My Contractual Ghost Husband/C14 Startled the boss
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My Contractual Ghost Husband/C14 Startled the boss
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C14 Startled the boss

There was a bus stop in front of them. Today was not a Saturday nor a Sunday, and it was not the peak hour for working. It was just past 10 AM, so there were not many people at the bus stop.

There were two old ladies dressed in black.

Their hair was not white, but blond.

I've heard some old people say that golden-haired people live long lives, which means they are in good health.

I don't know why, but when I saw these two old people, I felt a chill run down my spine.

I don't know why I had such a feeling, but it was real.

"Are these two old men human or not?" I asked.

Of course I asked Weiwei.

Weiwei's answer was that they were indeed humans, not ghosts.

Then why does it make my hair stand on end?

I didn't care about all that. I stood directly in front of the signboard.

Not long after, a bus drove over, and just happened to arrive near where Weiwei's house was.

The two old men looked to be in their eighties, but their hands and feet were extremely nimble.

As he was an old man, he didn't need to pay for his ticket after he got on the bus. He just sat there.

When I got into the car, I didn't want to sit with the two old men, so I walked as far back as I could.

These two old men gave me a sense of dread.

"Let's go further in."

"I won't leave, what can you do?"

There were so many empty seats, but one man insisted on sitting in a seat at the back. However, the other man didn't want to go inside.

"Are you going or not?"

"I don't care if I leave or not."

The two of them were having an argument, and I was sitting in the front seat between them. I thought they might start a fight, so I leaned in.

"If you don't get up, I'll kill you. Do you believe me?"

"Kill me if you have the guts."

The man pulled out a knife and stabbed it into another person.

"AHH!" "Murder!"

Someone shouted.

I looked back and saw a man who had collapsed on his seat, bleeding profusely.

I didn't expect to see such a scene in a car.

The man who had killed them had directly smashed through the window and jumped off the window when the car was about to start.

I can't help but admire this person. He's really a fugitive. After killing someone, he actually ran away so calmly.

I really don't understand why you would kill someone just for a position.

I saw the knife poking into the man's heart in the back seat, his eyes wide, his mouth open, his eyes bloodshot.

When this happened, the car naturally stopped by the side.

The interior of the car was in chaos. The moment the door was opened, some cowardly people immediately ran away while some others directly called the police.

There were almost no people on the car. The driver also got off with a frightened look on his face.

I was sitting at the back, so I didn't come out until the end. Just as I stood up, I saw that the two old men were actually walking towards me.

When they arrived in front of me, I saw that their arms were tied with a red string. On the red string, there was a white bone.

The moment the killer jumped off the train, I saw a red line on his arm.

It's really hard for me to guess what it was, but thinking about it, I felt that it wasn't that simple.

"What the hell is going on?" I unconsciously said it out loud.

I was asking the two old people, of course.

The two old men looked at me and gave me a deep look.

I don't know what the two old men did, but when I looked at the dead man, I saw that the blood on the seat had disappeared, leaving only a rough mark, knowing that the man had bled.

The old man walked up to the dead man. After about a minute, he slowly turned around and walked out of the car.

"Little girl, you have the Yin Yang Eyes."

"I won't kill you this time."

The two old women said to me, I don't know what they mean by those two sentences.

No, how do they know that I have Yin Yang Eyes? Don't tell me that they are ghosts?

Impossible, I've already asked Weiwei about this before. Weiwei also said, these two are human.

However, from the looks of it, they weren't normal humans. They definitely had concealed identities.

"Hurry up and leave. These two are very dangerous. Stay away from them." Weiwei's voice sounded.

I immediately got out of the car and heard the sound of sirens in the distance. I directly got out of the crowd.

The car was surrounded by people, many of whom wanted to come and see what was going on, but I wasn't in the mood.

After everyone got out of the car, many of them didn't leave. They stood around waiting for the police to arrive. At the same time, they wanted to see if this person was dead or not.

Of course, with the arrival of the police car, I was walking when I saw that the ambulance had also arrived.

However, I am extremely clear that this person cannot live because his injuries are too severe and the blade was directly stabbed into his heart.

I had a vague feeling that this person's death might have something to do with those two old grannies.

Especially what the old woman said to me at the end, it gave me the creeps.

I quickened my pace. I just wanted to get out of here, and I didn't want to stay here for more than a minute, because every minute felt like torture.

When fear comes, all I can think of is escape. It's human instinct.

I found a road that I wasn't familiar with and walked straight ahead.

"Can this road reach your home?" I asked Viv.

"I can." Weiwei said.

When Weiwei finished speaking, she immediately ran out from my bag.

Because this road was covered with trees and was covered with shade, Weiwei didn't have to be afraid, so she jumped out.

After Weiwei jumped out, she looked at me carefully.

"Elder sister, your complexion doesn't seem too good." Weiwei said.

"Hmm, just now, those two old grannies gave me a big fright. How could that be okay?" "No," I said.

"Those two old women are pretty weird, they still said that they won't kill you, can they kill you? What deep hatred do you have for them? " Weiwei said.

How would I know? Thus, I directly shook my head, indicating that I really didn't know about this matter.

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