyu Group, my disciples are everywhere, and Liu Tian Feng is my most proud disciple!

"What Liu Tianfeng told me is a very important matter, and also the thing that I want to do the most!" In order to make money, you can only sit at home and buy money the fastest! So I decided to study space; build a spaceship! As long as there was someone that ascended to the heavens in the future! Haha! Laozi is going to buy money, everyone is going to work hard, we are definitely walking at the forefront of the world! "Haha!"

The company's spaceship research has reached a critical moment! Liu Tianfeng had reported the discovery of people from outer space; he had also discovered an advanced spaceship that accompanied the aliens to Earth! This was an absolutely significant piece of news!

After receiving the call, I made a few phone calls, hugged my wife for a while, then drove my luxurious car straight to my private airport! What for! Of course he was going to look for the boss who controlled and sealed the place to reap the benefits! Haha! I'm going to space, how can you run faster?

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