My Beautiful Lady/C14 Lufomin
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My Beautiful Lady/C14 Lufomin
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C14 Lufomin


The boat stopped at the pier, and Du Chunfeng walked up. On the pier, there was a tall and sturdy man with a determined face, who was waiting quietly. Seeing Du Chunfeng coming down from the boat, he had an excited expression on his face, and gave Du Chunfeng a courteous salute that was similar to a military salute.

"Ferocious Zhang Fei, Lu Fuming!"

When Leng Yufei and Fang Yishan saw Lu Fuming, they were greatly shocked. They had never expected that the one waiting for Du Chunfeng would actually be Lu Fuming.

The Leng Family's underworld forces were advocating for the Emperor of the Underground, and almost no one dared to offend them.

But there were also exceptions, and this exception was Lu Fuming!

Back then, when Lu Fuming went to Gaugen City alone, he had already taken down the vast underground world by himself.

Whenever there was a conflict with other forces, Lu Fuming had to leave first. He was called Zhang Fei by the gangsters, which meant that Lu Fuming had the courage to leave from the Three Kingdoms.

Not only was this Lu Fuming brave, he was also intelligent!

Leng Family had interacted with Lu Fuming a few times, but they had never had the slightest advantage over Lu Fuming.

If one were to ask who the person Leng Family feared the most was, it would definitely be Lu Fuming.

After the conflict with Lu Fuming, the Leng Family thought that Lu Fuming must have been born a soldier based on his conduct, his strong abilities, and his superb spear skills.

However, the Leng Family had used their military connections and gathered information about some of the mysterious units in China, yet they could not find any information on Lu Fuming. It was as if Lu Fuming had appeared out of thin air.

When Leng Family was in great trouble, the first person Leng Family suspected was Lu Fuming. However, after Leng Family's investigation, they excluded Lu Fu.

Right now, Lu Fuming, who had the same status as the Leng Family, was actually calling herself a subordinate when she met Du Chunfeng, how could Leng Yufei and Fang Yishan not be shocked?

"Captain, why are you on Leng Family's yacht?"

Lu Fuming could immediately tell that the boat Du Chunfeng had disembarked on was owned by the Leng Family. During this period of time, the power of the Leng Family had suffered a huge blow and was almost uprooted.

Lu Fuming had been secretly observing from the beginning, and was shocked by the forces behind the scenes that were plotting against the Leng Family. He wanted to find the person behind the scenes and when he got his reward, these people would turn around and deal with him.

These people who were dealing with the Leng Family, did not plan to let the Leng Family go. Their plans were not small, and they were certain that they would be enemies with Lu Fuming.

"Hello, I am his woman!"

Leng Yufei walked down the boat, casually walked in front of Lu Fuming, extended his slender jade hands in front of Lu Fuming, and impolitely called himself Du Chunfeng's woman.


Lu Fuming was stunned, he looked at Leng Yufei, then at his own Company Leader, after a while, he finally understood something, and gently reached out his hand to touch Leng Yufei, then said: "If you are her woman, then you will be family from now on, if there's anything you need, just tell me!"

Leng Yufei was extremely shocked in her heart, even her own grandfather was unable to receive the slightest bit of respect from him when she saw Lu Fuming, but because of this man, she allowed Lu Fuming to use honorifics.

wondered if he was dreaming!

With regards to Leng Yufei's self-proclaimed existence, Du Chunfeng did not object.

Deep down, Du Chunfeng was a very traditional person, what's more, Leng Yufei was a pure and clean woman, so Du Chunfeng agreed to this argument.

"I'll leave her safety in your hands for now!"

Du Chunfeng opened his mouth and said: "Other than that, you should be investigating the matters of the Leng Family. Have you found any clues?"

Lu Fuming was a member of the Angry Dragon Mercenaries and was called out from within the Angry Dragon Mercenaries. Together with the flying rat, they were sent to China to investigate the death of their father.

The flying rat was in the dark and Lu Fuming was in the light.

Now that the flying rat was dead, even the Angry Dragon Mercenaries base that she had created was taken care of!

"There's no clue, these people are very mysterious, their power is very strong, even the officials have their own people, but the Leng Family officials do not have any use for them!"

Lu Fuming thought for a while, then told his the results of his investigation.

Du Chunfeng declined to comment nor did he express any opinion on this matter. He only nodded lightly and said: "If I want to leave for a period of time, I'll leave her safety to you. Other than that, what other clues do you have regarding the flying rat's death? "

Lu Fuming shook his head still: "Guild Leader, this is what I'm curious about. The kid from flying rat was not weak, but she died in the middle of the mountains. His death was unclear, and after being cut in the throat, she did not even have enough strength to resist. I really do not understand, in this world, other than the Guild Leader, who else would have such skills? "

Du Chunfeng nodded his head, and said: "I will still go personally to the place where flying rat died, and write this place down for me!"

"No matter who it is, I will definitely hand it over to him!"

Du Chunfeng's eyes flashed with a terrifying light, the killing intent in his body was like a tide, the pressure in the air was excessive.

Regarding the repressed killing intent that came from Du Chunfeng's body, Lu Fuming didn't feel the slightest bit of discomfort. Instead, he felt very comfortable and was eager to give it a try.

"Captain, let me go with you!" Someone to run errands for you! As for Miss Leng's safety, I believe Qi Feiping is fully qualified. "

"You sure are confident in Qi Feiping!"

Du Chunfeng scolded him with a smile: "However, you should stay here. I will go and handle this alone.

Lu Fuming's face was filled with unwillingness, but he knew that his Guild Leader's decision was something no one could change.

Lu Fuming called over a lackey and instructed him to bring Du Chunfeng to the place where the flying rat was killed. At the same time, he was taking care of Du Chunfeng's daily life.

Du Chunfeng did not refuse this time!

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