My Beautiful Girls/C3 What the Heck Are You Doing
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My Beautiful Girls/C3 What the Heck Are You Doing
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C3 What the Heck Are You Doing

This big school only had a supermarket, it was no wonder that they didn't make a fortune, especially at the start of school, the students outside the supermarket were all busy trying to squeeze their way in, aren't they afraid of knocking people down and stomping them into meat pancakes, watching them compete to be the first to crush each other, all rubbing their hands together, it was really ridiculous, the three of them were there, Wang Gang twisted his fat body and swayed back and forth in the crowd, but he was still unable to squeeze through the crowd, he was soon to go in, he was squeezed out again, the three of them were already unable to go in, Zihan shook her head, "Ah, it's really full of people!"

The three of them stood by the entrance of the supermarket, looking at the packed crowd as they shook their heads!

Zhang De sighed and said, "What the hell is this? Even if you want to eat a free snack, you won't be able to do it. It's really bad luck that you didn't play cards, otherwise Wang Gang would really win the underwear!"

Wang Gang also sighed, "My physique is not their match, not to mention a little monkey like you. Sigh, I'm really old now. My glory back then is gone forever!"

Zi Han giggled, glanced at the two and said: "See for yourself, there's no free stuff in the world, this is heaven seeing your dirty faces, and it's purposely helping me, it seems like I don't need to get rich today, let's go, standing here like a fool is not a big deal, going back to the dorm to play poker and have fun!

Zhang De shook his head and said, "Mr. Guo, are you a rooster or something? What can you do if you wait here for a while? Look how scared you are. Oh right, you didn't wet your pants, did you? It shouldn't be like this!"

Zi Han glared at Zhang De and said, "Kid, you're the one who's scared. Since you want to wait, then just wait. Money is originally used for consumption, and I also trust your personality. You won't be so heartless as to spend all of my money!"

Wang Gang waved his hand and said, "Little Guo, you can keep it in your stomach. We won't be that shameless. Today, I came here to buy some snacks to grind our teeth!"

Zi Han sweated madly. Snacks and the ability to grind one's teeth. You treated yourself like a bone, a snack like a bone. Sigh, this brat really knows how to describe things!

Suddenly, Wang Gang's body trembled, and his eyes lit up, scaring the two of them. Zi Han patted Wang Gang on the shoulder and said: "Gang-ge, what's wrong, you saw a ghost! Or did he become a ghost? Do you need me to go to Shaolin Temple and invite a high monk to help you with this? "

Zhang De also teased, "Is there something wrong with you, kid? With such a big size, your body is trembling and the air is shaking too. Aren't you afraid of shaking the mosquitoes and flies in the air to death?"

Wang Gang did not pay attention to their teasing. He pointed and shouted, "Stop." After saying that, he ran out and disappeared beside the two of them!

The two of them still had an answer in their ears. They looked over at Wang Gang with a questioning look, but if they didn't see him, they would know that he was trying to grab a girl. He was baring his fangs and brandishing his claws as he ran, like an eagle trying to catch a chick.

The girl relied on her small and exquisite body to run faster and her speed was not slow either. Behind her, Wang Gang was different. He twisted his tall body and waved his hands. He even thought that the child made a mistake as the adult was chasing after him to teach him a lesson.

The girl turned around and ran to the side of a fat girl. She held her arm, and Zi Han rubbed her eyes, 'Good boy, isn't this the big sister from just now? What's going on today?' When the performance was over, Wang Gang would fall into the abyss.

The Gang-ge didn't know the chubby girl, so he pointed at her and shouted, "You, don't stand here and obstruct my eyes, move to the side. I'm going to use my tongue to defeat this little girl, if the tiger doesn't show off my might, then treat me as a sick cat. Hurry up and dodge.

Good boy, Gang-ge is so awesome, Gang-ge is so mighty.

What was surprising was that the fat sisters did not say anything and did not move at all. Perhaps this was the sign of an outbreak. A storm was brewing! Guo Zihan unconsciously broke out into a cold sweat for Gang-ge.

Suddenly, an angry gaze was directed at Zi Han. To be honest, Zi Han was scared of this crazy girl, she couldn't hide in time, so she didn't dare to provoke her.

Zi Han smiled awkwardly: "Big sis, what's wrong, I'm here to buy something, you guys continue chatting, I'll disappear from your sight right now." As he was speaking, he was about to leave. Zhang De, who was standing nearby, was completely confused, thinking to himself, "What kind of act is this!?"

