My Aloof Beautiful CEO/C9 A Devil Woman
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My Aloof Beautiful CEO/C9 A Devil Woman
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C9 A Devil Woman

"T-thank you Director, no, no …" It was Liu Bei's gentle and extremely panicked voice, and I could hear Liu Bei's distress signal. Fuck, it's this Sagittarius again, damn, I still have a clear memory of what happened to Zhang Fei last time, how many more innocent young women did he have to hurt before he stopped. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got.

As soon as I thought of this, I turned on my love, and headed for the Sagittarius office.

The sound just now had become clearer and clearer.

"No, please don't touch me." This time, it couldn't be wrong. It was definitely Liu Bei, and the person who was harassing Liu Bei was Xie Shouchuan. I immediately pointed my beloved machine at the main entrance of the office.

"Bei Bei, you're so beautiful, I really can't control myself. Besides, don't you think it's a good idea for us to play?" My fists were clenched when I heard Sagittarius's perverted confession.

"Director Xie, no, please don't come over."

"Rest assured, I will love you more." After saying that, I knew that Xie Shouchuan was about to attack, because I could hear that the sound of the glass shattering was definitely due to Liu Bei's strong resistance.

"Ah …" Following that, Liu Bei Bei's scream was accompanied by Xie Shouchuan's obscene laughter.

Damn, this time I know that Liu Bei's resistance is futile, and Xie Shouchuan has already decided on her. Damn, I only feel that she is such a disgrace, a scum like that, I want to destroy him.

Then, I forcefully kicked open the door of Xie Shouchuan's office. At that moment, I saw Xie Shouchuan's entire body push Liu Bei down onto the office table, while his hand was groping down on her career line …

"Fuck, please let Sister Bei go." At this moment, Xie Shou, who was in the midst of excitement, suddenly saw me. His face was dark, his palm was still facing Liu Bei's line of work, but at this moment, Liu Bei seemed to have recovered from her earlier panic, and she quickly pushed Xie Shou away and ran over to my side.

"Your f * cking Bai Wenfeng, you actually dared to disrupt my plans. It seems like you don't want to continue anymore, just wait for laozi to grant your wish."

Then I sneered back at him.

"Director Xie, I've already recorded what you said on my phone. This is the evidence. Take a look at how everyone will react if I broadcast this video and dialogue in front of all the employees."

As I spoke, I opened the video I had just recorded. Before I could finish broadcasting it, Xie Shouchuan's face changed.

"Bai Wen Feng, you're ruthless." At that moment, I knew that he wanted to charge over and snatch my phone. I quickly pushed my phone away and Xie Shouchuan threw his entire body over. Then, he let out a cry of pain, accompanied by a curse.

"Bai Wen Feng, you better be careful in the future." He was still pressing his hand against the corner of his head, and I knew he was going to explode from anger.

When Liu Bo and I left the office, she calmed down a little. Looking at her face, I knew she was still worried about what had just happened.

"Little White, what happened just now was a burden to you, Director Xie will not let you off so easily." I looked at Liubei and gave her a faint smile.

"Sister Bei, it's alright. I'm not afraid of such people. Since I've already come this far, I might as well get rid of him." When I said that, Liu Bei seemed unhappy.

"Little White, if that's what you think, Sister Bei feels even more guilty." As we spoke, we had already walked out of the company building. I did not continue what Liu Bei had said. I did not want her to worry too much.

"Big Sister Bei, I'm just a bachelor, but I've endured so much already." I said it very easily. Although I knew in my heart that this job was very important to me, when faced with Liu Bei's definition of being harassed by scum like that, it was simply beneath my notice. Work can be found again, but my pure soul won't be able to recover after being tainted.

"Little White, you haven't eaten yet, right? Big Sister Bei will treat you to a meal. " I nodded my head in agreement. Then, I sat in Liu Bei's car. Her words were still as quiet as ever. We quietly arrived at a private restaurant on the Ringstrasse. After sitting down, the frightened Liu Bei looked extremely pitiful.

After a moment of silence, music started playing in the room.

"Yesterday" Whyshehadtogodon 'tknowshewoulden' tsay. Isaidsomethingwrong, NowIlongforyesterday...

"Little White …" It seemed that Liu Bei wanted to say something.

"Sister Bei, you really don't have to worry about me." I think she's still worried about me.

"Little White, Big Sister Bei has thought about it. You can hand in your departure report tomorrow. Big Sister Bei will be in charge of your daily life these days. I'll get a friend to help you settle your work matters tomorrow." Looking at Liu Bei's serious face, I was touched once again. Such a beautiful and empathetic woman, I heard that her marriage also had problems, so I became one of Xie Shou's objects of harassment.

I suddenly wanted to ask something.

"Sister Bei, has there really been a problem with your marriage?"

Liu Bei fell silent for a long time. Only then did I realize that I was asking the wrong question. Such a question, asking about other people's secrets is really too much. I immediately changed the topic to talk about other things, but Liu Bei did not pick up on it.

"Little White, this Wind Shelter Crab produced here is very interesting. Let's try it out too, what do you think?" I understood that Liu Bei didn't want to talk too much about her marriage, but I already understood that there must be a problem with her marriage. Thinking about the high divorce rate, Sister Fei was also a divorced woman.

"What are you thinking about, Lil 'White?" I didn't say anything in response.

After the meal, we walked side by side for a short distance. I could feel that Liu Bei seemed to have something on her mind. Ever since she asked about her marriage, her gaze kept drifting, and then she got into the car.

"Sister Bei, is there something on your mind?" Tell me if you can. "

"Little White, accompany Big Sister Bei to have a drink." A woman's thoughts are nothing more than family and love, since she's a married woman, so it must be a family problem, but I didn't ask, and then we sat down at a bar on Ringstrasse and didn't drink any alcohol, and Liu Bei just said she wanted to find excitement here, and the performance on the stage was very crazy, and we ordered two glasses of cold lime water, and suddenly a drunk man staggered over to our table, and Liu Bei and I were watching him, when suddenly Liu Bei shouted out loud, I turned around and saw a person hugging Liu Bei, and acting strangely drunk. I pushed him away quickly, but he got his clothes out of the bar.

The phone rang just as I was coming out of the bathroom. I was walking and watching when I accidentally bumped into someone. At the same time, with the smell of perfume, my nerves seemed to have been stimulated. This smell was so familiar, so familiar, I suddenly remembered that day in the car, I had smelled this smell very clearly. Could it be?

There was only one clear image in his mind, Lin Bing, a devil woman …

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