My Beautiful Anchor/C17 You are a woman with a big chest and no brains
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My Beautiful Anchor/C17 You are a woman with a big chest and no brains
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C17 You are a woman with a big chest and no brains

I helped my cousin open a double room in the hotel. My cousin wasn't very heavy, so it didn't take much effort to carry her to the bed. I laid her flat on the bed and leaned on the other bed, waiting for her to wake up.

Cousin may not be heavy, but I'm wounded. After walking so far with her in my arms, the pain from my body has increased by quite a bit.

I leaned on the bed and waited for my cousin to wake up. After an hour or so, my cousin still hadn't woken up. Seeing that my cousin still hadn't woken up, I sat beside her to observe.

My cousin was probably asleep by then, pouting from time to time and smacking her lips, looking extremely cute and adorable. Seeing how my cousin was so lovingly sleeping, I couldn't help but feel my heart warm up and unconsciously reveal a smile on my face.

This cousin of mine has always been quite likeable to me, except when she was with me. I don't know why she had such a prejudiced opinion of me, and I don't think I've done anything to make her angry.

I was just thinking about it when my cousin suddenly kicked her leg. I thought what had happened, so it turned out that she was talking in her sleep. It was obvious that she had me in her dreams, which surprised me a little, but I could see that even in her dreams she wouldn't let me do it.

After stamping her feet on the floor, my elder cousin used her small white hands to touch her mouth. After that, she smacked her lips a few times before continuing to sleep. Looking at such a cute elder cousin, I subconsciously reached out my hand to pinch her pink cheeks.

Her skin was very good, smooth and tender, and her hands felt especially good, making people want to pinch her the second time.

At this moment, an idea popped into my mind. My cousin had always said that she would let me do it, but now, I haven't even touched her. How about I take this opportunity to mess with her?

I don't know what it's like to be with a woman, but it's a rare opportunity, after all." "I don't know what it's like to be with a woman," I said. I heard that it was going to be nice to talk to a woman. It was much more comfortable than a five-fingered girl.

People all have a problem. Things that they haven't tried before all have an inexplicable curiosity. Curiosity coupled with a primal impulse, I finally decided to not let go of this opportunity. Tonight, I am going to become a true man.

I had never touched a woman in my life before. Even though I had already made up my mind, I still didn't dare to do it. After exhaling large mouthfuls of air, I spread my cousin's hands, broke her legs into a human shape, and nervously pressed down on her.

I've never touched a woman in a place like this. Although I'm on top of my cousin, I don't know what I should do next, so after thinking about it, I decided to start with my cousin's mouth. To be honest, I haven't even kissed a girl yet, but I heard that kissing a girl is like eating jelly, I don't know if that's true or not.

With great curiosity, I held my cousin's face in my hands and brought my lips up to hers. My cousin's lips were very elastic, like jelly, and it was very comfortable to kiss her. After kissing her once, I lowered my head and continued to kiss her.

After kissing my cousin for a while, I locked my eyes on her breasts. When watching the movie, the male protagonist would pinch the female protagonist's breasts, not only pinching but also sucking them in various ways, making my heart itch. I don't know what it feels like to rub them.

When I thought of the female protagonist's breasts in the movie, my whole body started boiling, so I carefully took off my cousin's denim jacket, opened her short white sleeves from my collar, and pulled down her short white sleeves. I could clearly see the white hood she wore.

Looking at the white and delicate scenery under my cousin's cover, I suddenly felt as if my whole body was on fire, and my mouth was parched.

After being excited for a long time, I reached my hand into my cousin's short white sleeves and placed it on her hood. I gently touched it, as I finally understood why the male lead in the movie liked to pinch the breasts of the female protagonist.

Just as I was about to remove my cousin's mask and investigate her true appearance, my cousin rubbed her eyes and woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw my hand groping around in front of her chest, the small tent that was raised from her lower body jabbing at her thigh.

At the start, Cousin was still a little confused and didn't have the time to react, but a second later, she completely reacted. She didn't even use her thigh to press against my crotch and in that instant, I felt that the world was about to collapse and my balls were about to shatter.


After being pushed so hard by my cousin, I sat down on the floor and rolled around with my hands on my crotch. This kind of pain couldn't be described. It was a pain that only men would understand.

After pulling off her clothes, she threw the blanket on the bed onto my body and stomped on me angrily a few times. She even cursed angrily, "You damned pervert! You're taking advantage of me! I'll trample you to death! "F * ck!"

Originally, I was already injured. After being stomped on so hard by my cousin, I felt as though my bones were going to break. "Stop!" Stop stepping on it, it hurts! "

Under my pleading, my cousin finally stopped. After stopping, she loudly asked me why she was here. I told you to think carefully, I'm a good person who saved you.

"Good people? "Are you even worthy of the word 'good man'?" Cousin sister crossed her arms in anger, her tone full of sarcasm.

Being caught by my cousin, I know that no matter how I explain it, it's useless. But no matter what, I did save her today.

After her cousin sat on the bed, she calmed herself down and started to think about things. As she thought about it, she said softly, "I remember when I met that person. Afterwards, we went to a rather remote KTV. He …"

It was obvious that my cousin had remembered something. I thought she couldn't remember anything after taking the sedative, and I was startled.

"I remember that I drank a cup of wine handed over by that person. After that, I don't remember anymore, why am I here?" My cousin looked at me in confusion. She asked if I was normal, but her gaze towards bad people made me feel a bit unnatural.

"It's like this, the wine that the man passed to you was tampered with, after you drank it, you passed out, the man wanted to take the opportunity to force you, fortunately I stopped him in time and carried you away, then I carried you all the way to this hotel!" I tried my best to explain to my cousin.

"Tell me, did you follow me today?" After I finished speaking, my cousin questioned me harshly.

I was speechless. This wasn't the main point. If it wasn't for me following her, she would have been slapped multiple times already. She didn't thank me and even said that I was following her.

Faced with my cousin's questioning, I nodded honestly. After hearing me out loud, my cousin said, "I say, you have nothing to do all day. Why are you following me? I owe you money, you lunatic!"

If my cousin said anything else about me, I wouldn't say anything, but she blamed me for following her.

"Although you are my cousin, it does not mean that you can do whatever you want. If it were not for me following you, you would have been scammed countless times by that bastard already. "Big breasts and no brains!" I snapped back at my cousin.

I really don't understand why this cousin of mine is always against me.

"What did you say? "Say it again!" Cousin pointed at me and said angrily. It was obvious that she was truly angry this time.

Normally, I wouldn't go against my cousin, especially when she was really angry. But now, I was really angry. I was clearly following her to protect her, but she said that to me.

"I told you that you are a big-chested, brainless woman, a pure, foolish woman!" I looked at my cousin and said with a firm attitude.

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