Mount Lu Hun/C17 Ginger's apoplexy
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Mount Lu Hun/C17 Ginger's apoplexy
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C17 Ginger's apoplexy

Little Hu was very happy. In this deep winter in the mountains, the scene of more than ten men wearing thick clothes splashing buckets of water back and forth was truly spectacular! Although she was born in this chaotic world, her ancestral heritage was in Yingchuan, a rich and luxurious land, and then she went to Xu Du with her father — she did not see the chaos of the yellow cloth, she did not see the chaos of the Dong Zhuo, she did not see the siege of Lu Bu, and her family did not prosper, so she had never seen such a "grand occasion" and was overly excited.

The village chief was also very excited, if it wasn't for Wang Rose bringing Jiao Dafu's group to set up the trap, he would have definitely pulled him here to have a look, who said that our village's villagers are getting less and less courageous! With such a perspiring scene, who would dare to not call themselves a good man?

Xiao Ya was also very excited, because it was lively and there was the excitement of witnessing a miraculous moment! The most important thing was that her father didn't need to go on stage, so she could be considered to have completed the mission given to her by her mother!

Ding Xiaochun was also very excited. When he was carrying the water, he would occasionally glance at Little Ya, who had been smiling the whole time. He was always happy when Little Ya was happy.

Compared to these few people, the Green Ox Daochild was not as excited. There were countless ways to fail, and there were only a few ways to succeed. The little Daoist boy also stood on the shoulders of countless giants, taking a few steps forward through history in a small area. Although no one had realized this, it had ultimately sunk into the endless tide of history. Compared to the villagers in the middle of the mountain, who were extremely passionate about their work, the little Daoist boy only had the mindset of settling his hunger during the winter.

There were cases of war both in ancient China and abroad. Not to mention the story in Wu Chengen's Journey to the West that "the Tongtian River froze overnight to trick Tang Xuanzang to go on the road", it was said that when Yuan Shao attacked Gongsun Zanyou Prefecture and also used the cold winter when the river water froze, it was unknown whether the person who calculated the time in advance was Mo Shun or not. Abroad in the late autumn of 1794, Napoleon's teacher, the commander of the French army, Cal Kahl. Pixian Liu led the army to attack the Dutch town of Utrecht. The Dutch opened the gates of the canals and used the flood to stop the French attack. The French army could do nothing but prepare to withdraw. At that moment, Peel saw that the spiders in the trees were spinning a large number of silk webs. From their unusual movements, he caught a "sign" that the weather was about to turn cold — that the climate had turned cold, that the river would freeze and the river would freeze, and that the army would be able to tread on ice to invade the city. It was this series of logical reasoning that allowed the French army to emerge victorious in the end.

Ice fishing, the ancient Chinese "Crouch for the Carp" and polar bears digging ice holes to catch fish can be examples.

This final method of freezing water was 16 years later in Jian'an (211). At that time, Cao Cao had just finished his defeat at the Red Cliff, and had taken Zhang Lu as an excuse, but had intended to use Ma Chao and Han Sui to win the battle in Weinan. Cao had used Lou Gui's scheme to cross Weihe River at night, gather sand and fill it with water, freeze the ice overnight as a barrier, build a pontoon the pontoon, and send Cao's troops to Weinan —

After all, it was cold in the deep mountains during winter, and in less than a quarter of an hour, Little Hu had already begun to sneeze. The Daoist boy looked over and asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Little Hu Dan wouldn't miss such a great 'big' show.

The Daoist boy wanted to ask more, but the words stuck in his throat. After this morning's confidences, he and Little Hu could be considered as good friends. He knew that the children of ancient times were mature, but even Little Hu would not be as familiar with the mentality of a thirty-year-old man as he was now. Thus, he was worried that if he paid too much attention, it would backfire.

Thus, he swallowed his words and began to carefully observe the surface of the pond. After being watered by the ice for a quarter of an hour, the thick layer of ice began to emit a white mist. In this quiet and secluded part of the mountain, there was an aura of immortality. He called out to the men who still wanted to fetch water and asked gently, "Who is the best swimmer?"

