Mount Lu Hun/C13 How dare you laugh at old ganluo
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Mount Lu Hun/C13 How dare you laugh at old ganluo
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C13 How dare you laugh at old ganluo

The Daoist Priest Qing Niu really didn't want to see Hu Zhao at the moment.

Although he really hadn't seen Hu Zhao's name in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", this didn't stop him from fearing him. He had just found out that Hu Zhao's hometown was Yingchuan. Ying Chuan! That was the Three Kingdoms' famous holy land for talented people. Without mentioning anything else, Xun Xun Xun's father, Guo Jia, and the others came from that place, as well as the old roots of the Xun family. As for Hu Zhao, he was said to be quite famous in Ying Chuan.

The Daoist child Qing Niu wanted to find a suitable analogy to describe Hu Zhao's aggressive approach, but he was a bit smart and didn't have much in mind. He couldn't think of a suitable example at the moment. He could only take out an inappropriate example to console himself — Ying Chuan was just like Yangzhou at the end of the Ming Dynasty. Although he wasn't as famous as Qin Huai or Hua Yan, the one who came out was the domineering "Yang Prefecture's skinny horse". Eyebrows... There seems to be something wrong?

However, it was now Hu Zhao who had come to request a look. The other party had already placed such a low position, wouldn't it be too rude for him to not see him again? Besides, he was still a sick man, and if he couldn't beat her, he definitely wouldn't have the strength to argue. With this thought in mind, the Daoist Priest's footsteps suddenly became a lot lighter.

Everyone in the temple was in a hurry for the whole morning because of Hu Zhao's illness. While Hu Zhao was looking for the green ox Taoist boy to talk, Madam Hu took Little Hu and the two of them to the small door to make breakfast. Although the commoners of the Three Kingdoms only ate one or two meals during the Three Kingdoms period, there were definitely some scholars and clans who had escaped from this circle. Some even ate late every day. Hu Zhao's family ate two or three meals a day until it was too late.

When he walked into the main room, the temple boy felt that something was different inside. Last night and this morning, he had only come in with a purpose to achieve his goal, so he didn't pay too much attention to the display and decorations of the house. But now he was so intent on procrastinating that he paid special attention to his surroundings — the simple desk, bookcase, and bookcase had been wiped clean, the floor had been swept clean, the entry table had been replaced with a clean cup and bowl, and now, instead of the previously empty room, there was at least a sense of human habitation.

Thinking of this, the Daoist Priest suddenly stopped. He inwardly laughed at himself for being so sentimental. Was it because he was much more "empty and cold" than before?

However, he did not take that step because a thought suddenly appeared in his mind. Moreover, the more he thought about it, the clearer the thought became. The more he thought about it, the more possible it seemed.

In the entire village, his temple was the largest, and could accommodate the four servants of Hu Zhao's family.

It was at the beginning of winter, so it was impossible to start logging and building houses. The fastest time was next year's beginning of spring.

Furthermore, Little Hu Dan's provocative actions last night were not because of her innocence, but because of someone's guidance from behind her back.

This morning, Hu Zhao, who usually had a strong and sturdy body, fell ill without Madam Hu ever getting sick.

Combine these... The temple boy's eyebrows furrowed even more. This chain of events was both related and bizarre. The ultimate goal of these strange creatures was to make Hu Zhao live here!

What a cunning old fox, scheming and scheming old man, strong old man, old master and old man, shameless old man Ying Chuan Confucianism! The Daoist boy cursed in his heart. But in the end, he still wasn't confident. What would he do if the other person was really sick? Wasn't he acting like a petty person? What if he rushed over and slapped the other party's face?

Well, he still had to be careful.

He slowed down his pace and walked towards the bed in the main house. He suddenly felt guilty about being a thief. Was this still his home?! Then he let them go and whispered, "Mr. Kong Ming?" He almost shouted, "Mr. Zhuge Kongming!" If only it were Zhuge Liang! The green ox disciple cursed in his heart.

Hu Zhao's finger moved on the bed as he feebly opened his eyes. Who knew if he had seen the person or not? He asked with difficulty, "Is he a master?"

"It is This Penniless Priest." The little Daoist boy calmly walked up, but he couldn't sit on the edge of the bed with his height. He could only stand there foolishly and ask, "What did you call me down for?" After saying this, the Daoist boy lowered his head and carefully sized up Hu Zhao's skin color, lips, and other cold sweat on the sickbed. He heard that those who were sick would be different. However, after observing him for a long time, he could not tell anything was different. The Daoist boy was a bit dejected.

Hu Zhao didn't know that a brainstorm was going through the mind of the well-behaved Daoist boy in front of him, so he buried his face in his own thoughts, "I've invited the great master here to apologize first." After all, last night, the great master was kind enough to take us in. With my current condition, it is impossible for me to leave this room, so I can only throw my weight around and beg the great master to take us in for a few more days … "

The left eyebrow of the boy twitched as he thought, "Look, the main show is here." He raised his innocent little face and faced Hu Zhao at a 45 degree angle, beaming a bright smile as he said, "It's fine. Anyway, my house is empty, so Mr. Hu can be at ease and live boldly here. "But …" "You are the only one who would pretend to be pitiful, don't you know that I don't know how to!" However, I'm still young, so I don't have the ability to farm and hunt. The food in this small temple usually relies on the assistance of the villagers. I'm afraid that I won't be able to entertain Mr Kong Ming for long … so much so that Mr. Kong's family starved themselves to death … "

The words were very straightforward. I have nothing to eat, so you should hurry up and leave!

