My Beautiful Landlord/C27 Warming up of feelings between two people
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My Beautiful Landlord/C27 Warming up of feelings between two people
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C27 Warming up of feelings between two people

Li Lu's self-esteem would never allow her to apologize to Li Ting. Looking at the man that she loved deeply, Li Lu felt that he had gone too far. I loved him so much, but he actually shouted at me for another woman.

The more Li Lu thought about it, the angrier she became, and she immediately turned around and ran towards her own class. Looking at the scene in front of me, I felt that she was reaping what she sowed.

On Friday night, I will call Li Ting to a small forest at the back of the school. When Li Ting saw that I called her out, he followed behind me hesitantly.

"Lin Hao, where are we going? I'm very scared." Li Ting looked around.

I walked forward and grabbed onto Li Ting's hand, pulling her forward, "You shouldn't be afraid now, you don't have to be afraid with me here." I said to Li Ting as if we made a promise.

When Li Ting heard my words, she immediately blushed red and allowed me to lead her forward. When they arrived at the grove, they saw several couples kissing inside. I looked around and felt that it was enough, I then pulled Li Ting and stood at the same place.

I looked at Li Ting affectionately and said to her: "Li Ting, I like you. I won't force you to be my girlfriend right now.

Li Ting lowered her head, and used a mosquito-like voice to say yes. I was already satisfied to hear this. After chasing it for so long, it wasn't like I was useless.

I excitedly hugged Li Ting, but felt that it was a bit sudden, and was about to let go of Li Ting, but who would have thought that Li Ting's hands would slowly wrap around my waist. I suddenly froze in place, an urge to kiss the girl in front of me welled up in me, but I couldn't take an inch out of it as I tightly hugged Li Ting. After all, this was a good start.

"Can we go on a date this weekend? I like you, and you like me, too." I lowered my head and whispered into Li Ting's ear. Maybe the little woman was too sensitive and evasive.

"Alright." Li Ting only said one word, but this one word was enough to excite me for a whole day. After talking for a while longer, we made the request to send Li Ting back home. Li Ting also agreed that the two of us should walk side by side.

After sending her home, I immediately went back home to find my last clothes. Finally, I found a suitable set of clothes.

Time flew by quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was already the weekend. It could also be because of my psychological effects, as I dressed neatly, I arrived at the agreed location to wait for Li Ting.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, I saw a figure that was facing the light. When I got closer, I realized that this was the person I was thinking about. She was wearing a white cartoon sleeve with a pair of jeans and a pair of white shoes.

"You've been waiting for a long time right? I came late because of the traffic jam. I'm so sorry." Li Ting looked at me apologetically. When I saw her gaze, I wanted to hug her tightly and coax her.

"It's okay, I just got here too." Li Ting looked at me as if she had just arrived. Her forehead was covered with sweat as she sat on a chair beside the bus stop.

Li Ting took out a tissue from his bag with a pained expression and walked in front of me and wiped my sweat. When the bus arrived, I looked around at the menacing crowd and grabbed Li Ting's hand as they ran towards the bus.

Even so, the two of us were only able to get one seat, I sat on the chair and hugged Li Ting onto my legs, Li Ting was fidgeting and moved my body, suddenly, I felt a wave of evil fire rushing into my head, doing this was purely to make myself suffer, thus I stood up and allowed Li Ting to sit on the seat, and I sat on the armrest right in front of her.

Li Ting looked at me in a daze. She still hadn't realised what was happening, so I rubbed her head and said, "Sit by yourself, I'll just stand there." he explained to her.

After Li Ting heard what I said, she nodded her head and obediently sat down on her seat. In a short while, she arrived at the amusement park that Li Lu and I came to previously.

I asked Li Ting what she wanted to play, but Li Lu said that she didn't know either, so I brought Li Lu to play at all the gaming facilities in the amusement park. Have you had a good time? "

Li Ting smiled as she replied, "I'm happy. Today is the happiest day of my entire month." I also smiled at Li Ting.

"It's good that you're happy. Let's go to the mall now." Lin Hao said to Li Ting. "That's not good. I've already spent quite a bit today, and now I still have to go to the mall." Li Ting looked at me with an embarrassed expression.

"It's fine. I just wanted to make you happy." When I said that, I saw a hint of love in Li Ting's eyes, which showed that I was good at picking up girls.

The two of us will go to the shopping mall to buy some stuff, and only when I really can't carry it anymore did we finish. I looked at Li Ting's eyes that were locked onto these things, and revealed a pained expression. I knew the girl I had taken a fancy to would be a family owner.

After buying everything, we placed it in a storage shop and strolled around together. In the evening, I brought Li Ting to a movie theater, and after arriving at this movie, I asked Li Ting: "Li Ting, what type of movie do you like to watch?"

"I like watching comedy and love movies." Li Ting is very obedient, she will obediently answer whenever I ask.

The more I looked at her, the more I felt I liked her. The two of them finally chose to watch a love movie and walked into the cinema to find a spot to sit down. They found out that it was just the two of us who watched the movie, so it felt like it was a chartered venue.

The movie started. I did not have much of a feeling towards this kind of love drama, but because Li Ting liked it, she would follow along to watch it.

The whole movie watched us for an hour and a half. The first half of the movie was extremely sweet, and the later half was extremely depressing. When Li Ting saw the front half, she would inadvertently laugh foolishly, and when she saw the back, he would also cry.

I was unable to reach out and tightly hug Li Ting while comforting her. After a while, Li Ting calmed down from her crying and laid quietly in my embrace.

I could feel that Li Ting's impression of me had soared again, and the distance between us had also been reduced by about half. I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back. I felt that she would become my girlfriend soon.

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