Mount Lu Hun/C2 Night returning from snow and snow
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Mount Lu Hun/C2 Night returning from snow and snow
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C2 Night returning from snow and snow

The cold wind howled, and the snow falling from the forest gradually grew heavier.

Ding Xiaochun had been kicked into the corner of the room by Wang Rose because he was shouting in front of the great master. However, he couldn't hide his happiness. The great master had just told him that his beloved girl Xiao Ya didn't dislike him, but she was "pricked" by him — the little boy had explained the meaning of "allergy" for a long time, but Ding Xiaochun still couldn't understand it, so he could only tell him that Xiao Ya was pricked by his flower, and every time she pricked him!

However, it's good as long as the sinner is a flower. Ding Xiaochun happily thought to himself. At most, he would learn a kind of flower from a master next time and give it to Xiao Ya.

Wang Chai saw that he was no longer in the way of a child, so he directly asked the Daoist boy Qing Niu the question he had just asked. At this time, the little Daoist boy didn't have a stick in his hand. His two thick eyebrows were all gathered together. He opened with his old habit and asked, "What are you guys thinking?"

It was unknown whether it was because the villagers were simple and honest, or because they trusted the Daoist boy from the Green Cow, but Wang Chai shook out all of the suggestions that Jiao Dazhi had made without any intention of hiding anything. The Daoist boy listened attentively and thought for a moment. "I agree with Bighead, but I want to add two things …"

"After hearing Grandmaster Qing Niu's suggestion, everyone gathered their attention, because every time, Grandmaster Qing Niu would give them a better and more comprehensive suggestion." Big Foot's suggestion was very good, but it was still a bit lacking. After this heavy snow, we could only dig traps in the nearby mountains, because further on we were not enough men and we were not familiar with them. This way, the rice noodles are smaller, and the food may not meet the expected standards. I suggest that we not only set up traps and observe from the ground, but also see which beasts and birds are more active, and we will specifically set more places open for them. Also, if there are any living animals in the traps, we might as well let them call out more and attract more living animals, the more the merrier. "

The room was extremely quiet. Only the young voice of the Daoist boy, Qing Niu, could be heard. Crack * The sound of a broken branch interrupted the quiet. Everyone turned to look at the 'culprit' in the corner of the room — it was Ding Xiaochun who had lost his consciousness and stepped on a dead branch. When he saw everyone turn to look at him, it was rare for this usually thick-skinned person to blush. He timidly said, "I didn't do it on purpose, I really didn't do it on purpose …" As he said this, he felt that he wasn't wrong, why did he keep apologizing? One by one, they stared back at him!

The Daoist boy didn't care about him and continued, "Another thing is, we can't just count on the beasts in this mountain. When the snow stops, you can scatter some millet and sorghum in the open area of the village. Put a net over that fishnet at the back of the village, and if any birds come and eat it, you can let them go. Before he could finish his sentence, Ding Xiaochun interrupted excitedly, "There is such a method?" Master, why didn't you tell me earlier that I won't have to worry about being a netizen in the future! "

"Sin!" "This is only a way to save lives. What we should focus on is to rely on the mountains to eat the water, and to cut off the leaves and roots. "According to your method of eating, all the birds in these three to five hundred miles of mountains have long been eaten by you. What will your family be eating then?"

Ding Xiaochun's face reddened as he was told this, but he thought to himself that he should be able to do it a dozen times a year. Furthermore, I won't let you see or eat it, so I'll give it to you! I want all of you to die.

The Green Ox Grandmaster did not care about Ding Xiaochun, but added on, "Finally, there is a small stream at the back of the mountain in our village. You can make it freeze faster by laying a thick branch of grass. Once this mountain stream is frozen, you can make a hole in the middle of this thick layer of ice.

This suggestion was not only for Ding Xiaochun, but even Wang Chai was stunned by it. He said in a dull tone, "Master, are you saying that fish will automatically jump out when you open a hole in the ice?"

The Daoist boy froze for a second. You don't know when to beg a carp for ice?! 24 filial piety! Then, after thinking about it for a while, he realized that Wang Xiang, that filial son of a masochist, had probably done the same thing in the past few years. Now that the news from the outside world had been cut off in the mountains, it was normal for them not to know about it. The Daoist child didn't explain any further. He concluded, "Just do as I say."

"Okay." Wang Qiangfu knew that Daoist Master Qing Niu had finished answering, so he leaned forward and said, "Greetings to Great Master Qing Niu."

Upon seeing this, the other hunters also hurriedly bowed and said, "Greetings, great master Green Ox …"

He hurriedly moved his feet while everyone was kowtowing. This ancient man was truly courting death. He had to 'kneel down' if he wanted to sit or not. Even though he had been used to the etiquette of a high society for the past few years, it still hurt! It was no wonder that ancient scholars did not grow up that long ago. They might even have the reason for this' evil habit '. Before the Daoist boy could enter the back room, a knocking sound suddenly came from the temple door, startling everyone in the room.