Ding Xiaochun was the first to shout out, "Of course it's me!" As he spoke, he proudly glanced at Xiao Ya, but what he got instead was only a supercilious look.

The Daoist Priest Qing Niu knew what was going on. Ding Xiaochun was indeed a good swimmer in the middle of the village. He nodded his head in satisfaction. He turned around and said to the old elder, "Village Chief, please bring the wooden planks that you made beforehand to Little Chun."

The village chief immediately sent someone to the side to bring out the wooden planks that he had prepared beforehand. This plank was extremely thick, and its length was as tall as a person. The size of the plank was just enough for a grown man to lie prone on it. Ding Xiaochun took the wooden board. The Daoist boy then whispered a few words in his ear and patted his thigh to let him go!

Sigh … Who told him to have such a small body? Even if he wanted to pat someone's shoulder, he wouldn't be able to do so.

Although Ding Xiaochun was simple-minded, he had the advantage of strength. His style of doing things was rough, but it was better than being meticulous in the process of doing things. He first weighed the wooden board in his hand and felt that it wasn't heavy. Then, he grabbed it with one hand, scaring Little Hu so much that he jumped! Little Hu clearly saw that the wooden board was carried by two adults just a moment ago. Yet, this mountainous youth who was over ten years old had actually lifted it up with one hand?

Am I dreaming? Little Hu wanted to reach out and pinch himself, but was afraid of the pain and didn't dare to make a move. While he was hesitating, Ding Xiaochun had laid the wooden board flat on the ice — the ice now looked much thicker than before. He could still see the pond under the ice with his naked eyes, but now he couldn't see it at all. After laying the board, Ding Xiaochun carefully climbed up with his shovel and lightly swayed it left and right. Very strong.

Ding Xiaochun slowly controlled the wooden board to "crawl" towards the center of the pool, as the Taoist boy had taught him. Although the wooden planks were heavy, the friction on the ice was small. Ding Xiaochun slid the wooden planks forward with his palms, not needing much effort. If he encountered a sharp ice concave, he would have to use a shovel to smash it flat. Thus, he quickly reached the middle point of the pool.

After reaching this level, he did not act first. Instead, he turned around to look at the Green Ox Daoist and asked what he should do next.

"Is the ice over there thick?" The green ox Daoist asked.

Ding Xiaochun took the shovel and gave it a try. "Not bad," he replied.

The Daoist boy warned loudly, "First find a small crack and dig in. Remember, don't create too much noise. Keep yourself safe."

"Watch me!" Ding Xiaochun was overjoyed. He was ready to start work!

The servant girl was on the shore. She was alarmed when she saw Ding Xiaochun walking over with a "difficult pace". She tugged on the elder village chief's sleeve and said worriedly, "Uncle, brother Xiao Chun …" Brother... Will he be okay? "

Old Village Chief was an experienced man, he knew that his heart was beating fast when he saw his little rascal being so concerned about him. He sighed and comforted, "It's alright, with Master here, I'm safe and sound."

Little Hu also grabbed the Daoist boy and asked worriedly, "Will there be any problems?"

"I'm fine." The Daoist boy said indifferently, "Isn't this already a wooden board used for self-help? Even if the ice is broken, Little Chun can still float over with a wooden board."

Little Hu was stunned. "No matter what, you are not confident?"

The Cyan Ox Daoist said in a speechless manner, "What is done is done by the person. I am just a six year old child, how could I calculate everything?"

"I didn't expect him to call you Master." Little Hu Dan had an expression on his face that seemed to be 'broken out of a dream'.

"I'm just a Grandmaster, not a great Immortal." The Daoist boy didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said, "How can you cover everything?"


In the afternoon, when the snow was still falling, Mr. Hu Zhaohu, who had been feigning illness, finally left the main house with the help of his wife. He didn't pretend to be sick today. Last night, he was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. He felt a little cold and his body felt a little soft. But after drinking some medicine and resting until he was full, he had completely recovered.

He looked at the unique little courtyard in front of him and suddenly felt his heart at peace. This mountain, this snow, this tiny world … wasn't this what he had been hoping for day and night? He thought back to the essay he had read last night — "The sky and the clouds and the mountains and the water, white and white." These were the words that would make his mind surge and he would never forget them. Was this sentence really written by his senior brother as the child had said?

