My Beautiful Lady/C12 Body compensation
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My Beautiful Lady/C12 Body compensation
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C12 Body compensation

"Dammit, why is there such a powerful person by Leng Yufei's side, why has the information never mentioned him before!"

The assassin's only thought was to escape, to distance himself from Du Chunfeng.

"No one can escape from me!"

Du Chunfeng said indifferently, he brimmed with strong confidence, not only did he not lift his foot lightly, he sent a chair flying, throwing it towards the assassin.

The chair spun in the air, whistling through the air.

It hit the assassin hard on his back and knocked him down to the ground again.

The assassin rolled on the ground, a gun in his hand, he raised his hand and pointed at Du Chunfeng, and revealed a sinister smile.

The reason he had run just now was just to let Du Chunfeng relax his guard, and for this moment.


A stream of white light shot through the air like a lightning bolt and stabbed into the assassin's palm.


The killer's pistol fell to the ground.

The assassin was quite stubborn. His beloved arm was pierced by the flying knife while beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. However, he forced himself to remain silent.

"There aren't many people in this world that can play with guns in front of me. You can be counted on one hand, but you're not one of them."

Du Chunfeng's gaze swept across the handgun on the ground. His tone was calm, but it had a natural domineering air to it.

"Who the hell are you?"

The assassin was not stupid, he knew that he was unable to escape this calamity, he could not escape from the hands of the man in front of him at all. He leaned against the wall and stared at Du Chunfeng, wanting to know who killed him.

"How could a small figure like you know my name!"

Du Chunfeng said indifferently, it was the truth.

The number one mercenary in the world, the Demon King that caused people's faces to change, was indeed not someone who could know his identity.

However, the killer did not think so. He thought that Du Chunfeng was humiliating him.

"Let me give you a word of advice. You'd better let me leave safely. No matter who you are, you cannot get involved in the matters of the Leng Family. Otherwise, you will die a graveless death. "

Du Chunfeng wanted to laugh, ever since he was publicly acknowledged as the number one mercenary, how long had it been since someone threatened him?

One year?

Two years?

Du Chunfeng could not remember clearly.

"I'll give you one more chance. Tell me who ordered you to do this, and I'll give you a quick death!"

A shining flying dagger appeared in Du Chunfeng's hands. Following the light movement of his finger, it danced lightly on the tip of his finger like a butterfly piercing a flower, and emitted a sonic boom as it cut through the air.

The hitman looked at Du Chunfeng, black blood flowing out of his mouth as he slowly slid down the wall.


Du Chunfeng was startled, he frowned, this killer actually committed suicide, it was beyond his expectations.

It seemed that the enemies of the Leng Family were more troublesome than he had thought.

"Alright, put on your clothes!"

The thought flashed through Du Chunfeng's mind, and was immediately thrown to the side. Being disturbed by others, he was no longer in the mood to do other things.

Looking for his clothes, only to realize that she couldn't find them. Raising her head to look, he saw Leng Yufei grabbing his own clothes, touching Leng Yufei's clothes from the bed, throwing them over.

Then, he took off his clothes from Leng Yufei's hands and naked in front of her, he then began to put on his own clothes.


Leng Yufei let out another blood-curdling screech.

Even after she had delivered herself into Du Chunfeng's hands earlier, she did not do so.

"Enough! Do you have to call everyone? "

Du Chunfeng frowned, and said unhappily.

Just one sentence was enough to make Leng Yufei hold back her screams. She couldn't imagine what kind of thought would arise when her subordinates saw her current appearance.

"You'll help me, won't you?"

Leng Yufei carried her own clothes and had long since lost the heroic look that Du Chunfeng had when she first saw her. Her charming eyes rippled like water as she transformed into a weak little girl, removing all of her strong disguises.

"Don't worry!" I will do what I promised you! "

Du Chunfeng put on his clothes and said, "Tidy up everything that has happened to your Leng Family in this period of time into a detailed report, and then send it over to me."

"Before that, I have other things to do. The matter regarding your Leng Family, wait for me to come back first! "

"Didn't you say you were going to help me? Why did you have to leave it at that!? "

Leng Yufei was shocked, thinking that Du Chunfeng was just pushing the matter away, she instantly stood up and once again took off her clothes, and pasted it onto Du Chunfeng.

"Let's continue with what happened just now, as long as you are willing to help our Leng Family!"

Leng Yufei was currently not in a good condition and had already completely lost control. She completely treated Du Chunfeng as a reliance and was deeply afraid that Du Chunfeng would shake him off.

"Stop messing around!" I have things to do, because I need to gather people. Don't tell me you think that I, myself, can save your Leng Family?

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