My Aloof Beautiful CEO/C8 Performance Second to Last
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My Aloof Beautiful CEO/C8 Performance Second to Last
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C8 Performance Second to Last

My heart was burning with anxiety as I called the customers and told them that I hadn't made up my mind to enter a new product yet, but they all had the intention to place an order. I was really worried, even though Liu Bei revealed a bit of information about my results to me on the morning when the results were announced, my performance should not be considered to be at the bottom of the list, and there was a colleague whose performance was lower than mine. Listening to this, my heart settled a little, but I was worried that other people wouldn't have new orders within a few hours.

This afternoon, our comprehensive exam's name was finally released. I nervously walked to the rankings board to check the results, it was really Bodhisattva's blessing, my performance had reached the bottom two, meaning that there was someone with a lower performance than me. Looking at the name, I felt quite familiar with it, Li Mingyuan?

Lin Lin smiled at me.

"Lil 'White, you still need to work hard." I will also smile in my heart, Lin Lin will once again be ranked as the number one in the south of China.

"Beauty Lin Lin, why do you think this Li Mingyuan hasn't seen him in the company for the past few days?" I was trying to find out what was going on with this man who was even more unlucky than I was.

"Xiaobai, you still don't know. This month, Li Mingyuan has proposed to leave his job, and after today, he will officially complete his mission." Hearing this result, my heart began to struggle again. Could it be that the heavens really wanted to play with me? Can the test scores of employees who have left their jobs be counted? I asked Lin Lin doubtfully. She was silent for a moment before speaking.

"This, theoretically, but since the time he proposed was the end of last month, we should put this decision on Boss's shoulders."

"After Lin Lin finished saying this, my cell phone immediately rang." Bai Wen Feng, come to my office. " This voice was neither Zhang Fei nor Lin Bing, it was Sagittarius.

He said this as if he was about to say something else. You just wait for death, you piece of trash!

"Bai Wen Feng, I believe you have also seen the results of the examination. You, you have completely lost face for our southern China department."

When Sagittarius said this, I saw that he was aiming for me. He didn't say much and just threw over a transfer form.

"The company has already made its decision to change your position to that of a receptionist. With your standard, you can start from the most basic receipts and how to communicate with customers."

"I'm not the last one. Why should I accept this decision?" He gave me a sudden look of contempt.

"Bai Wenfeng, let me tell you, if it wasn't for Vice-President Lin's decision I would have killed you long ago. You're still too inexperienced to negotiate with me." Damn, I already knew that Sagittarius was a piece of trash. Damn, it's Lin Bing again.

"May I ask if you have anything else to say? Hurry up and let them go, otherwise, get the hell out of here." I know it's useless to say anything now, and I'm crazily cursing this bastard inside. Fuck, I look at the pile of papers on the desk and I want to smash his mouth with one punch and his wretched face with a few punches! My hands subconsciously gathered a huge amount of strength, but I held it back before I could. I endured it! Life is so perverted.

I took my transfer and walked out of the Sagittarius office. Out of the door, I crumpled up this piece of paper and wanted to throw it in the trash can. Looking at this crumpled piece of paper, shaped like my bumpy job, which was my life right now, was I going to write another letter and leave? Suddenly, I saw four words on the paper, "Salary is unchanged." I thought I couldn't and didn't have to go through with the money, so I walked over to Lin Bing's office.

I knocked on the door and went into her office.

"Bai Wen Feng, what are you looking for me for!" The ghostly wail grew louder and louder, as if it had met its enemy.

"Boss Lin, what's the meaning of this?" I handed over the adjustment sheet. She looked at me with her sharp and somewhat cold eyes, then looked at the adjustment sheet again. She arrogantly raised her fingers that had been smeared with nail polish and stared at me for a full 10 seconds before replying.

"Bai Wen Feng, do you have any objections? Do you think my decision is wrong? " She suddenly changed her tone.

"Boss Lin, please remember what you've said. My overall performance is not at the bottom." She gave a sudden sneer.

"Bai Wen Feng, let me tell you this. If your performance was at the bottom, I would have killed you long ago. You would not know what's good for you if you were to negotiate with me."

F * ck, I really want to curse at this demoness. She's really a freaking freak. However, I suppressed the anger in my heart and didn't do anything. I don't know why I didn't have the courage to do that, but I changed my words.

"Boss Lin, thank you for giving me this chance." I stared at her unhappily.

"You don't know how to plan, nor do you know how to sell. The company is giving you the opportunity to go to the grassroots level to train and learn, and only after learning the key point of the order will you have the right to speak to me. You don't know how to deal with the customers, you don't even have the right to stay in the Sales Department."

"Get out." I silently accepted the criticism and returned to my seat. I calmly thought about it, as if what she said was right, I need to learn, I need a chance, I need to shine. At this moment, Liu Bei saw my disappointment and called me over to her office to talk.

"Little White, don't be discouraged, the chance is for those who are prepared. Big Sis Pi also saw your efforts, don't let this small setback hit you. Believe me, no matter how others see you, you're not important. The most important thing is to be able to face yourself." Her words instantly warmed my heart, and my eyes immediately turned red. I had never experienced this kind of warmth before. In this city of Guangzhou, the strangeness and coldness, the indifference between people, had long been deeply ingrained. However, unlike Liubei, she was always very touching.

"Sister Bei, thank you. I'll do my best." This time, I called her Big Sis Pi in the company. She treated me as her little brother, which made my heart fill up. No matter how cold and indifferent Lin Bing is, no matter how much trouble the Sagittarius has, I treated them as the most important opponents in my life, allowing me to improve.

After I walked out of Liu Bei's office, my heart was once again set on fire. Li Mingyuan walked over and quietly handed me the batch of customers he was contacting, and once again, I felt that there was a road of no end in heaven. There was a saying, "There's a dead end in front, I hope that it's a dead end."

"Wen Feng, you have this potential. Do it well and find time to come out and drink together."

Looking at these steaming customer lists, which I am temporarily assigned to as a receptionist, I believe I will soon be out of this predicament and will soon be a strong customer to support my performance.

I moved my things to the same position as the receptionist. The company originally had two attendants, but I never found the right person, according to the beautiful Lulu, who was now on my side.

After chatting for a while, we tidied up our new desk. After all, it had been quite a while since we last saw a lot of dust. When we got off work, it started to rain outside the window and stopped after six o'clock on the internet.

But just as I was about to leave, thinking that more than half of my colleagues in the quiet office had already left after the lights were turned off, I heard a familiar woman's voice shouting, "Ah …" "Don't..."

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