My Beautiful Girls/C1 Freshly Arrived
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My Beautiful Girls/C1 Freshly Arrived
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C1 Freshly Arrived

What kind of crappy school is this, I'm carrying my only hope in my family, coming here, obviously it was for high school, but after I entered, I found out that there was also an elementary and high school, the whole school alliance, the forest is really big, why don't we open a kindergarten class, and invite some hard-working children to teach us, we can also accompany the children and sing along, maybe we can even teach the children some principles of life, so they won't have to walk the wrong path in the future, tut tut tut. a man shouted.

I think, our school's atmosphere is pretty good, it can be said that we can bring it to the city, and it can also be said that since there are so many open spaces in the vicinity, the school should buy a few more fields, split them into three big areas, a vegetable market, the nearby villagers can come over with vegetable baskets, a special shopping area, such as clothes, shoes, cigarettes, alcohol, there should be entertainment venues, on the other side, everyone can go over to jump onto the bed, spin the horse horses, and watch the circus performance. A young man shouted while patting his head.

The man retorted, "You must be using your butt to think of this. Are you a wild animal? What logic? Why do I feel like this idea is based on the logic of a reptilian? You're wearing a human skin, so how can your words be so disgusting? The world is really big and full of wonders!"

I say, brothers, your imagination is really rich. What's wrong with this school, I think it's pretty good, ah, look, there are young pioneers wearing red scarves, younger siblings than us, how good it is! When we get to know each other, we can call each other uncle, we can call each other brother, and we, the high school students, can also promote the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation's love for children, letting them grow and thrive under our protection. A young man said as he looked at the people shuttling back and forth.

All of a sudden, he turned around and patted his companion's shoulder. "Also, look at our brother here. He is so elegant and elegant, he might even be called grandpa." As he spoke, the corner of his eyes drifted towards one of the three.

The two of them started laughing out loud. That person was still immersed in his own grand plan. Hearing the two of them laughing brazenly, and even looking at him with disdain, he understood.

He patted his chest and proudly said: "What do you guys know? This is maturity, do you understand? Right now, 99.9% of girls have idols in their hearts, do you know, they are godlike existences. Forget it, I will forgive your ignorance.

Ouch, this guy runs the train with his mouth full of black and white, is there still any law?

Coincidentally, a girl just happened to pass by, as if she was angry after hearing this kid's nonsense. She turned around and faced this guy, looking him up and down, then asked a classic question: "Grandpa, do you guys have a vacation?"

The brothers thought for a moment and laughed, "What are you talking about? You are so young and so elegant. You can just call me brother. You are right, I am a top student at the college. We will take two days off. Come and see the honor of our alma mater."

The girl didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so she looked over to the other two: "I say, you two are serious. This old man is already like this, why don't you call an ambulance and send it to the mental hospital? If you're sick, it's not wrong. It's not right to come out and scare people."

Good boy, this girl is very crazy. She spoke so casually, and was really sharp. If she were to continue, then we, the great god, would definitely climb the tree.

The two of them quickly greeted her with a smile. "Sister, stop talking. Hurry up and leave, go busy yourself!"

Hearing this, the little girl was suddenly enlightened. She stuck out her tongue adorably and waved her hand at the two of them, then elegantly left. It was just like what Mr. Xu Zhimo had said in his poem: 'Quietly I'm leaving, just like how I came here stealthily.

Looking at our Great God, he seemed to have nothing to do with what just happened, so he nodded his head leisurely. Both of them were afraid that he would do something earth-shattering so they hastily comforted him: "Brother, don't be angry. A child doesn't know how to behave. Don't lower yourself to her level."

The god smiled. "I remember her, she's a little loli, about five feet tall, with a protruding front and back. She's wearing a purple tracksuit, a round face, a ponytail, glasses, a small nose, a small mouth, and small eyes. Her eyes are not as big as green beans, and she's wearing glasses.

As he spoke, he stretched out his tongue, flipping it over the two of them.

The two of them ignored the looks of the surrounding people, and started laughing out loud while holding their stomachs. This man was truly a god, he was too cute, he had a lot of mettle, and they all said that he could hold the boat in his belly, and that he could even hold the atomic bomb in his stomach.

After laughing, the three of them walked towards the dorm.

The first person to speak was Zhang De, he was very handsome, 1.7m tall, with a long face and tousled hair. His bangs were slightly longer, and he moved to the side to cover one eye. Through the bangs, he could see a pair of big, bright eyes.

He was 175, 150 or so, but he looked very strong, had dark skin, a big stomach, and some might even think that he was 3 months pregnant. It was unknown whether it was due to his age or genetic background, but this kid looked a little old, with a square face and small eyes, but every now and then he would shine brightly with a full beard. He looked quite mature, and was wearing a blue shirt.

The last one to speak was called Guo Zihan, the male lead, he was about 170 years old, looked very ordinary, had very simple tousled hair, other than his thick eyebrows, there was almost no other outstanding part in his looks, what stood out was his attire, on the bridge of his nose was a pair of black-rimmed glasses, at first glance he looked gentle and gentle, like a weak scholar, wearing a black sports outfit and wearing black sneakers, he gave off a mysterious aura, through the lens, you could see that his eyes released an unfathomable light, he used this kind of black uniform to conceal something, you want to continue reading this book, you didn't know what he was hiding! Believe in my pen, believe in your eyes!

Back to the main topic, the three of them didn't know each other at first, but they were all from the same high school, and all of them were young people who became familiar with each other in just a few sentences. After chatting for a while in the dorms and getting bored, they went out to visit the campus, the upstairs, the downstairs, the inside and outside, the playground, the toilet library, and the whole forest.

The school was located outside of the city, near a village in the middle of the city, and the school area was very large. This was the reason for the appearance of the junior high school and senior high school staff here, as the school was originally a group of interests, everyone understood that there were a lot of students in the school, and soon the development of the nearby economy was spurred by it.

This school belonged to a district in the local level city, and this district was independent and was on the same level as the nearby district. There were five headmasters in this district, and even though the school leaders repeatedly clarified that the school was just the ranking in terms of name, in fact, it was the overall ranking in terms of results. Fortunately, there were some in the back, but the other school was an art university, which relied on its specialties and could be promoted quite easily. Everyone was completely impressed.

Back to the main topic, when the three of them arrived at the dorm, they found that there were six people in the dorm and three of them were in the top and bottom bunks, but there were only four people's belongings in the six people. The other student had yet to see anyone in the dorm.

The dorm room was still occupied by the three of them.

Zhang De said, "Let's have a little wager. We don't even have the mood to play, so let's just play with money. Even if we win, it won't count as our own. Let's buy snacks for everyone to eat."

The two of them had no objections. Wang Gang took out a handful of change first and threw it on the bed. He said in a relaxed manner, "Bro, come on. Brother will keep your underwear and take it to the auction."

Guo Zihan laughed, also reached into his pocket, trying to take out his wallet, but something strange happened. The four pockets of his shirt and pants were all empty, and he felt nervous, thinking that this was not good, he wasn't in the mood to play anymore. His head was desperately trying to recall every path he had walked, right, it must be in the school building.

Things happened too fast. Before the two of them could react, he had already left the dorm room. The two of them looked at each other and shook their heads.

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