"Don't worry." Hu Zhao slightly waved his hand, "I've estimated the snow time this year. I've already collected vats of pickled vegetables and jars of cured meat along the way, so I've left them in the woodshed for us to eat for a month." "At that time, you can just throw in some silver coins to exchange with the villagers who still have some food left in the village."

Tea flowers! The Daoist Priest's heart skipped a beat. Did they bring food? Why didn't I see it last night! After two slaps, the Daoist Priest felt as if he had been slapped in the face … Or did he pass his face over to the other party to give it a slap...

This was not an exercise! This was not an exercise! The Daoist boy encouraged himself and quickly changed the topic, "Actually, this humble one has always wanted to ask, what is the purpose of Mr. Kong Ming's family coming here?"

Hu Zhao's facial expression seemed to stiffen as his mouth seemed to have yet to open. It was as if some words were about to reach his mouth but he didn't want to say it out loud. In the end, he only spat out a sentence, "But I want to find a quiet place to study the path of sage …"

The Daoist boy's eyes flashed as if he had caught on to a point of contention. Coughing twice, 'sincerely and sincerely' said, "Can this esteemed madam and your daughter also endure this kind of suffering?"

However, Hu Zhao didn't seem to be hit by the rare technique of the Daoist boy. He smiled knowingly, "They're the ones who persuaded me to come."

How could this be? The temple boy was stunned. Shouldn't the reference answer be, "I've failed them. I'll bring them out of here immediately"? Since the situation had developed to this point, the Daoist boy could only brace himself and say, "Your ladyship and your daughter are truly 'the love of Wang Baochuan' and 'the righteousness of Hua Mulan' …"

Hu Zhao frowned again and asked curiously, "Who are this' Wang Baochuan 'and' Hua Mulan '? I seem to have never heard of it. "

"Eh …" The green ox Taoist kid's heart was filled with ten thousand horses and grasses. How could I tell you the characters of the Tang Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties all at once? It's already been several hundred years! He guiltily said, "These two are just the two loyal girls that my master heard when he was traveling around the world. My master has always liked using these stories to motivate the small paths since they were small."

Hu Zhao looked at a six year old precocious Daoist child on the sickbed, sighing at him with the tone of an adult sighing at his childhood. He suddenly felt that this was nothing more than a fantasy. He couldn't help but think of those wooden board words he had seen last night, and couldn't help but blurt out. A child in the mountains dared to laugh at Elder Ganluo …

Xiang Ge, seven years old, Confucius teacher; Meng Jun Tian Wen, when he was a child, persuaded his father to save his life; Ganluo, twelve years old, the godly child of the prime minister.

"What?" Hu Zhao recited a poem so softly and so quickly that the temple boy did not even hear him clearly.

"I'm fine." Hu Zhao said indifferently. However, the more he looked at the green ox dao child, the more he felt it was mysterious. He then impulsively asked, "Did the master ever study?"

The Azure Ox Daoist thought about what happened last night and suddenly felt his guard up tenfold. He thought to himself, "No."

"Your teacher hasn't taught anything?" Hu Zhao asked unwillingly.

The Azure Ox Daoist boy felt guilty and felt more and more that Hu Zhao had found some incredible clues. He had been trying to guess what part of him was wrong.

They had never been in their own house.

He didn't get any other answer from his own mouth.

The other suspicious parts of the temple could not be found on such a black snowy night.

Was there a problem with the wooden board last night?

Sigh … After all, this was the first time he had crossed over, so he did not have much experience. It was unknown whether the 'things', 'words', 'lines', 'poems', 'stories' came before or after this era. Several years ago, the greengrocers and villagers had studied much less, but now, a scholar had arrived!

Did he have to go through the books he had read before?

After sleeping for a while, he had gained a lot of knowledge! It was taught by a white-bearded old grandpa in a dream. It was so f * cking fake, alright! It was only because of such disgusting words that the Cyan Ox Daochild was unable to say it out loud.

My teacher, Master Qing Cai, is an otherworldly expert who knows four books and five scriptures, the past and the future... Is your teacher "Patriarch Subhuti" or "Three Purities"? Could it be that I have to justify my actions by saying "Ancestor Hong Jun"? Then I might as well tell the story of the《 Divine Seal Decree》 and say that I'm the reincarnation of Nezha … Plant man? The Daoist boy felt another wave of chills.

"Master, master?" Seeing that the Daoist boy did not respond, Hu Zhao reminded him with good intentions.

"Ah?" "Oh …" The green ox disciple regained his wits and gave an awkward smile. "Where was the question just now?"

"Your teacher hasn't taught anything?" Indeed, it was the same answer. The Daoist boy felt like slapping himself twice. He might have forgotten, but what else was there for him to remember?

"Eh …" The Daoist Priest Qing Niu's twenty-seven years old life experience, combined with his thirty-three years old life experience, began to revolve at a fast speed, creating a huge lie that he would need to fill in with countless lies in the future …

"I have a senior brother. All of my knowledge was given to me by my senior brother."

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