That "Zhao's silk and beard" and "Wu Gou and Shuang Ming". The silver saddle shines on the white horse like a shooting star. Killing a person in ten steps, unstoppable for a thousand miles. After that, he had to go to the depths of concealment to hide his name.

Were these two lines really written by the same person? Abruptly, he had washed himself clean of everything, suddenly, his chivalry was overpowering?

Forget about it, forget about it, Hu Zhao thought to himself. As long as he stayed here, he would find out about this so-called 'senior brother' sooner or later. Thinking of this, he felt relieved and asked Madam Hu, "How long have Qing Shen and the others been gone for?"

Madam Hu smiled and said, "It's been an hour already. Darling, do you want to go and take a look as well?"

Hu Zhao laughed heartily, "I'm already this old, how can I like to join in the fun like these kids?"

Madam Hu rolled her eyes at him flirtatiously and said, "Honestly, when Qing Dun told me that he wanted to go and see 'Ice Face Pisces', I was really curious. If it wasn't for the fact that I had to attend to my husband, I would have long since followed my daughter to watch the show."

Hu Zhao's smile froze as he said in surprise, "You're blaming me for this?"

"I wouldn't dare." Madam Hu smiled craftily, but she was the first to be amused.

Hu Zhao thought to himself, Madam has been following me for several years, and has been running all over the place. Even Qing Dun was in a hurry when he was born, but he never complained or regretted anything. With this thought, Madam Hu became infatuated. When Madam Hu had finished, she saw her husband looking at her in a daze. At first, she felt a sweetness in her heart before she said in embarrassment, "What are you looking at?"

Hu Zhao said, "In the previous Qin Dynasty, Song Yu had written a book called 'Inheritance of Goddess'. There are a few lines that I think are very suitable for the young lord. Her eyes shined with a bright light, making her look so beautiful. Eyebrows to the moth yangxi, the red lips of its like a pill. The quality of the real Xi, the understanding of the body and leisure. Weakness in the quiet Xi, but also the world. The Yi Gao Hall was wide and broad with its wings wide open. "Using the mist as a stepping stone, and the sound of the footsteps as the wind as it rustles'."

When Madam Hu heard this, she revealed a young girl's expression. She blushed and said, "What nonsense are you thinking about?"

"She's saying that my wife is beautiful." Hu Zhao blinked his eyes and laughed, only to be caught by Madam Hu as he said, "It's all because of your habit of blinking your eyes. Now that you've even learned to blink all day, what will you do if you blink badly?"

Hu Zhao coaxed her, "That won't happen, our family will definitely be like Madam, beautiful like a goddess, graceful like a chrysanthemum."

Madam Hu felt very sweet in her heart as she said tiredly, "You're the only one who knows how to speak." She raised her head and looked at the little snowflakes in the sky, murmuring, "I wonder what is Qing Shen doing now?"

"She …" Hu Zhao also became enraptured with Madam Hu. "He must be quietly watching from the side."


"Look!" "Fish!" Little Hu Dan grabbed onto the green ox Daoist's sleeve excitedly and shouted, "There's really fish!" Why did so many fish jump out of the water? Why did so many fish jump out? Are these stupid fish really fish? Can you eat it? "

The little Daoist boy only wanted to throw the devilish brat into the water!

That's right, Ding Xiaochun had dug a hole in the ice, and in less than a quarter of an hour, he had already started to jump out of it. Everyone was overjoyed! Ding Xiaochun grabbed the big fish in a flurry and tossed them onto the shore without looking back. Ding Datou also went up to help with the green ox Daoist boy's approval.

On the other side of the river, the little girl had long tossed her father to who knows where. She excitedly picked up the fish one by one and placed them in the wooden bucket she had prepared earlier. The little Daoist boy walked over to take a look. There were carp, carp, and grass carp. Wow! There was also the black fish. It seemed that he would be able to eat pickled fish tonight.

"Amazing." Little Hu was still in a state of shock. He murmured, "This is even more amazing than fishing. He didn't even need any tools or fishes to deliver himself to our doorstep."

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