The chubby girl finally opened her mouth: "You three are not allowed to leave. You must make this matter clear today. Are you guys men or not? Three men bullying a weak girl. You guys are really capable. You scared me." The girl pretended to be pitiful and it caused the three of them to have black lines on their heads.

Gang-ge did not show any weakness and said, "Aiyo, this big sis's words are really funny. What do you mean we're not men? Ask her if I'm a man. Not long ago, she called me crazy in front of so many people. "Do you understand? This is called being magnanimous and not trying to lower yourself to her level. I'm regretting it now. This girl must be taught a lesson. Otherwise, my dignity as a man will not be stepped on by you guys."

The woman laughed out loud, as if she had heard a hilarious joke, she immediately stopped laughing and said: "I say, this old man, I think you really have some mental disorder, you say it yourself, you are not older than me, why did you call me big sister? Don't shout, I can't take it, what is a man, even when women have no reason to teach you, you still have to endure it, how did men grow up, and it wasn't women getting up bit by bit, try asking any of the previous generations of noble lords, who isn't a capable woman to help you up, ah, I'll curse you in front of my little niece, you should grow up to thank your wisdom."

The three began to sweat profusely. Did this big sister miss change the topic? Why did she mention Wang Hou? Did it have something to do with this incident? No wonder the two of them had similar personalities. They were from the same hometown, it was enough for him to drink a pot of tea this time.

Gang-ge was Gang-ge. He turned his head around, but he didn't care that she said he was old, so he kept his voice up, "Yes, you're right, there's a powerful woman supporting Wang Hou beside him. But if it wasn't for the man's good eyesight, the woman wouldn't have been able to do anything." Zhang De smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Zi Han, on the other hand, was different. He had a strong fear towards this girl and could only smile awkwardly.

The fat girl didn't even think about it. Since she said that, Gang-ge didn't have anything to say for a while.

She said, "What are you being cocky for? Without a woman, where did the men come from? Shut up and don't talk. Think about what I've said, right?"

Gang-ge wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

The woman continued to chase him. She pointed at Gang-ge and said, "I'm not talking about you, but my niece said that you're a university student, so why don't you understand the psychology of a little girl like her? Who hasn't been young before, who hasn't been young? Even if you're scared to death, you still have to pay with your life. Alright, go stand to the side. "

Zhang De's face was full of surprise. Zi Han's face was almost pale because the slightly fat woman was walking towards him.

Aiya, what should we do? Just as they were thinking of how to deal with her, the woman had already arrived beside the two of them. Clearly, hiding was impossible, so they could only brace themselves and charge forward.

Without waiting for Guo Zihan to speak, the girl started speaking: "You guys are the same, I can tell at a glance that you guys are all rather honest, actually just wearing the skin of a civilization, doing despicable things, it's simply clothes, ah, don't talk about it anymore, you understand, I'm not the kind of person who can be unreasonable, right? Right, take good care of yourself!"

From start to finish, we stood on the side of justice, the banner of justice on our shoulders was taken away by her, and our righteous spirit was slowly extinguished by her waving the banner of justice. Sigh, what kind of world is this, forget it, leaving this place of conflict is the main problem now.

She turned to Zhang De and said, "You're not bad. It can be seen that, whether it's appearance or character, you're one of the best of the three. How about we become friends?"

He could only shake his head and say: "Don't, Sis, I already had the luck of being able to see you today. I admire you from head to toe, you are a god, I can set a card for you, and will be there for you every day. Besides, my child knows how to play with soy sauce, I still need to go home and carry my child."

In my world, I've seen a lot of people like you, one more isn't more, one less is less, don't stick a onion in your nose and pretend to be an elephant, it's so boring, isn't it, and also, you can treat me as a god, but don't put me up as a card, I'm alive and well, you should put up a tablet for those martyrs who have already died, to show their respect to them, and, just like this, you, and your three wives, don't even dream about it, just stay here, little niece, walk around the supermarket, buy more bottles of water, and we'll all be thirsty for death. "

"Mm. Little aunt, let's go." The girl ran to her side.

The three of them watched as the two girls walked out of their line of sight. Only then did they heave a sigh of relief. Gang-ge was the first to speak: "Aiya, mother, this woman is too strong."

Zhang De and Zi Han gave her a supercilious look and said together, "Nonsense, what are you acting so cocky for?"

With that, he walked towards the dorm, as if he had forgotten his purpose in coming here because of his anger.

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