My Beautiful Anchor/C9 Administrators
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My Beautiful Anchor/C9 Administrators
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C9 Administrators

After being enraged in my heart, I returned to a dejected state. Speaking of which, if I wanted to take care of He Jun, I'd have to spend a lot of time and effort. It's easier said than done.

I went under the tap to wash off the stains on my body before returning to the classroom. When I returned, class had already begun. He Jun was arrogantly looking at me from the back of the classroom with his head held high. He was warning me.

The teacher wasn't a fool. He had already guessed the situation, so when I entered the classroom, he didn't say a word. I walked into the classroom under the gaze of the entire class. After I sat down, Sun Han glanced at me and asked me where I was going.

A few minutes after I sat down, that coquettish little bitch, Li Xiang Ning, started to push the desk in front of me. I ignored her, righting my chair before continuing to teach, but the more I ignored her, the more she advanced, and the more she pushed the desk three or four times she knocked against me.

I don't know if I should call Li Xiang Ning childish. After pushing her desk and knocking into me, her face is still full of smugness. Her little mouth is raised very high, as if she has done something glorious.

After school, I packed my stuff and quickly left. The school was now like a prison for me, but I had to go to this prison every day. Sometimes, I had the thought of dropping out of school, but after thinking about how difficult it was for my parents, the thought of dropping out of school was dispelled.

After returning home, I ate a little and went back to my room to sleep. My cousin was just like before, in her room I didn't know what she was doing.

After patting my head and thinking carefully, I remembered that my cousin was about to do a live broadcast. From the first time I watched her live broadcast until now, when my cousin started live broadcast, I always went to her live broadcast room to watch her live broadcast. The reason why I liked watching my cousin live broadcast was because she was always welcoming me with a smile in front of the camera.

I took out my phone and opened the live broadcast software. My cousin was already live broadcast, but it had only been half a minute.

As soon as I entered my cousin's live broadcast room, I began to brush her some free gifts and human values as usual. As soon as my cousin started broadcasting, there was only one person in the live broadcast room, and in order not to cause trouble, my cousin started to chat with me, she said in front of the camera while I typed on my cell phone screen. Although typing and chatting with my cousin wasn't very convenient, we talked together.

When my cousin first asked me how old I was, I answered, but it was all lies.

After chatting for a bit, I typed and asked my cousin if she had a boyfriend. My cousin said coquettishly, "Not yet. When I was studying, my parents didn't want me to fall in love. They don't want me to study anymore. They just want to earn money. They don't have time to date!"

I typed: "Then how about I be your boyfriend? My cousin smiled and said:" Okay, okay, but then again, since you want to be my boyfriend, do you have to give me some presents to express your feelings? "After saying that, she made a cute face in front of the camera, looking at me expectantly.

Originally, I wanted to type a few words of love with my cousin, but before I could start typing, my cousin wanted to take the opportunity to ask me to give her some presents. It was a good plan, but I didn't have the money.

I found an excuse to say that I don't have any money on me at the moment. Cousin said I'm fine, I can earn that money slowly, but you have to come to my live broadcast room to support me.

I typed that it was a must. After reading my reply, my cousin stared at the screen for a while. After thinking for a bit, she excitedly said, "Aren't you the one who scolded on my behalf last time?"

I typed out that it was them who had asked to be scolded. Cousin said that last time I really was thanking them and that I was promoted to the administrator of her live broadcast studio. She said coquettishly, "You are now the administrator of my live broadcast room. Thank you for your maintenance all this time. I will trouble you to manage my live broadcast room from now on. If you are willing, I will give you one."

My elder cousin's live broadcast has always been managed by her as the host. If I agree, then I would be her first administrator. In my opinion, this is the same treatment as her first boyfriend, so I agreed without any hesitation.

After I agreed, my cousin gave me a kiss across the screen, and even said, "I love you!" Although there was no other meaning behind his words, I was still very excited after hearing them.

Before my cousin and I could continue our conversation, a lot of people came in from my cousin's broadcast room, and my cousin started showing off her sexy and charming look in order to get a reward. In order to get a reward, my cousin even started dancing on her bed, and after doing a hot dance for a while, she pouted pitifully in front of the camera, begging for a reward.

This trick did work. After a while, quite a few people gave rewards to their cousins, all of which were expensive gifts. The cousins coquettishly thanked them and then continued to ask the audience to give them rewards.

I've always been scrubbing gifts for her that didn't cost money. Compared to other people's gifts that only cost money, I was as inconspicuous as the air. Of course, now that I was the manager of my cousin, I had an additional duty. If someone was scolding her in her studio or causing trouble in her studio, I had the right to blackout him or something.

Fortunately, no one is causing trouble or insulting their cousin in the broadcast room today, but I do wish that someone is causing trouble or insulting their cousin. That way, I can 'save the beauty like a hero' and show my cousin the value of being an administrator.

After those tycoons went online to watch, their cousin set her eyes on them. She used all sorts of methods to please them to get more gifts or rewards, a tycoon gave a lot of gifts to her cousin, and even said he would take care of her.

Cousin took advantage of me last time, so how could I dare to believe this? I immediately turned her down, and when the tycoon saw that she refused, he immediately started cursing, saying that she was a singer, so why was she pretending?

Without even asking my cousin, I had already blacklisted that tycoon. To be honest, I'm pretty annoyed with people like him. So what if they have money? Do people have to do everything they want when they have money?

After blackening that tycoon, everything seemed to calm down again. My cousin continued to curry favor with the other tycoons for gifts as a reward, while I continued to brush my cousin's free gifts.

His cousin gave him a lot of money as soon as he entered her live broadcast room. His cousin thanked him repeatedly in front of the camera, and after the rich guy attracted his cousin's attention, he began typing and chatting with her.

After chatting with her cousin for a while, the tycoon made a request to meet with her. Of course, she politely refused, saying that she didn't have time, but after the tycoon gave her a lot of expensive gifts, she began to give in and said that she could meet him if she had time.

Seeing that my cousin agreed to meet with that tycoon, I felt a little sour in my heart. After all, she had always disliked me, her younger cousin, and had a completely different attitude towards others.

Other than heartache, I was more worried because there were too many bad guys outside. Who knows what kind of people were on the internet that would harm my cousin after meeting her.

I let my imagination run wild and started worrying about my cousin, but after thinking about it for a while, I couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh. She treated me like a fart, but I treated her like my own sister.

My cousin and the tycoon talked for a long time. Finally, they agreed to meet at the end of the month.

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