My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C11 The Giant Was Furious!
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My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C11 The Giant Was Furious!
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C11 The Giant Was Furious!


Ye Kong gazed at the assortment of items in the storage bag.

It dawned on him that they were all seeds.

Without a moment's delay, he retrieved both storage bags.

The giant accepted them, giving a cursory glance.

He nodded in approval, "Good."

Then, he gestured to another giant in the distance.

The other giant took two large strides forward, reached them, and took the storage bag.

He rattled off a string of words.

As he was leaving, he remarked in a rigid human tongue, "Cunning little human."

Ye Kong bristled at the comment.

Being called small was one thing, but cunning? Why?

I've journeyed a great distance, braving death, to bring these supplies to you.

Was that a simple feat?

Noticing Ye Kong's furrowed brow, the Giant Village Chief offered an explanation: "He is indeed cunning. The seeds he brings can only be planted for three years.

After that, they lose their ability to sprout a new generation, leaving our people hungry.

The first three times, he arrived on schedule, and we had some assurance.

But as the years passed and he grew stronger, he also became more cautious.

He stopped venturing beyond the Great Wall, instead relying on the likes of you, the weaker ones, to transport our supplies.

Now, we can no longer count on timely deliveries."

With the Giant Village Chief's story, Ye Kong finally understood the cool reception he'd received.

"If I may ask, what was the old drunkard's level of cultivation when he first arrived?"

The Giant Village Chief reflected for a moment, "He had just become a Fighter. The last time he visited, twenty years ago, he had reached the Maestro Realm."

"To go from Fighter to Maestro in just six years, that's an incredible gift," Ye Kong remarked admiringly.

A younger giant overheard him and scoffed, "What talent does an ear-digger have? It's only with our Giants' aid that he's anything at all. Without us..."

"Enough," the village chief cut him off, "The ear-digger has been of great help to us over the years. We've aided his cultivation, and it's been mutually beneficial. He's not simply reliant on us."

Turning his head, he offered Ye Kong an apologetic smile. "He's just a kid, doesn't think before he speaks. Don't take it to heart."

Gazing up at the 60-meter-tall 'little' giant, Ye Kong felt a sense of unreality wash over him.

If he's still young, what does that make me?

I've never seen a child so tall.

The village chief let out a hearty chuckle. "He's the youngest of our Giants."

"No, village chief, you're mistaken. I'm not the youngest; Yvran is," corrected the little giant.

The village chief slapped his forehead. "Ah, my memory! I completely forgot about Yvran."

He then turned to Ye Kong. "You've traveled from the Great Wall. Have you ever come across Yvran?"

"Yvran?" Ye Kong paused to think. "I'm not sure who you're referring to, but I've only encountered a child with the old drunkard."

"Yes, exactly! That child is our Giants' Yvran. He transformed into a child because he was eager to explore the world beyond with the old drunkard."

Upon hearing that Ye Kong had met Yvran, the little giant perked up and moved closer.

"Oh, he was a giant? I mistook him for a wild man!" Ye Kong said, scratching his head.

"What did you just say?"

The words ignited the young giant's temper, and he swung a punch with a force that seemed capable of shattering the heavens.

The immense pressure nearly knocked Ye Kong off his feet.

He hastily summoned the power of the Divine Script.


A stream of water slipped away from the platform.

"Huh, you've mastered the Illusory Divine Script," observed the village chief, seizing the young giant's hand, his eyes gleaming with insight.

In that moment, Ye Kong felt utterly exposed, as if the village chief could see right through him, unsettling the Illusory Divine Script within his mind.

"So it's you. I thought someone had finally grasped the ultimate essence of the Divine Script. Turns out it was you, you little rascal."

With a gesture, he pointed at Ye Kong, who had just transformed into an ant in an attempt to flee, instantly revealing his true form.

Ye Kong's eyes were wide with shock as he stared at the village chief, at a loss for words.

"You, you're the one who has grasped the blue starlight from the Divine Script, the Illusory."

Ye Kong was genuinely taken aback.

He had always believed that the Divine Script was a gift bestowed solely upon humans.

The thought that giants could also fathom its depths had never crossed his mind.

Upon his own realization of the golden starlight, he was aware that in this world, aside from himself,

the pinnacle of understanding the Divine Script, the Illusory, was the blue starlight, with the old drunkard's cyan starlight trailing behind.

Yet, it had never occurred to him that a giant would be the one to achieve the blue starlight.

And to think, he had encountered him so soon.

The Giant Village Chief, witnessing Ye Kong's mastery of the Divine Script, the Illusory, shifted his demeanor entirely and gestured with a single hand.

A chair soared across the space towards them.

"Please, have a seat! The Divine Script isn't exclusive to the Human Race; all of the Myriad Cosmic Clans have the potential to comprehend it."

He took a sip of tea before adding, "That main Divine Script for ear cleaning? I was the one who gave it to him!"

Tapping the stone gently with his hand, he inquired, "And what's this about a barbarian you mentioned?

How could you possibly confuse my Giants for barbarians?"

Without thinking, Ye Kong exclaimed, "How was I to know about three-meter-tall giants? Each of you is so imposing."


Both the young giant and the village chief spoke in unison, their veins bulging in visible irritation.

Clearly, they were incensed.

This left Ye Kong at a loss for words.

What's the deal with giants being so quick to anger?

Can't one speak the truth anymore?

The village chief's face turned a shade of iron, as he struggled to steady his breath, "How tall do you think Yvran is? Having grasped the ultimate essence of the Divine Script, you ought to discern his true stature."

"Roughly three meters, I'm certain of it," Ye Kong asserted firmly.

"Ah, curse it!"

The village chief bellowed, unleashing a punch.


The mountain shattered, the earth tore apart.

The deafening noise was enough to split Ye Kong's head open.

Clutching his head, he crouched down.

Clouds of smoke and dust enveloped him.

It took several minutes before the thick haze was cleared by others who had hurried to the scene.

An elderly woman gently placed her hand on Ye Kong's forehead.

A soothing energy coursed through his body, bringing relief to Ye Kong. He looked up in astonishment to see that a mountain, a kilometer away, had been leveled. Incredibly powerful!

"Village Chief, what's caused such a sudden outburst?" he asked.

In the distance, a group of about a hundred Giants loomed.

"Yvran," the Village Chief said, his voice quivering.

"What's happened to Yvran?" The tension among the Giants was palpable.

Yvran was the youngest of their kind. In recent years, issues with energy and food had plagued the Giants. The tribe hadn't seen the birth of a new child in years. