My Beautiful Lady/C13 Valiant
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My Beautiful Lady/C13 Valiant
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C13 Valiant


was startled. He immediately left Du Chunfeng's side and frantically put on his clothes.

Fang Yishan did not come in, but stood at the door and questioned Leng Yufei: "Miss, are you alright?"

"I'm fine!"

Leng Yufei put on her clothes and changed back into her usual appearance. She looked deeply at Du Chunfeng, and opened her mouth a few times, but she did not know what to say.

Leaving behind a long sigh, he left Du Chunfeng's room.

"Send two people over here to throw the corpses in the room into the sea to feed the fishes!"

"I see, miss!" I'll send someone to do it immediately! "

Hearing the conversation between Leng Yufei and Fang Yishan outside gave Du Chunfeng a headache.

It was impossible for Du Chunfeng to not care about Leng Yufei.

Taking advantage of the situation, and then walking away. If Leng Yufei was a woman with a loose personality, for Du Chunfeng to do such a thing, there was no burden in his heart.

From Leng Yufei's reaction, Du Chunfeng clearly felt that Leng Yufei was just a fledgling, and was very unfamiliar with the matters between men and women.

Fang Yishan brought a few people and walked in, causing the corpses of the killers on the ground to be dragged away, and looked at Du Chunfeng.

Fang Yishan had lived for more than half his life, and nothing could happen to him.

Just now, Leng Yufei walked out of Du Chunfeng's room. It looked ordinary, but Fang Yishan could tell that many of Leng Yufei's clothes were wrinkled with a single glance. This was way too inconceivable to Leng Yufei who paid attention to her appearance.

Moreover, Fang Yishan with his sharp eyes had noticed that one of Leng Yufei's earrings was missing. He had seen it just now on Du Chunfeng's bed.

Furthermore, Du Chunfeng's bed was extremely messy. One had to know that the work on the boat would be done to clean up the rooms everyday.

"What's wrong?"

Du Yishan felt a little guilty from being stared at, as if his relationship with Leng Yufei had been discovered by her family.

"I hope that you can treat the young miss well. I also do not want to know who you are, and I also do not wish for you to help Leng Family through this crisis. "But you must be right, young miss. Otherwise, I will not let you go!"

With that said, Fang Yishan turned and left.

Du Chunfeng rubbed his nose and laughed bitterly in his heart, what the hell is this!

However, Du Chunfeng did not forget to agree to Leng Yufei's conditions. He asked the staff on the boat to make a call and made a series of encrypted calls.

"Captain!" You didn't die, that's great! "

A cry of surprise came from the other end of the phone. It sounded like it was going to burst into tears at any moment.

"Get lost!"

Du Chunfeng's face revealed a rare smile, and scolded: What's the situation everyone?

"Captain, our base has been destroyed." "Dozens of mercenary groups attacked us together. Although our brothers tried their best to resist, they couldn't. The tiger, the leopard, and the others all died!"

There was a wave of stifled weeping on the other end, and it was hard to imagine a bunch of men crying so bitterly.

"Captain, where are you?" Everyone is waiting for you to lead us to revenge! "

Du Chunfeng was also silent for a while, the anger in his chest was like a volcano about to erupt, and after a while he said: "No rush! We still don't know who is plotting against us from behind the scenes. If we go out now, it will only lead to another ambush from behind us. Now that we are in the dark, we will slowly find out who is behind this. Believe me, when we find out who is the culprit, I will definitely not let our brothers die in vain. "

"Captain, I'll listen to you!"


Du Chunfeng gave a light grunt of assent, and said: "Get Lu Fuming to Dinghe Dock, wait for me, I have something to tell him!"

Du Chunfeng hung up the phone and deleted the call record.

Flames of incomparable fury flashed in his eyes, pinching the phone in his hand until it creaked.


The phone had shattered, and had been forcibly crushed by Du Chunfeng!

The following days passed by in a dull manner. Du Chunfeng stayed by Leng Yufei's side often, doing his duty as a protector and resolving several assassinations aimed at his.

Leng Yufei seemed to have accepted her fate and tacitly accepted that she was Du Chunfeng's woman. She had completely let go of herself in front of Du Chunfeng and put down all of her worries.

Time flew by very quickly. In the blink of an eye, the boat had arrived at Dinghe Dam and told Leng Yufei that it was time for him to get off the boat to work at Dinghe Dam.

Seeing this situation, Fang Yishan thought that Leng Yufei and Du Chunfeng were in an awkward situation, so he asked Du Chunfeng again and again.

In his eyes, Du Chunfeng was the young miss's best partner!

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