Mortal/C20 Blue Mist Star
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Mortal/C20 Blue Mist Star
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C20 Blue Mist Star

The fighting strength of Lailin and Tyshen was not difficult for these pirates at all! With Wu Zong and the Hong Ye class four generation Battle Mecha, not to mention dealing with more than a hundred pirates, they would probably be invincible on this planet! A small hill could disappear without a trace in one go. A foundation could fly into the sky and escape into the ground, and with a radius of a hundred meters, it would definitely be flattened. The Aurous Core stage could not be said to move the mountains and overturn the seas like the Nascent Soul stage. Wu Zong was already at level 9, and was already at the late stage of the Small Lord Stage. With a single strike, he would definitely be able to flatten a city with a radius of a kilometer.

As for the prehistoric 4 generations of Battle Mechas, their shields were comparable to battleships. The energy cannons that could destroy planets could only reduce the protective barrier by 10%. Even the tribulation stage wouldn't be able to break through them! The weapon system was even more advanced. Two 20 centimeter energy cannons, they could definitely turn everything within 10 kilometers into dust. A single photon blade was even more invincible! The speed of light.

Originally, this prehistoric level four generation was designed for Martial Emperors. However, Lagu and the others would have to go through a lot of dangers, and they also had the brand of research institute.

With such combat strength, how are you going to fight these little bandits!

It was a pity that neither the pirates nor the army of the Federation of Ras knew how terrifying this Battle Mecha was.

It was a long story, but it moved so fast!

In the blink of an eye, the screen displayed over 20 red mechs of the pirates that had been cut down by a photon blade. The tiger pirates were dead before the red mecha could even bleed out!

Within a few breaths, the pirates had disappeared from the screen. Before Doyle and the leader of the Fett military could even react, the battle was already over! All of them were using melee combat, and they did not use energy weapons at all!

"The mission has been completed. Do you wish to continue?" Tarshin's calm voice came from the loudspeaker to Ragu's ear on the boat!

"On standby"

"Commanders, is our fighting strength good enough?" Ragu said to the captain of Doyle and Fayette's regional squadron, who were still fooling around on the screen.

"Dear explorer of the Empire of Al, we have no intention to offend you. We are only doing business. We are not yet able to match the distinguished guests from the Empire of Al. We hope you can allow us to report this to the higher ups!" The human captain immediately started to loudly kiss up to him.

The automaton leader was already wiping away the non-existent sweat on his face. His pale face was a little twisted from fear!

Quickly, two captains, one white and one black mecha, arrived from the sky like meteors and landed in front of the ship.

The doors of the mecha opened at the same time, and two fair faced middle-aged men emerged from them.

"Carter, the commander of the 21 Regiments Regiments of the Fett Division from the Federation, has come too late, causing a great shock to the noble guests of the Empire!" The white mecha pilot was the first to speak, bending over with his hands on his chest.

"Reisgem Doyle military sector 33 Division Regiment Regiment Commander Wien greets all guests from the Elven Empire!" The man from the black mecha said the same thing.

"Motherf * cker, these are all cheap bones. Their good words aren't even as good as a bowl-mouth's fist!" Upon seeing such treatment, Zhuo Gui grumbled dejectedly.

"Generals, you're too polite. We were just passing by and encountered a space storm, so we stopped here because the spaceship was damaged. We have no intention to interfere with your business, we just want to repair the spaceship and return to the Empire!" Lago said in a very elegant manner.

Good, we also have no intention to offend our esteemed guests. If you have any needs, we will try to satisfy them as much as possible. Vibro, please give us our esteemed guests within a hundred miles. Carter said in a sensible manner.

"Very well, esteemed guests. If you have any needs, please inform us. Our battle will affect you. We will withdraw!" Wei Lun also said.

With a wave of their hands, the two teams quickly disappeared from the screen. Bowing, they got on their mechas and left the area in a flash.

"Impressive, these two are both powerful characters!" Raju said after the two left.

"We need to quickly check and repair the ship, otherwise we might get into trouble!" Zhuo Gui said with an ashen face.

"Big trouble?" She exited the mecha and tilted her head at Zhuo Gui.

"Yes, big trouble!" Zhuo Gui said in a slow and deep voice.

"These two people spoke humbly and left quickly. They did not invite us at the same time. There was no request to talk to our ship, so I judged that in the face of benefits, they would join forces against us. The most likely possibility was that they would fall to their ship, which would then come to their hands and seize our torture techniques. After all, the Empire of Al is very far away from here. If something happens to us, as long as they are strictly sealed off, who would know? "

Cold sweat rained down from Ragu's shiny forehead. "Intellectual brain, immediately examine the damaged condition and repair the required materials."

Ragu turned to Zhuo Gui and asked, "Mr. Zhuo, what should we do next?"

"Lailin, Tashen, let's go to the planet and check if they have sealed off this area. Also, bring the materials back as well. Liszt, Alibu Valley, Yalan, Zhuo Fan, repair the ship. Mr. Lagu, please give us your overall command." Zhuo Gui said calmly.

"Everyone, listen to Mr. Zhuo." Ragu also absolutely believed in Zhuo Gui.

After a series of crackling sounds, Zhuo Gui was the first to walk towards the hatch.

"Mr. Zhuo, please wear my Battle Mecha." Ragu said.

"No need, after the intellectual brain is tested, just send the list to Lailin and Tashen!" Zhuo Gui calmly walked out of the cabin door.

Not far from the ship was a small city in a mess. The city was surrounded by ruins, the mountains and forests in the midst of the dense blue fog were dense, but the three fiery suns in the sky didn't make anyone feel hot or stuffy. When the fresh air entered the chest area, it gave off a refreshing feeling!

He executed Traceless Snowsteps' movement technique, sweeping past the mountains in front of him, the battlefield in front of him was unable to wipe away his former beauty and wealth. However, whether it was the small town or the small city, they could no longer feel the breath of life.

"Tai Shen, check if there are any other intelligent beings around?"

"No!" A hundred miles away, they were surrounded! The energy cannons are all aimed at us! The battle thousands of miles away has ended. The radar shows that the troops are gathering towards us! "Mr. Zhuo is truly a man of God. He has thought of every possibility!" Taishen said in admiration.

"Looks like we're in big trouble. Report to Principal Lago immediately, have him think of a way to bring out important information and a brain from the spaceship, and make an early warning. Once there's a battleship in space that can threaten the expedition ship, leave the ship immediately!" Have you sent in the materials list yet? "

"Alright, I'll report it to the president now. The list has been sent over, but we and Lailin have scanned the surrounding cities and mines. Not a single piece of material is left, and they have all been taken away by the army!" Tashin replied.

"So fast!" Zhuo Gui frowned.

"What should we do next?" Lailin asked.

"We can't leave. We have to finish the Blue Mist star map immediately. We have to destroy all the important documents that Principal Lagu can't take with him!" Can our detectors shield their instruments? " Zhuo Gui said.

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