My Beautiful Lady/C7 Conversation
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My Beautiful Lady/C7 Conversation
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C7 Conversation

"Friend, I don't know where you got this necklace, but I have some advice for you!"

"If you pick it up and someone asks for it, you'd better hand it over immediately. Otherwise it will bring disaster to you!"

"If you offend the owner of the necklace, I advise you to prepare early! No one can live freely and unfettered in this world after offending the owner of this necklace. "

"If the necklace is a favor to you, then I want to congratulate you in particular! You will receive the favor of the strongest man in the world, and this kindness is enough to solve all your problems! "

Leng Yufei's first reaction was one of amusement. How could there be such a strong man in this world?

Her tone was the same as the man she saved. Leng Yufei shook her head and prepared to close the webpage.

However, he suddenly stopped. There was a strange light flashing in his eyes.

This was the largest and most open forum in the world. It was filled with all sorts of characters that one could think of.

Political figures of various countries, assassins, mercenaries!

Not long after his sticker was posted, it instantly sank and was deleted by someone in a second. It could be said that it had a bit of credibility.

This was the first time Leng Yufei developed a great amount of curiosity towards a man. She was interested in this man, and wanted to find out his identity!

"Sir, can you tell me who the owner of this necklace is?"

Leng Yufei replied the person who deleted the self note on her computer to warn him.

"Knowing too much is not good for you, so you don't need to know too much!"

He didn't know what kind of person was on the other side of the computer, but it was an instant reply. It was also a deep warning.

Leng Yufei replied again, she did not give up, but her message was like a stone sinking into the ocean, there was no reply at all.

"Maybe this mysterious man can really help me!"

Leng Yufei looked at the necklace with the strange flower that was wrapped in the raging flames, and started to ponder.

Thinking to this point, Leng Yufei could no longer sit still. She was already exhausted, and had already reached her limit.

"Uncle Fang!"

Leng Yufei called out, as her personal butler, Fang Yishan, appeared in front of her. Leng Yufei said to him: "Immediately arrange for me to meet with the man that was rescued from the sea."

"Miss, this is an extraordinary time! That man's origins are unknown, so it's very dangerous for you to see him! "

As Leng Yufei's personal butler, Fang Yishan was very dutiful. For Leng Yufei's safety, she opened her mouth to stop him and tried to dispel this thought.

"There's no need for that. My intentions are already dead. Go and make the arrangements!"

Leng Yufei knew that Fang Yishan was considering her safety, but the mysterious person's reply made Leng Yufei unable to suppress her curiosity. She really wanted to meet Du Chunfeng and see what kind of person this man was.

"Alright, I will arrange it right away!"

Fang Yishan understood Leng Yufei's personality too well. Although he was a girl, he was much more daring than most men. Unless she changed her mind, no one would be able to change her mind.

"Sir, please come with me! My family's young miss wants to see you! "

The yacht staff member stood in front of Du Chunfeng and bowed slightly, then said something to Du Chunfeng before extending his hand out and asking him to move the boat.

"Lead the way!"

Du Chunfeng followed the yacht staff members closely along the way. Seeing the nervous expressions of many black clothed people, all of these black clothed people had bulging waists, and from their shapes, Du Chunfeng could immediately tell that they were pistols.

Du Chunfeng could not help but be curious, in China, the control over firearms was extremely strict, no matter how powerful one was, one would not dare brazenly let so many people carry so many firearms.

Now that so many people were carrying guns, it showed how powerful the Leng Family was in China!

The place Fang Yishan arranged for Leng Yufei to meet his was in the dining room. Leng Yufei wore a black suit and had a cold face with beautiful eyebrows.

Leng Yufei's body was enchanting, and her well-mannered black suit was filled with a type of uniform allure, causing men's strong desire to conquer her body couldn't help but rise.

Du Chunfeng's gaze unrestrainedly sized Leng Yufei, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate through Leng Yufei's clothes, and was extremely aggressive.

Leng Yufei blushed, and said coldly: "Sir, please retract your gaze, this is not easy for me. No matter what you say, I saved your life. Isn't this way of yours too rude?! "

"Women dress beautifully just to attract the attention of men. Young lady, I am right!"

Du Chunfeng chuckled. Without waiting for Leng Yufei to speak, she pulled out the chair opposite of Leng Yufei and sat down. Her gaze never left Leng Yufei's body.

"Watch your words!"

Fang Yishan snorted, his eyes revealing a terrifying light, he landed on Du Chunfeng's body. He looked extremely sharp, and a terrifying aura started to slowly rise from his body: "Also, immediately take back your eyes, if not I will not mind digging out your eyeballs and using them as specimens!"

"This old mister is so angry! It's been so many years, and yet you're still so angry. It's not good for your health! "

Du Chunfeng responded indifferently, his gaze turning to Fang Yishan.

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