Mortal/C19 The Confederacy of the Ras During the War
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Mortal/C19 The Confederacy of the Ras During the War
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C19 The Confederacy of the Ras During the War

The explorer ship flew across the sky, crossed the planet, and continuously adjusted its coordinates to head in the direction of the Al Empire. Because it couldn't contact the wormhole in time and space of the Al Empire, the ship couldn't enter the folded space, so when it could receive the signal from the wormhole, it could set its coordinates and move forward at a speed that exceeded ten thousand times the speed of light. The discovery of the wormhole in time and space and the application of folded space have promoted the development of intelligent life. However, in the star field known as Earth, there were no such achievements. It was as if there was no wormhole, isolated from the world, and they could only travel at the speed of light!

After three months of driving, the Allib Valley discovered folded space. It was a hundred times faster than before, but no wormholes were found.

On the exploration ship, the Zhuo family made use of the exploration ship's AI system, Night and Day to study alien knowledge and understand alien civilization!

What was worth mentioning was that the learning method of the Empire of Al was really intergenerational. Through the intellectual brain, the learner would wear a helmet and connect to it. The knowledge to be learned would then be simulated into a real scene, allowing the learner to learn while using the helmet. And time: the time of the virtual scene was different from reality. Since the expedition ship was an advanced product, the time was very high. It was a day in real life and a month in the virtual world. Therefore, the learning was very efficient and quick.

After three more months, there were still no wormholes.

On this day, the heavens were refreshed. After more than half a year of study, Zhuo Gui's confidence in the development of the empire was multiplied by a hundred! Stretching out his body, a series of popping sounds rang out. Although Longevity Sutra did not undergo Purification, the benefits from half a year were still great! Zhuo Gui felt a bit pleased as he felt that all the cells in his body were brimming with energy and that his zhen qi had reached perfection. He estimated that he would be able to enter the Xiantian realm in less than three months without training!


Accompanying the series of sounds, the ship shook violently. Zhuo Gui was the first to react by hugging his son and wife, using the Thousand Jin Pendant to stabilize his body and prevent his family from getting hurt!

"Energy shield down 20%..." 30%, 40%, 80%, 99% "

"Energy loss: 20%, 30%, 50%, 80% …"

The sound of the computer's synthesizer kept ringing the alarm. After nearly one minute of shaking, the spaceship stopped moving.

Lago, Lailin, and the others paled. They knew that Arib Valley had been injured in the collision!

In the vast space, losing one's energy was like the word "death"!

"The ship was attacked by energy cannons."

The intellectual brain once again issued a sharp warning sound.

"What's the matter? Why is it like this?" Lailin said loudly.

The next moment, Lailin's voice boomed and the ship began to turn over!

"Warning, warning: The ship's power cabin has been hit, the shield cannot be activated!" The ship will descend freely in 10 seconds! "

A blue planet was getting closer and closer to the spaceship!

"Fortunately, we can stop on this planet! Tashin, Lailin, checks the weapons system; the brain, the detection analysis; the Ellib Valley, Liszt, prepare to fight. Mr. Zhuo, we're probably going to fight! " Ragu reacted immediately. Zhuo Gui and his group had learned the Universal Language in these past few months of study. Lagu was also speaking in the Universal Language!

"What are we doing, Mr. Ragu?" Zhuo Gui calmly said to Lagu.

"All of you, hold onto the ship. Although you've been studying for the past few months, you haven't learned how to use your mecha!" He opened the cabin door.

"Mecha?" "Yes, Battle Mechas; the new generation of Battle Mechas from our Empire of Al, the prehistoric 4th generation Battle Mechas from only the Five Great Empires," Lagu said. Five humanoid machines were brought in from the cabin, shining with frightening black light.

"Wa, Transformer!" Zhuo Fan shouted as soon as he saw the Battle Mecha.

The doors of the five mecha opened, and the five of them quickly entered.

"The AI and the Battle Mecha are connected." Ragu began to give orders.


"Connection successful"

"This is a chaotic planet, the results are from the western star field, please connect to the local network and check."

"Connect to the local network and report the results quickly," Lagu said to the intellectual brain.

"This is the Ras Federation in the western star field, managing 5 large galaxies, 70 thousand life planets, and 5 large military sectors." This is the Ras Federation in the western star field, managing 5 large galaxies, 70 thousand life planets, with 5 large military sectors, and 7 million warships.

"Coming to the Reis Federation because of the assassination of the president, the big families of the five military regions are fighting for power and power, a chaotic war has occurred. The five military regions are all warring, this planet is in a state of war on the ground!"

"Reporting complete" said the electronic voice after a slight pause.

"The technology of the Chavez Federation, as well as the situation of the person in charge." Ragu said again.

"Please wait a moment," the intellectual brain replied.

"Boom!" The sound of the spaceship falling to the ground caused a series of tremors.

"Tashen and Lailin, get out of the cabin and check. Liszt and Arib, alert!"

"Yes, sir!" The four voices of men and women became one.

"Warning, the spaceship is surrounded by 500 soldiers. Among them, 10 are Martial Masters and 1 is a Level 7 Martial Ancestor. Both of them possess energy weapons. They are level 9 energy weapons that can threaten spaceships. Do they have any weapons that can threaten mechs?" "Among them, the apeman 100, the automaton 200, the human 100, and the tiger 100" the intellectual brain reported the situation in real time.

"Sir, Doyle military sector, the Fei military sector and the three pirate leaders are requesting for a call," Lailin reported to Lago.


"Beep." 3 connected successfully. "

A red Battle Mecha appeared on the big screen, next to it was a tiger-headed man with a human face, and a few long beards. The tiger-like man spoke in the universal language, "Who? "If you are hostile, then bring it on!"

"This is the territory under Doyle's jurisdiction. The ship must be on file for investigation. Put your weapon down for inspection!" On the other screen, a black mech sat. Its small window displayed the Automaton Race's arrogant words.

"This is the center of the battle, please identify yourself, we are Squad Three of the 21 Regiments of the Fei military region." "Those who are neutral, please leave immediately. If you do not reveal your identity, we will consider you an enemy!" The white mecha had a small window, and a human was speaking in the universal language of the universe.

Distinguished gentlemen, we have no intention to offend you. We are the scientific staff of the Institute of Spatiotemporal Research of the Empire of Al. Our exploration ship was damaged by the space storm and we cannot fly. Lago said gracefully to the third party.

"The Empire of Al? It's too far away from us, and even if you're lying, don't take such a big hat and force your father to do it. I'll snatch you guys first, brothers! "Bastard!" Pirates were pirates, and the red tide was on its way!

"Prepare to fight!" Ragu ordered his men.

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