My Beautiful Lady/C3 Struggle
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My Beautiful Lady/C3 Struggle
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C3 Struggle


Yohan and Duke Ke didn't even see Du Chunfeng move at all when they saw a blurry figure flash past, and one of their own hands seemed to have been knocked down by a heavy truck as he flew out from the ground. He crashed heavily into the walls of the plane and slowly slid down.

Red blood oozed from the back of the man's head, staining the cabin wall red.

His chest was caved in, and there was a huge crater there. He had lost a lot of Qi, and was losing a lot of it. It seemed like he was going to die soon.

The pupils of Johan and Duke shrank, a trace of fear flashing through their eyes.

He knew that Du Chunfeng was very strong, but he did not expect him to be so ridiculously strong. Was this really a speed and power that normal humans could reach?

At such a close distance, even a shot would not hit.

This made Yoru and Duke suspect if Du Chunfeng was the reincarnation of a devil.

"Kill him!"

Johann and Duke Ke didn't dare to look like Du Chunfeng. If he didn't die, what kind of consequences would there be?

No one had ever angered the Infernal King or seen the sun on the second day.

At least, since the day Du Chunfeng stepped down the dao until now, he had never appeared.

The other subordinate's eyes were filled with panic and fear, raising his spear and aiming at Du Chunfeng.

Du Chunfeng chuckled.

These people were very powerful against ordinary people. They were like killing machines, but against him, they were not even worth mentioning.

With light steps, his body pounced forward like a leopard hunting for its prey.


The gun shot out, but it did not hit Du Chunfeng.

Before Yohan and Duke Ke could pull the trigger, Du Chunfeng had already rushed in front of them. Holding onto the barrel of the gun, he forcefully changed his direction and the bullet shot out, almost touching Du Chunfeng's scalp.

Bullets traveled at high speed through the air, causing the air to become extremely chaotic. Du Chunfeng's hair was a bit charred, but Du Chunfeng did not even bat an eyelid.


The subordinate shouted in rage, threw down his gun and ran.

Unfortunately, the person who dared to attack Du Chunfeng was already on Du Chunfeng's death list, and no one could escape.

Du Chunfeng snorted lightly, he caught up with them in a few steps, and struck out with his fist, releasing a Qi Explosion, and ruthlessly struck the nape of Yohan and Duke's subordinate's neck.

Ka-cha! *

The sound of bones breaking was exceptionally ear-piercing in this environment.

The underling of Yohan and Duke didn't even make a sound before he weakly fell to the ground.

"It looks like you won't be able to kill me!"

Du Chunfeng seemed to have done something insignificant, his eyes were cold and sharp like a blade. Even though they were separated by the screen, Johan and Duke Ke still felt that their bodies were stuck to the cold edge of the blade, a feeling of death shrouded their hearts.

Johan and Duke regretted it!

He knew that Du Chunfeng was the number one mercenary, but he never thought that he would be so strong!

He could not imagine, that Du Chunfeng was just a little over 20 years old, how could he be this strong!

"I don't think you have any subordinates left!"

Du Chunfeng casually swept a glance, his guess was not wrong, Johan and Duke did indeed only bring two subordinates.

Johan and Duke's face looked extremely ugly. He watched Du Chunfeng walk towards the plane's cockpit step by step from the screen and was immediately flustered.

He reached out his hand to grab the flight attendant and pointed the pistol at her forehead!

Du Chunfeng had a rule that prevented him from killing civilians. In his years as a mercenary, Du Chunfeng had never gotten the fresh blood of commoners on his hands.

Li Shiyu was a little confused!

This was her first time boarding a plane and she had encountered such a thing. She was so scared that her beautiful face turned pale and her body trembled uncontrollably.


A cold gun pointed at Li Shiyu's temple, causing Li Shiyu to scream in fear.

"Shut up!"

Li Shiyu's voice was sharp and sharp, like a steel blade, about to cut through a person's eardrums.

"Shut up! If you don't shut up, I'll make a hole in your pretty face! "

Johan and Duke Ke were extremely upset by Li Shiyu's call and they fiercely opened their mouths to threaten him.

When Li Shiyu heard this threat, he immediately shut his mouth.

Women always pay special attention to their own appearance, more than life.


The cabin door that led to the driver's seat opened, and Du Chunfeng walked in. He saw that the yohan and Duke were trying their best to hide behind Li Shiyu, and were frowning.

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