My Beautiful Wives/C2 It Would Spread Zhao Han's Scandal
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My Beautiful Wives/C2 It Would Spread Zhao Han's Scandal
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C2 It Would Spread Zhao Han's Scandal

Zhao Yue was notoriously ruthless. In the legal world, she was unbeatable.

There were whispers that if King Yama himself broke the law, she could send him straight to prison.

It was the era of Zhao Yue. Her adversaries trembled at the mere mention of her name.

In the courtroom, they were utterly spiritless before her.

Dare to challenge her, and she'd leave you speechless before you could even make your case.

Any defiance in her presence was nothing short of self-degradation.

Each case further cemented her dominance in the legal realm.

Yet, in a surprising turn, she was now embracing Zhao Han.

Eventually, Zhao Han cleared his throat and stepped aside, "Sister, let's keep it professional!"

"Right, I nearly lost track of what needs to be done."

A hush fell over the crowd.

Then, as if a cold wave had washed over them, they shivered.

Zhao Yue's demeanor shifted dramatically, her eyes icy as they fixed on Lin Sheng.

"I'll keep this brief."

"First, my brother is new to Frost City and just started school; there's no way he'd assault someone without cause."

"Second, if he managed to fend off a group single-handedly, it's because he's skilled, not because Lin Su and his cronies are weak and playing the victims."

"Third, you claim my brother harassed Chen Shiyun, but he's been surrounded by goddesses since childhood; he's hardly impressed by a mere school beauty."

Lin Sheng's fists were clenched, ready to interject.

"Hold on," Zhao Yue cut him off, denying him the opportunity to speak. "As a businessman, you should understand the stakes."

"If you insist on taking this to court, know this: Lin's Group will be bankrupt within ten days."

"Moreover, I don't even need to show up for such a case; any of my interns could handle it effortlessly."

"And those now in the hospital? They'll be facing a minimum of three years for attempted rape."

With that, Zhao Yue took Zhao Han by the arm and strode off. "Come on, let's grab a bite. I'm famished."

The onlookers were left speechless.

She didn't care about the Lin family at all?

Was her presence that commanding?

Lin Sheng's fury erupted, his fist pounding the table.

"Get the press," he seethed. "I want Zhao Han's scandal everywhere!"

"Got it. So, what's our next move?"

Lin Sheng's face hardened, his hands balling into tight fists.

Zhao Yue was no ordinary lawyer; she was a legislative prodigy.

Who could possibly go toe-to-toe with such a prodigy in court?

They were already at a disadvantage. Even with the upper hand, they couldn't contend with her in a legal battle.

Blocked on this front, they had to find another way.

On their way, Zhao Yue couldn't resist pinching Zhao Han's cheek repeatedly, much to his chagrin.

"Could you at least try to maintain some decorum in public?"

"Not a chance!" Zhao Yue countered, playfully slapping Zhao Han on the rear.

A look of resignation washed over Zhao Han's face.

They soon left the school behind.

The assistant hurried over, saying, "Yue, the heads of the Frost City Chamber of Commerce and the major local financial groups are eager to meet with you."

"Turn them down," Zhao Yue replied as she ushered Zhao Han into the car. "I'm here to relax, not to work. I won't be meeting with anyone."


"You're here on vacation?" Zhao Han's unease grew.

"Absolutely. Frost City is a picturesque retreat; I've been meaning to visit for ages."

"You didn't come specifically for me?"

Zhao Yue let out a laugh. "Jealous? Your little issue didn't require a special trip."

That didn't sit well with Zhao Han.

"Fine, I came just for you. Happy now?"

"It doesn't matter to me." Zhao Han reclined, resting his head on Zhao Yue's lap, his eyelids heavy with sleep.

Shaking her head with a smile, Zhao Yue pulled out her phone and made a call. "Sis, it looks like those guys might try to spin this with PR. Keep a close watch on them."

"I've already given the orders. How's Han doing?"

"He's sulking with me." Zhao Yue handed the phone to Zhao Han. "Here, talk to your adored sister."

Zhao Han accepted the phone. "Sister."

"You sound exhausted. Everything okay?"

"I'm fine, just missing you."

With a nudge, Zhao Yue teased him, "You never said you missed me when I was right there. What's that about?"

Laughter rang out from the other end.

"Han, I'll come see you as soon as I wrap things up here."


Zhao Yue rolled her eyes dismissively.

By the afternoon, Lin Su had become the top story across major media outlets.

Reports accused him of raping the campus belle and sexually harassing teachers, among other allegations.

The public was in shock, and Lin Sheng became the target of nationwide vitriol.

Enraged, Lin Sheng stood up in his office and slammed his fist onto the desk.

"Why is this happening? Someone explain this to me!"

His assistant scrambled to get to the bottom of the situation.

But he came up empty-handed.

Every PR firm and media channel shut him out, refusing any communication.

Even Lin's Group's own PR company handed in a one-sided termination notice.

They preferred breaching the contract over maintaining ties with Lin's Group.

The directive came from their top investor, who threatened to pull funding if they disobeyed.

The media were under the same invisible stranglehold.

Within a day, the weight of public opinion had the mighty Lin family gasping for air.

Lin Sheng, overwhelmed with fury, was also struck by a sense of dread that something was amiss.

Could Zhao Yue be Zhao Han's older sister?

What was behind Zhao Han's story?

"Dig up everything on Zhao Han now. I need to know exactly who we're dealing with, and fast!"


Meanwhile, in the hospital, Lin Su lay in his bed, smug as ever.

Zhao Han had the audacity to cross the Lin family?

Chen Shiyun continued her charade of innocence. He was eager to see if she would dare to make a statement this time.

Then his phone rang—it was his grandfather.

"Lin Su, rest assured, I will get justice for you."

Clearly, his grandfather was oblivious to the unfolding crisis.

Feeling even more smug, Lin Su texted Chen Shiyun: "Zhao Han will soon face the death penalty. That's what happens when you cross me."

Chen Shiyun, reading the text and then the incoming news alerts, was completely bewildered.

Shortly after, Lin Su himself was gobsmacked by the news.

What was going on?

Had the media and PR lost their minds?

What was Lin Sheng up to?

His grandfather, upon catching the news, was livid. He dialed Lin Sheng immediately.

"What are you doing?"

"If you can't even manage the media and PR, what good is it to have you as the executive director?"

"Lin Sheng, you better listen closely. If you can't take care of this situation, then you can pack your bags and leave the Lin family for good!"

After the call ended, Lin Sheng, seething with rage, hurled his phone to the ground.

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