My Beautiful Lady/C15 Ambush
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My Beautiful Lady/C15 Ambush
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C15 Ambush

The mountain range where the flying rat was killed wasn't too far away, it only took half a day to reach.

Du Chunfeng let the subordinate Lu Fuming had arranged for him to go back first. He went into the deep mountains by himself, found the place where the flying rat had died, and looked around.

There were barely any people here, and trees were everywhere. It was very difficult to find any important clues.

Du Chunfeng was not in a hurry, and started to slowly search. It was impossible for people to not leave behind anything, the only difference was that the tracks they left were obviously not very obvious.

Du Chunfeng found a burnt black mark on a tree. It emitted a terrible stench, making people feel nauseous.

Du Chunfeng used his dagger to cut open the charred bark of the tree, revealing the tree trunk inside. He found a bright and thin needle, which stabbed deeply into the tree, leaving only a tail.

If not for the fact that the trunk had been charred black by the poison, it would not have been discovered at all.

"It's an arrow!"

Du Chunfeng raised a finger and used his saliva to wet the tip of his finger. He then rubbed it on the burnt black tree trunk and smelled it with his nose.

"Who are they?"

Du Chunfeng stood in place and thought about who amongst his enemies would have such great power, capable of attacking his own Angry Dragon Mercenaries base with the help of tens of mercenaries.

However, Du Chunfeng didn't manage to think of a reason.

All of this was like a ball of fog that shrouded Du Chunfeng's eyes. He couldn't see through it, couldn't feel it, and couldn't be driven away.

Suddenly, Du Chunfeng's body froze, like a wild leopard, his body quickly pounced forward, taking advantage of this moment to roll behind a big tree, his entire body tiredly shrank.


Just as Du Chunfeng was rolling away from the place, he heard a gunshot. The place he was standing on, on top of a tree, was a large hole in the tree trunk.

Tap, tap, tap!

The first gunshot was like a signal, followed by a burst of concentrated gunshots. It was like a torrential downpour, but also like raindrops hitting bananas. The sound was extremely explosive, covering the place where Du Chunfeng was at just now.

The bullets flew around chaotically, pressuring Du Chunfeng to the point that he did not dare reveal his head, and could only try his best to hide his body, afraid that he would be hurt by the bullets.

"Your Majesty, could it be that you don't plan to show your face and meet old friends?"

After a while, the gunshots stopped and a rough voice sounded. It was filled with arrogance and arrogance.

"Myron, Moore!"

Du Chunfeng did not appear, and only used his voice to recognize the person.

His voice was calm without any hint of joy or anger.

Myron and Moore, the leaders of the polar bear mercenaries, were ruthless with their methods. They only recognized money as money and didn't recognize people. They were bloodthirsty. On the battlefield, they even killed women and children.

"I am truly honored. To think that Your Majesty, the Infernal King, would still remember me, an insignificant person!"

Myron and Moore were seven feet tall. Their bodies were tall and sturdy, and their upper bodies exposed their hairy chests.

As he spoke, Myron and Moore signalled to their subordinates secretly to move towards Du Chunfeng's hiding place.

Myron and Moore's underlings nodded slightly, then walked towards the tree where Du Chunfeng was hiding with light footsteps. They were extremely careful, their expressions tense.

After all, he was the one who had given the title of Demon King Du Chunfeng.

The fame as the world's number one mercenary was enough to make their hearts beat like a deer.

A ray of dazzling light streaked across the sky, approaching Du Chunfeng's mercenary who was hiding in the big tree.

The fallen mercenaries' eyes were wide open. They had already lost consciousness before any reaction.

The polar bear mercenary group went into an uproar as they all took a few steps back.

Internationally, Du Chunfeng's throwing knives were like the sickle of the god of death. No one who was called out would be able to escape Du Chunfeng's throwing knives.

"Dammit, Demon King, do you think you can escape victory today? If you surrender now, I'll let you die a little faster! "

Myron and Moore were also scared enough to take a step back. They became angry from embarrassment and used angry words to feel it for Du Chunfeng.


Mill and Moore could not see Du Chunfeng, but they could hear the mockery in Du Chunfeng's tone, and could only hear him say, "Myron, Moore, was it the first day you heard my name? When do I, the Infernal King, have the habit of surrendering! "

"You think you can kill me? It's not that I'm looking down on you, I'm afraid you won't be able to do it! "

"Don't look down on others!"

The polar bear mercenary that he had created had quite a great reputation among the mercenary world, but compared to the Angry Dragon Mercenaries that Du Chunfeng had created, the two were simply not on the same level.

If it was any other time, Myron and Mo Tian would not have dared to attack Du Chunfeng. If it wasn't for someone offering a high price for him to set up an ambush here, at the same time, he knew that Angry Dragon Mercenaries's base had been destroyed. Although not many people died in Angry Dragon Mercenaries, they were fleeing in all directions.

Myron and Moore knew that sending people over would definitely kill a lot of people, but they weren't sure if they would be able to get close to Du Chunfeng. They reached out and took out a grenade from around their waists, pulled the fuse, raised their hands and threw it out.

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