My Aloof Beautiful CEO/C14 Thank You for Staying with Me Tonight
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My Aloof Beautiful CEO/C14 Thank You for Staying with Me Tonight
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C14 Thank You for Staying with Me Tonight

An electric thrill ran through me, and it was only after a while that she spoke.

"Lil 'White, your hands don't seem to be obedient." This sentence was obviously a provocation, and it obviously made me want to continue on like this.

But very quickly, she calmed down as well, as if that instant was just a small fluctuation.

She stood on the bank of the river, the wind ruffling her hair.

Looking at the reflection of the neon lights on the river, she was very beautiful.

After we walked for a while, Liu Bei's heart slowly calmed down as well.

"Lil 'White, thank you for accompanying me tonight."

"Sister Bei, this is my duty."

"I hate you, Little White. You always make Big Sister Bei so happy." After walking along the river for a while, Liu Bei called a taxi to take me to the entrance of my village in the city. I reluctantly pretended to be magnanimous as I got out of the car. "Thank you, Sister Bei." The moment I said that, Liu Bei suddenly looked at me affectionately. I thought my collar was dirty, or I left something behind, but didn't think so.

"Big Sister Bei, I'll head back first then."

All of a sudden, Liu Bei quickly brought her lips over to a very warm and lively kiss. This time, she was so nimble, and this time, she really made me feel very excited, and then I felt Liu Bei's face blush a little, and then she quickly drove away. I was still stunned on the spot, and touched the kiss just now, it was still wet, moist, and I think I won't be able to sleep tonight …

I just fantasized about going into a convenience store to buy a few bottles of beer, and when I got home, that night I was drunk but deeply insomniac, because of Liu Bei this beauty.

After waking up in the morning, I took care of the leftover things I had left behind that night, and smiled to myself. I looked at the time, it was already 8 o'clock, I was definitely late, and now I was caught by Xie Shou-chuang, I patted my head, thinking of how I had not turned on the alarm clock, the next day, it was accompanied by a wave of pain, and then I suddenly thought of something. Last night, I was beaten up by someone from Sobbing Technology, and that was the same woman who had stopped me from my job.

He took advantage of the time he had to clean up and made breakfast. He thought he would be able to get a good rest today, but who would've thought he would get a call from Lin Bing. She asked him coldly.

"Bai Wen Feng, come to my office immediately." At that time, I paused to suppress the anger in my heart. Her originally good mood was ruined by this.

"Boss Lin, what can I do for you?" I didn't, and I wondered if she'd forgotten the suspension she'd given me after one night.

"Come back to the company immediately."

"I'm resting." As soon as my voice fell, Lin Bing hung up the phone. She obviously didn't wait for me to have any reaction. Damn, this woman, I don't know what kind of tricks she's going to play now. "NND," the phone rang again. I thought maybe Lin Bing wanted to tell me if she didn't go back she would resign or something. I thought maybe I would just quit.

"What is it?" Who would have thought that the voice on the other end of the phone was that of an old woman. I heard my mother's voice, which I hadn't heard for a long time but was still familiar with.

"Wen Feng, it's Mom. Did she disturb you at work?" I immediately realized that my tone had been too loud.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I thought it was a customer's phone call, so I spoke a bit louder." But when I talked about Dad, she kept saying that he was fine. But I knew that since my father's legs had been broken from the last fall, and he was born with a bad temper, so he didn't want to go to the doctor, but instead he found some yam and hung up on my mom. I had been thinking of quitting at the worst, but now I flinched, changed my clothes, got on the public bus, and headed to Lin Bing's office …

When he saw her, he could still feel that her face was rather cold and elegant.

"Boss Lin, why are you looking for me?" She glanced at me, then tossed me a document. It was the new product promotion program I'd done before moving to the sales department.

"Boss Lin, what does that mean?" I asked her at once, and the first question that came to my mind was, did this woman figure it out and let me go back to the project? I looked at her doubtfully, and she thought for a moment before speaking.

"Modify the plan in your hand right now and get out before 2 o'clock." Her words were precise and forceful, and before I could react, she asked me to leave. What was going on in this woman's mind, I couldn't figure it out, but then Marvin saw me coming out of Lin Bing's office. He walked over and patted my shoulder, and I thought, What does this mean? But I didn't ask him about it. He also walked into Lin Bing's office.

When I returned to the Sales Department's office, Lulu gave me a quick look before looking around to see that there was no one around. At this time, all of the salespeople had left to go with their customers.

"Wen Feng, Director Lin and Director Xie were discussing about you this morning, but I don't know what the details are. Also, I heard that you were beaten up by Sob Technology last night. Is it still painful?" I wasn't surprised by what Lulu had said. She had called me back in the morning, I think, to give me a last chance, and if I wasn't satisfied with the project, she would have told me to scram immediately. I was fully prepared, and I gave Lulu a smile.

"Lulu, thank you … I understand. There won't be any more problems from the beating." This time, I took out this plan again. Ever since I did the sales experience these days and learned about some of the procedures for following the orders, I realized that the marketing case that I did before was missing the crux of the problem from a customer's point of view, so this time, I focused on implementing a client-centered marketing approach …

When I brought the revised case to Lin Bing's office again before 2 p.m., she took it and looked it over without saying anything. Then Marvin, who had made a quick internal call, came in with the same case in his hand.

Ma Wen and I stood separately at the side. At this moment, Lin Bing's eyes first looked at my case and her eyes revealed something I couldn't understand. Then, she looked at the case of Ma Wen. Her expression became much calmer.

"All of you are paying attention?" she said suddenly.

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