My Beautiful Lady/C16 Massacre
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My Beautiful Lady/C16 Massacre
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C16 Massacre

"I'll see if you can still come out!"

However, his smile didn't last for long before it froze on his face. A black shadow rushed out at lightning speed, like a vigorous cheetah, jumped high into the air and met the grenade in mid-air, grabbing it with one hand and then throwing it back.

This black shadow was none other than Du Chunfeng.

All of this happened in the time it takes for a spark to fly off of a piece of flint.

"Get down!"

The eyes of Myron and Moore were about to fall out. Fortunately, Myron and Moore were experienced in battles, so they reacted in a flash. With a loud roar, they threw themselves to the side.


Before the grenade could land on the ground, it exploded into a ball of fire. The powerful shockwave was like a tsunami as it engulfed the surroundings.

Several of the polar bear mercenaries were blown away before they could react.

"Demon King Du, I'm going to kill someone. I'll pull out your intestines and hang you on a tree!"

This time, he had brought the elite soldiers of the Bears Mercenaries with him. Each loss would be a huge loss to the Bears Mercenaries and would reduce their overall strength.

In the mercenary world where strength reigned supreme, this was clearly a fatal blow!

"There are no shooting stars in the sky, so I'm afraid your wish will not come true!"

Du Chunfeng sneered as he hid behind a large tree and stuck out half of his head to check the surroundings.

Although Du Chunfeng was the strongest mercenary, and had tyrannical strength, it did not mean that he could ignore the advantage of numbers or the threat of modern firearms.

Even if he was hit by a gun, Du Chunfeng would still die.

Du Chunfeng lowered his head to look at his throwing knives, there were only two left.

He wanted to use two throwing knives to kill off all six mercenary groups, including the polar bear Myron and Moore. This was not a simple one plus one equals to two.


Myron and Moore were infuriated by Du Chunfeng, but this time, he was smarter. He knew that Du Chunfeng was hiding in the shadows and sending his men over just to send his men to their deaths.

He gave the order to his two subordinates who were armed with heavy weapons.

Tap, tap, tap!

Two heavy machine guns opened fire, tongues of flame constantly puffed out as large amounts of bullets rained down.

The large tree that Du Chunfeng was hiding in was snapped apart, flying through the air as it fell onto the ground with a loud thud.

Dense smoke and dust filled the air, covering the area and making it impossible to see the situation clearly.


Myron and Moore raised their hands. Unexpectedly, their two subordinates stopped firing and pointed at one of them. "You, go take a look!"

This subordinate was very unwilling, but he didn't dare disobey Myron and Moore's orders. He lifted his gun and slowly walked over.

As the hand walked into the dust, its eyes vigilantly surveyed its surroundings. Seeing Du Chunfeng lying motionlessly not far away, it was as if it had been killed by a heavy machine gun.

"Captain, I think that scary guy is already dead!"

"Is that so?"

Myron and Moore said. They didn't believe that the number one mercenary would die so easily. The Infernal King gave another order, "Let's go and see if he is really dead!"

Myron and Moore's subordinate thought that Du Chunfeng was serious. He didn't believe that anyone could survive after being strafed by such a heavy weapon, so he casually walked to the side of Du Chunfeng and nudged him with his foot.

He kicked Du Chunfeng and realized that Du Chunfeng had no reaction at all. In the end, he put down his guard and bent down to pull Du Chunfeng over.


He realised that Du Chunfeng, who had his eyes closed, opened them wide, a cold light shone out, a bright light followed suit behind Du Chunfeng and slashed across his neck like a bolt of lightning.

Blood gushed out from the mercenary's neck like a fountain. The mercenary held his throat with both hands, trying to stop his blood from flowing out.

As more and more blood flowed out, the mercenary's strength left his body and he fell to the ground, powerless. His four limbs twitched a few times as he fell to the ground without making a sound.


Seeing that they had lost another subordinate, Myron and Moore furiously ordered their own.

The flame from the gun shot towards Du Chunfeng.

It was just that none of the bullets hit Du Chunfeng.

Du Chunfeng was as nimble as a monkey as he jumped about in the forest. When the bullet hit Du Chunfeng, he had already moved to another place.

"What the hell is going on?"

The faces of Myron and Moore were livid with shock. For trained mercenaries like them, there was no doubt that they could dodge bullets.

However, to be like Du Chunfeng, who had dodged all the bullets, was just too exaggerated.

Furthermore, even before the mercenaries like Myron and Moore had shot, they had already predicted where Du Chunfeng would probably dodge to

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