Wang Chai immediately picked up his machete and pressed his hands against the anxious hunters. With a frown, he shouted with confidence, "Who is it?"

"Brother Wang, it's me, Old Ding! Me, the village head and the others have rushed back! " A middle-aged man's voice rang out from outside the door. Although it was somewhat haggard, it was particularly loud and clear. Before Wang Chai could say anything, Ding Xiaochun ran to the door shouting with joy, "My dad is back! Dad has finally brought you back! "Dad, what kind of delicious food did you bring us?"

This child... Wang Chai helplessly shook his head and let him go.

Ding Xiaochun couldn't wait to open the temple door with Ding Xiaoxia's help. He ate the flying snow that was coming at him first without even taking a glance at his father. He shouted, "It's freezing me to death, it's freezing me to death! "Why didn't you tell me about the storm outside your old man's door!"

Seeing that his son was complaining about him the first time they met, Ding Datong was angered to the point of giving Ding Xiaochun a kick, scolding loudly without knowing whether to laugh or to cry, "You thief, your father has worked so hard to run around outside. "What, is it a skin thickening or an itch?"

Ding Xiaochun had always been arrogant in the village and had never been convinced by anyone. However, no matter how brave he was, he wouldn't dare to shout and shout in front of his father. He quickly ran to the fire in the middle of the room to warm himself.

This time, on the way out of the village with the village chief, he had carved a path through the thistles and thorns. When he returned to the village this time, he was carrying two baskets on his back, with several gourds hanging from his waist, and several small sacks tied around his wrists. In the words of the Cyan Bull Taoist, he was really armed to the teeth.

Apart from Ding Xiaochun, who was the eldest son, who was shameless, the other three sons were quite honest. Seeing their father carrying so many things on his back, they quickly went up to help him carry some things. Ding Da Gui quickly walked into the house and made a path for the people behind him. He then called for his sons to help his other uncles.

Seven or eight middle-aged men followed Ding Datong inside. They were all fellow villagers. This time, Wang Chai and the rest couldn't sit still any longer and hurried over to help unload the goods. Almost every man had a big basket on his back, which was either filled with food or clothing for the new year. Each basket was full to the brim, and children like Ding Xiaoxia and Ding Xiaoqiu were almost thrown out when they received it. These middle-aged men all felt that the hope and expectation of the village was on their backs, so they didn't mind if there were too many of them, instead they all thought there were too few. Wang Chai looked around and his heart skipped a beat. He quickly asked Ding Datou, "Brother Ding, why is there so many of them this year …" Many new year goods? "

Ding Dai Gui seemed to have expected Wang Chai to ask such a question. He cracked his lips into a smile and said, "It's all thanks to Mr Kong Ming."

The Daoist boy stood aside as if he was struck by lightning. The sound in his heart was like the beating of a drum. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! This name was very famous in history. Furthermore, this era just happened to match it. Was it really the legendary "The number one bull of the Three Kingdoms" Kong Ming Ming? The little Daoist boy controlled his heart that was about to jump out and asked, "Yes …" Yes... Which Mr. Kong Ming? "

At this moment, Ding Datong finally noticed the Cyan Ox Grandmaster who was standing next to him. He hurriedly kneeled down and said, "I didn't know that the Great Master was here, it's a sin, a sin!"

The Daoist boy quickly helped Ding Datong up and stopped the men who had just entered the village to kneel down before him. The spring wind blew across his face as he said, "Those who don't know are not to be blamed, and the Ding brothers and brothers are the great heroes of our village now. How could I not praise you and instead blame you for bringing back so much food for the winter?" Speaking of which, the Daoist boy stuttered and then continued with his question, "The 'Mr. Kong Ming' that you mentioned just now …" "Who is it?"

"It's Mr. Hu …" "Also called Mister Kong Ming …" Ding Datong said excitedly, "At that time, we just went to the town to trade, and those trashy people outside still say things like things aren't good or good. Business is getting harder and harder to do." Pui! They just want to get rid of us! At that time, we refused to accept it. Those impudent people still wanted to make a move and said that Mr Kong Ming appeared too early. Otherwise, I, Old Ding, would have beat them until they don't know who their real parents are! When Kong Ming appeared with the three Elders and the pavilion master, those impudent people immediately stopped talking. "Later on, the Village Head went up to talk with us, but we could not understand him. We knew that the 'Pavilion Head' would come forward and ask for those trashy goods to trade with us." Ding Datong happily laughed after he finished speaking.

Mr. Hu? What the hell was this? The Daoist boy felt as if countless strings had been tied to his heart. He continued to ask, "Then what happened next?"

"Later?" "What happened?" Ding Datou gawked for a moment before saying without hesitation, "Mr. Kong Ming came back with us."

What! Kong Ming also came? This time, the little Daoist boy was no longer at a loss. He only felt an inexplicable throbbing sensation.

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