My Beautiful Girls/C10 With the Sweet and the Bitter
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My Beautiful Girls/C10 With the Sweet and the Bitter
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C10 With the Sweet and the Bitter

Compared to Wang Gang, Zi Han's figure was much weaker, but after all, Wang Gang was the first to run, and Zi Han was shouting as she chased, attracting a weird gaze from a passerby. The two of them did not slow down because of this, one running, one chasing, this was a competition of physical strength, and after running for a distance, Wang Gang's physical strength was obviously lower, he gradually slowed down, but Zi Han increased his strength and chased after him with all his strength, catching Wang Gang without saying a word, and kicking him on the butt.

Wang Gang pleaded for mercy, "Brother Han, I was wrong, stop kicking. I've been tormented for so long, my bones are about to break."

Zi Han saw the situation and chuckled. "You little rascal, your legs are so thick, and you're running so fast. You're so cocky, and you're still so cocky!"

At this time, Li Wei and Zhang De also caught up, looked at Wang Gang who was caught breathing heavily, looked at his phone, and laughed loudly: "Zhang De, you lost, 1 second, 3 seconds ahead of the budget, remember, lose to me, 3 bottles of cola.

Zhang De looked at Zi Han in surprise, and Zi Han's face didn't turn red. He ran nearly 100 meters in one second, was he even human? This made Li Wei even more sure that Zi Han was a practitioner.

Zi Han didn't explain anything, he just patted Wang Gang on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, Brother Gang, remember this well. Don't try to run with me in the future, you will lose miserably."

Wang Gang wearily nodded his head.

At this moment, someone from behind shouted, "Brother in front, move out of the way."

The four of them understood at once that they had blocked the road, leaving only a path less than half a meter on both sides. Looking at the back, they saw a young man carrying a leather suitcase in one hand and a bundle in the other. His face was covered with sweat, and his fair and white face, apart from sweat, had no other blemishes, he was about 1.7 meters in height, and his eyes were small.

The four orderly split into two, standing on each side of the road, making a gesture to let the young man pass.

But the young man put the bag and suitcase down on the ground. He didn't want to leave. Zi Han knew he must be tired, so she decided to give him a hand!

Zi Han went up and picked up the bag, then put it on his shoulder. Li Wei took the suitcase and stunned the young man.

Zi Han smiled and said, "Brother, let's go. Leave these things to us."

The young man nodded gratefully, and the group of people ran towards the male dorm.

Zi Han looked at the young man and said, "Brother, are you in fourth or senior position?"

The young man was wiping his sweat as he said, "What about the four of you?"

Wang Gang answered, "We are all in fourth grade and in the same dorm. Which dorm are you from?"

The young man nodded, took out his admission notice, and said, "411."

When the brothers heard this, they said at the same time, "You're from 411?"

The young man was puzzled. He asked with a puzzled tone, "Yes, that's right. Brothers, what's wrong?"

Without another word, Zhang De put his arm around the young man's shoulders and said, "Aiya, shit, why is there always new news today? We're all 411, we'll be family from now on. Who's bullying you, we brothers will do it together, haha!"

The young man seemed to have awoken from a dream, causing a ruckus for a long time. This dorm mates were pretty good, but seeing that they were still so friendly, he laughed. "I'm Han Zaizi. In the future, if this brother here has anything useful, I'll definitely help."

Zi Han smiled, now he had another stupid brother.

The matter of introducing everyone's names was still snatched away by Wang Gang with honor.

Wang Gang patted Han Zaizi's shoulder, cleared his throat, and said, "Let me introduce everyone, the one who's hugging you is Zhang De, we're all on the same side, we'll call him Little De from now on, this is Li Wei who's carrying the luggage, he's playing basketball like an ox, even a strong man like me can't take a hit, this is Guo Zihan who's carrying the backpack, this guy just ran 100 meters in 1 second, he's hiding me, be careful, maybe he'll sell you one day, and you'll even count for him, I'm Big Gang, Little Gang, Wang Gang, just call him Little Gang, you can adore him, but I don't be blind, because I can't imitate anyone else."

Han was memorizing everyone's name in his mind.

At this time, Zi Han used her other hand to grab Wang Gang's arm, "Do you want your life or your arm?"

Wang Gang timidly said, "Brother, didn't you make things difficult for me? Both these things are indispensable, I want both!"

Zi Han passed the bag on her shoulder to Wang Gang: "Just carry it, big brother will rest for a bit."

Han Zai laughed. It wasn't because Zi Han was bullying Wang Gang, but because he was amused by Wang Gang's treasure.

As they chatted, they arrived at dorm 411 and put their luggage on the bed.

Han Zaiqi took out a box of Di Hao's cigarettes and handed one to each of them, then said with a smile, "Thank you, brothers."

Zhang De smiled and said, "Brother, did you see that?" Zhang De pointed to the note on the window. That's what I wrote: Not a family, not a family.

Zi Han said, "Since we're all in the same dorm room, even if we're in the same dorm room, it doesn't matter if you come early or late. It's like, thank you so much."

Han nodded, then suddenly said, "My home is yellow, when I came I brought some of my family's specialties, it's still fresh!" As he said that, he opened the suitcase and took out a plastic bag. He opened it and found the dates inside. Each of them was red in color.

Han Zaiqing cordially said, "Come, brothers, try it. It's pretty sweet, grown on your own and washed when you come."

Everyone was also not polite, because Zi Han said they would separate immediately. Right after he caught one and stuffed it into the innermost section, bada bada, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Hmm, not bad, everyone says yellow dates are sweet, but after tasting it today, it's really not empty talk. Brothers, eat it, don't be polite with me, I'll be at your side if you're polite!" Hurry up and eat! "

Sh * t! I've seen thick-skinned people before, but this is the first time I've seen someone as thick-skinned as you.

Everyone rolled their eyes at Wang Gang and ignored him. They took out a few dates from the plastic bag and started eating them.

After Zi Han finished eating, she smiled and said, "En, not bad, it's quite sweet. Next year, I will go home with you and eat dates."

Han Zaihe laughed and said, "Okay, my house also has watermelon and sweet melons, it can be said to be absolutely harmless."

Zhang De laughed at that and teased, "Hey, Mr. Guo, let me ask you a question. Do you think this jujube is sweet, or is it your pretty sister's sweet smile!?"

Wang Gang also jeered, "That's right, why is this question so classic? Tell me, Little Guo."

Zi Han seemed to have thought of something and suddenly asked, "Wang Gang, Zhang De, do you think these dates are sweet?"

Wang Gang replied without even thinking, "Of course, it's sweet! This is something that everyone is personally experiencing! "

Seeing that Zhang De did not say anything, Zi Han turned to Zhang De and asked, "Brother De, what do you think?"

Zhang De was puzzled. "What are you playing at? No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't think of something."

Zi Han chuckled: "En, since both of you say it's sweet, then I'll ask you two a question. Once I answer it, I'll answer your classic question, how about it?"

The two of them looked at each other, not knowing what was going on in Zi Han's gourd. They said in unison, "Alright."

Zi Han continued to ask, "It's too late for you two to regret. Why don't you consider it?"

The two began to waver. Could it be that some weakness had fallen into his hands? Impossible!

Wang Gang was straightforward and said, "What's there to fart about it? Hurry up and let it go. If you hold it back, you need to spend money."

Zi Han laughed: "Kid, you're good, but sometimes you have to be strong. When you can't fight back, you have to be humble, a man can bend and submit, nothing much, but if you don't listen to advice, you just do what you want, and if you overestimate yourself, you will eventually pay for your ignorance."

Zhang De was also displeased. "What are you being long-winded about? Hurry up and ask. Isn't that just a problem? Hurry up, everyone's waiting for the fun! "

Zi Han swept a glance at the two of them with a smile and said, "You two said to answer me at the same time, is it dates or the other party's saliva is sweet?!"

When the two heard this, their faces turned green. How embarrassing was it to talk about such an ugly matter in public, but Zi Han had his own advice, but he didn't take it in, so who was there to reason with!

Han Zaizi and Li Wei were both in a daze, as they didn't know what sort of shady business was going on between them.

Zi Han held Han Zaizi with one hand and Li Wei with the other. "Brother, don't be surprised, I'll tell you guys something later. I promise you guys will laugh when you think of it."

Just then, Wang Gang and Zhang De made their move. Wang Gang pushed Li Wei away, and Zhang De pushed Han away. The two of them embraced Zi Han intimately, and Zhang De said, "Brother, you are a blood brother, what do you want to eat tonight? Me! I'll buy the abalone for you as well, as long as you tell them! "

Wang Gang also spoke up, "Brother, Idol, what are you smoking for? Yuxi is still Da Zhonghua. If you want to smoke a metal box with a pen (high-grade cigarettes), I'll buy it for you too!"

Zi Han smiled, "You two, do you know your wrongs?"

The two of them nodded furiously. "Got it. We will never make this kind of mistake again."

Zi Han pushed the two away and said, "Actually, I don't eat abalone nor do I smoke a pen, as long as we brothers can be together and share the hardships, everyone will be happy and happy, more important than anything else. As for that girl, she was the first girl I met after I entered the fourth high, she isn't as beautiful as everyone thinks, but I believe in fate, as long as she doesn't have a boyfriend, I have a chance!

The four of them nodded at the same time, remembering the words: As long as brothers can be together and share the same happiness, then everything else is more important.

Although these words were easy to understand, they played a big role in their future experiences. They were like a magical force that spurred their young hearts.

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