My Beautiful Lady/C20 Come to the door
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My Beautiful Lady/C20 Come to the door
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C20 Come to the door

Boss, don't tell me you want to go alone? I'm not going to agree to this, ah, we are all good brothers that risk our lives, although my boss is invincible, and those guys are all lackeys in front of my boss, but I still want to go with you, otherwise if my other brothers find out, they will beat me to death.

Lu Fuming did not wait for Du Chunfeng to speak and began to babble on.

Lu Fuming's entire body was wrapped up, and his face was the same. Only his nostrils and one eye were left exposed, making him look quite comical.

These words were like a warm current that swept across Du Chunfeng's heart. The killing intent that was almost real had already faded away and turned into warmth.

Du Chunfeng's eyes that were filled with killing intent would only appear when he was facing his enemy, but when facing his own brother, Du Chunfeng's eyes were filled with concern that was similar to an elder brother's.

Du Chunfeng sized Lu Fuming up from head to toe. This fellow's entire body was wrapped up to the point that it looked like a dumpling, and there was a plaster cast on his knees that made him unable to stand.

lightly patted Lu Fuming's shoulder and asked: "Does it hurt?"

Although it was only a light punch, it was still full of power for Du Chunfeng, whose fist was strong enough to crush stone into pieces.


Lu Fuming grimaced in pain: "Boss, be gentle, my wounds are not even scarred yet."

Du Chunfeng laughed, and slapped Lu Fuming's head again, and scolded: "Then quickly scram back!


Du Chunfeng squinted his eyes, his legs did not move, his waist had strangely twisted by 90 degrees, pushing his upper body, at the same time, his broad and thick palm suddenly extended out, grabbing forward!

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and just like lightning, an arrow appeared in Du Chunfeng's hand, the arrow had already pierced through and there was a slip of paper.

At the same time, a man in black clothing with a bow and arrow on his back dashed out of the forest. His speed was extremely fast; he was afraid that he would lose his life if he was a step too slow.

It seemed like he was the one who shot the arrow just now, but Du Chunfeng was not interested in the small fry like him, so he transferred the information to the piece of paper on the arrow.

At Du Chunfeng's level, a person's life was already like an ant. Of course, this was only for bad people, so why did he deliberately trample an ant to death?

"Boss!" What's in the letter? "

Lu Fuming asked.

Du Chunfeng skimmed through the contents of the paper slip, tore the paper into pieces, and said: "The address to kidnap Leng Yufei."

"Then that person from before should be here to deliver a letter."

Lu Fuming asked casually, understanding the situation.

Du Chunfeng laughed coldly: "It's not only that, the arrow just now was aimed at my chest. If they had been able to save and kill me on the spot, then they would have lost an enemy, but it's clear that they made a mistake in their plans."

Lu Fuming clenched his fists so hard that fire almost spouted out of one of his eyes that was exposed: "This group of people are truly shameless! We cannot let this brat go, kill him! "

Lu Fuming looked at the black clothed man running away and gritted his teeth as he spoke.

Du Chunfeng casually waved his hand: "Forget it, it's just an unremarkable little lackey. If I were to look at him more, I would lose my position just by looking at him."

At this time, Lu Fuming suddenly exclaimed, and said: "That guy looks somewhat familiar, I remember now! There was this guy who kidnapped Leng Yufei during the day, and the wounds on my body were all caused by him! "

The more Lu Fuming spoke, the more excited he became. Just as he was about to stand up from the wheelchair, he saw that his enemy was actually running far away in front of him, while he himself could only look on helplessly.

Du Chunfeng pushed Lu Fuming back into his wheelchair and laughed sinisterly: "Oh? "If that's the case, then you can't leave this brat behind."

Seeing the rapidly shrinking figure, the smile on Du Chunfeng's lips widened, revealing a row of white teeth, the originally handsome smile was now extremely cold, causing people to shiver.

At the moment, there was a distance of one thousand meters between the two of them. Du Chunfeng played with the arrow in his hand a few times, and with the arrow in his hand, he swung his strong arm back, then fiercely swung it!

A cold light flashed in the night sky before it quickly disappeared. Accompanied by a strange muffled sound, a bright rainbow rose!

The figure staggered a few times before crashing to the ground!

"Guess I shot him in the left eye or the right?"

Du Chunfeng laughed, but before Lu Fuming could reply, he had already ordered someone to push Lu Fuming back to the villa.

Under the bright moonlight, Du Chunfeng drove a red Ferrari out of the villa. The car roared like a beast, and red lightning shot out into the pitch black night sky with killing intent.

Tonight, blood was bound to flow like rivers!

When he reached the entrance of the villa, Lu Fuming stopped and turned to look at the dead man lying on the ground. He remembered what Du Chunfeng said just now and ordered his subordinates: "Take a picture of that dead man and send it to me."


Although the man was suspicious of what a dead person looked like, he still accepted the order and left.

After a moment, the man ran back and handed the phone over to Lu Fuming.

Lu Fuming took a look and his eyes immediately opened wide in shock!

The arrowhead was split into two halves by the force from the middle. It shot into the back of the man in black's head. The arrowhead shot out from both eyes, reflecting an intimidating cold light!

Lu Fuming shook his head and laughed bitterly: "Boss, you are not messing with me. What you told me, there is no correct answer at all!"

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