My 27-year-old Pretty CEO/C9 9 Fail
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My 27-year-old Pretty CEO/C9 9 Fail
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C9 9 Fail

As Golden Scale Villa was Lee Zejun's territory, Sun Yang did not dare to stay.

He opened the door and put Zhao Xueqing in the front passenger seat.

He got into the car and started the engine. A wave of killing intent came from behind him.

Not good, there's someone in the car!

He turned around and saw a sharp dagger sticking out from behind him, aiming at Zhao Xueqing's neck.


Zhao Xueqing cried out in alarm.

"Don't move if you don't want her to die!"

The man's cold warning came from behind.

Through the rearview mirror, Sun Yang saw a man in black clothes hiding in the back. He wore a mask, which revealed his falcon-like eyes.

He was too careless!

This person was silent and had a top-notch aura. He was obviously a top assassin from all over the world.

Before she could be upset, she heard the killer say, "Now drive and don't try to fight back. Before you do, I'll cut her throat."

With that, he pressed down the blade in his hand.

The sharp blade instantly pierced Zhao Xueqing's neck.

Blood ran down her smooth jade neck into the white and tender gully.

"Sun Yang …" Zhao Xueqing stiffened her body, not daring to move.

Sun Yang's mind raced. He was confident that he could kill the killer in the instant he made a move, but he didn't dare to gamble.

He started the car, stepped on the gas pedal and the Porsche quickly disappeared into the night.

The Golden Scale Villa was located in the outskirts of the city, and there were few signs of humans. As the car drove into the forest, the dark forest looked like a black hole.

"Stop the car!"

Seeing that the time was right, the killer knocked Zhao Xueqing out with his knife and stabbed at Sun Yang.

His speed was so fast that ordinary people wouldn't be able to react in time.

However, what he fought against was Sun Yang, a ten-year military career that trained him to have an abnormal reaction speed and extremely strong killing techniques.

"Creak …"

He stepped on the brakes and the huge inertia caused the killer to lose his balance.


He stabbed his dagger into the Porsche's console, causing a burst of sparks to fly.

Not good!

After succeeding with the first strike, the killer wanted to retract his dagger. However, it was too late. Sun Yang had already tightly gripped his wrist and was unable to pull it out.

Without any hesitation, he shook his left hand, and a black military knife appeared in his hand.


The sports car was very small to begin with, and at such a close distance, there was no way for him to dodge it.

He seemed to have seen the scene of Sun Yang clutching his throat and falling to the ground in pain.

However, this time, he didn't.

Sun Yang lowered his head and stepped on the accelerator all the way down.


The engine roared and the car shot out.

The killer lost his balance for the second time and leaned back.

'Bang! 'a loud sound was heard.

The car hit a tree by the side of the road at a speed of eighty yards.

The front of the car was completely destroyed, and all the airbags were ejected.

Caught off guard, Sun Yang was hit in the head. Luckily, he and Zhao Xueqing were both wearing safety belts.

However, the assassin was not so lucky. The huge inertia threw him out of the back of the car. His head hit the door and his face was covered in blood.

What was truly fatal was the saber that had stabbed into his chest.

Sun Yang opened the car door and breathed in the fresh air.

It was too late to celebrate walking from the brink of death. He quickly went to the front passenger seat and opened the door. After confirming that Zhao Xueqing was unharmed, he lifted her out.

After a while, Zhao Xueqi slowly woke up.

"My neck hurts!"

Sun Yang quickly put her on the ground and started to massage her.

Zhao Xueqing was not in a good condition, but no car passed by during the night.

Sun Yang touched his pocket and remembered that his phone was dropped in the duty room.

"Where's your phone?"

"On... In the car, in the bag! "

Sun Yang walked over, and sure enough, there was a black LV bag on the front passenger seat.

He leaned over to get his bag. The killer in the backseat was on the verge of waking up.

Although the knife in his chest was frightening, it did not hurt his vital parts.

Sun Yang didn't need to think to know that this guy was definitely sent by Lee Zejun.

Only he couldn't wait to kill him.

He wanted to kill the killer, but if he died in Zhao Xueqing's car, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble.

"How are you?"

Zhao Xueqing said impatiently.

"I got the bag."

"I was also confused for a moment, and I actually believed your lies!"

After she calmed down, Zhao Xueqing started to regret her impulsive actions.

Although he had temporarily gotten rid of his marriage worries, what should he do next?

The Lee Family will not stop there.

Right now, he was powerless to resist them, and could only allow himself to be slaughtered at will.

Perhaps, accepting Lee Zejun's proposal wasn't a bad thing.

Although he didn't like him, how many of the marriages between clans were genuine?

At least after marriage, he would be able to help the Zhao Family to rise again.

But now, he was in a dilemma.

When Sun Yang heard this, his face instantly darkened.

Your father was kind enough to save you, but I actually made a mistake?

"A dog biting off Lu Dongbin. I don't know how to appreciate a good person's kindness." Sun Yang muttered.

"What did you say?"

"You shouldn't thank me for saving you and escaping Lee Zejun?"

Zhao Xueqing laughed coldly as if she had heard the funniest joke in the world. "He's my fiancé, do I need your help?" Isn't it all because of you that I have fallen to this stage? "

Sun Yang also sneered, "What is the true face of your fiance? Will you have a good time marrying him? "

"No matter how bad his life is, he's still ten thousand times richer than you!"

Money money, money again!

Zhao Xueqing's words stung Sun Yang's heart.

Yeah, he's the only heir to the Li Group, and his wealth is trillions.

What about him?

He was just a veteran, and the hospital had already given all the veterans their money.

If he couldn't even protect the security of the neighborhood, how could he compare to Lee Zejun?

The day where he would be paid in two days, he didn't know if Wang Xiong would make things difficult for him.

"You're not talking? Do you recognize the difference between you and him? "

"Then go back and find him!" Sun Yang said impatiently.

"Alright, let's go then."

Zhao Xueqing had also lost her temper. As soon as she opened her legs, a heart-wrenching pain came from her thighs. Her legs went soft and she almost fell down.

"Bastard. Sun Yang, other than bullying me, what else can you do?"

Looking at Zhao Xueqing's tears, Sun Yang sighed. Why was he angry at her?

Just as she was about to go over to help her up, she heard a "ka" sound coming from the car.

Sun Yang's scalp instantly turned numb as he instinctively looked into the car.

He was too familiar with this sound. It was the sound of a bullet being loaded.


Without any time to think, Sun Yang directly pounced towards Zhao Xueqing, who was not far away.


The moment she fell down, the killer instantly pulled the trigger. In a split-second, the bullet grazed past Sun Yang's scalp and disappeared into the forest.

If he wasn't quick enough to react, this shot would have blown his head off.

However, the sense of crisis had yet to subside.

The other party had a gun in his hand, and he was still carrying Zhao Xueqing. He couldn't risk fighting him head on.


One shot went wrong, and the killer shot again.

Sun Yang grunted and took the opportunity to carry Zhao Xueqing into the woods beside the road, disappearing into the night.

The killer ran out of the car, clutching his chest, and the two of them were gone.

"He escaped!"

He picked up the gun and swept it around in the woods. When he finished firing the magazine, he didn't go after him.

He knew that he was no match for Sun Yang when they fought in the car. If it wasn't for Zhao Xueqing holding him hostage, the other party would have killed him long ago.

It wouldn't be worth it to sacrifice his own life for a few million.

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