My Beautiful Anchor/C19 Pop-up small window
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My Beautiful Anchor/C19 Pop-up small window
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C19 Pop-up small window

Although my cousin's attitude wasn't very good, I still felt a little grateful for her buying me food. I nodded and started to wolf down my food, but to be honest, one dish of soup and one box of rice wasn't enough for me to eat.

After finishing my meal, I wiped my mouth in satisfaction. Although I didn't have enough to eat, the taste was indeed pretty good.

"What happened yesterday was my fault. You helped me and I said that to you!" After eating, my cousin said gently. I didn't know if she had realized her mistake and didn't dare to look at me when she spoke to me.

"Speaking of which, I was also in the wrong. At that time, I almost did that to you! "But this isn't all because of me. You kept saying to me to do it, but I haven't been able to fulfill it even after so long!" I muttered to myself. Even though my voice wasn't loud, my cousin could still hear it.

Hearing my words, Cousin wanted to explain to me, but just as she opened her mouth, she said, "Maybe next time!"

I am very clear that my cousin is trying to stall for time, but in the end, I am not someone with a wormwood brain. The reason why I threatened my cousin is because I want her to treat me better in the future. It would be a lie to say that I don't have any desire for her body, but compared to my cousin's attitude towards me, I would rather wish for my cousin to treat me better.

"En!" After my cousin said that, I nodded her head and acknowledged it.

After I threw the lunch box into the trash can, my cousin and I resumed our awkward mode. Neither of us had come out from last night's incident, so I stayed in the house idly. The only activity I had was probably to watch TV and play with my phone.

After sitting in the living room for a while, my cousin went to her room to listen to music on her computer. After listening to music for a while, my cousin took an afternoon nap.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, I was woken up by my cousin. I sat up in a daze. My cousin said, feeling a little troubled, "It seems that my brain had been poisoned. Can you help me remove it and send it to be repaired?"

The computer my cousin uses is a desktop computer, although the computer isn't too heavy, it isn't easy for the thin and weak cousin to take it. After all, my cousin is really begging me, and if I refuse, then it wouldn't be kind of me to do so. I nodded and got up from the sofa to follow her into her room.

My cousin's room was very fragrant, all I could see were pink wallpaper, and on the bed there were a lot of dolls and young men. My cousin must have changed her clothes, and there was even her white inner cover and white cover over the bed.

I walked straight in front of my cousin's computer and turned on the monitor out of habit. When I turned on the monitor, I blushed and felt a little awkward, the screen was filled with small windows that popped out, and the pictures on the windows made me blush, as if they were completely screenshotted from a film. There were even many tempting words written on them, such as' Brother, I'm so itchy for you to interject! ',' It seems like sister wants it! '. Words like that.

After I looked at it, I coughed once. Only then did I notice that my cousin's face was also flushed red with embarrassment. My cousin, upon seeing me looking at her, quickly turned her face away. She was obviously shy.

The reason why such a window appeared was obviously because his cousin opened a link or a small window while she was surfing the internet. There was no need to send such a window over for repair.

It took me over an hour to close my cousin's window. When I closed the window, I saw the page that started it, which was the page she clicked on the link. On the page, there was a very alluring link, 'What's it like to have sex with a man?' It was obvious that my cousin had clicked on this link to cause so many small windows to pop up.

After helping my cousin with the computer, I asked my cousin to see if she had gotten rid of any documents and materials. After checking, my cousin said she hadn't gotten rid of anything and the computer was as usable as before.

"Thank you so much!" Cousin said gently.

This is the first time I've heard my cousin say 'thank you' to me. To be honest, I was very proud of what my cousin had said. At least I had some use for it.

When I went out, my cousin closed the door behind me, and in the evening, as usual, my cousin broadcast live. I waited for my cousin to go on the air before I went to bed, and so I spent my week on vacation.

As class was due to start the next day, I turned on the alarm clock. Due to the effect of the alarm clock, I woke up early the next morning. However, because my cousin had been broadcasting live for a long time in the evening, I woke up in the morning.

When the bell just rang, I walked into the classroom. He Jun, who was sitting in the back row, saw me coming and whistled. With a joyful expression, he smiled slyly at me. "Student Guan Yi Han, welcome back!"

I ignored He Jun and went straight to my seat. Sun Han was still taking notes like before, completely focused.

After sitting down, I gently nudged Sun Han. Sun Han turned his head and glanced at me. What's the matter? I took out a furry youngster from my pocket and placed him in front of Sun Han. I smiled at Sun Han and said, "I really did thank you last time. I bought this on the street a few days ago. I'll give it to you!"

Sun Han glanced at the young man and accepted it. After accepting it, he politely thanked me.

After I was beaten by He Jun of Ma Tao, Sun Han sent me to the infirmary. I really have to thank her for this, and the only one who makes me feel good about her in this school is Sun Han. I not only treat her as my tablemate, but also as my friend.

During class, Li Xiang Ning once again pushed the desk and bumped into me as usual. She said that my seat was too wide, so she let me stack it up a bit. I didn't argue with her and stacked the desk a bit before continuing with class.

After I stacked the desks, Li Xiang Ning softly muttered behind me, "Your life is pretty tough, huh? Why didn't I beat you to death back then?!"

However, I clearly remember that when I was beaten by He Junpao, it was her who pleaded for me. I still don't understand how this Li Xiang Ning hated me so much, but why did she plead for me at that time?

After school, I called Sun Han to stop him. I said that I would treat her to lunch at a restaurant. At the beginning, Sun Han politely declined me, but in the end, he still accepted my invitation under my pressure.

Sun Han and I went to a small restaurant near the school and ordered two bowls of mutton flour. What I ate was a big wrist, Sun Han ate a small bowl, and we chatted as we ate.

Sun Han said that she was also from the countryside. On the third day of the year, she didn't put in much effort to get into high school and wanted to go out and work, so her parents weren't at ease either. Later on, her parents registered her at a vocational school and let her live in a relative's home in the county. Her uncle's house wasn't too far away from the school, while Sun Han's relative's house was much farther away from the school.

Sun Han said that in the three years she was in the vocational school, she had to study well, and in the future, she would rely on the knowledge she had gained to find a good job. Afterwards, she would work hard to buy a house in the county city, and bring her parents to live in the county city.

Compared to Sun Han, I really felt embarrassed to say anything. Thinking back to the days I spent in school, other than shame, I had nothing else to say.

Sun Han was originally going to head back to eat, but after I treated him to food, he went straight back to school.

After I ate, I directly returned to the school. However, just as I reached the school entrance, I coincidentally bumped into Ma Tao and the rest who were walking out from the school.

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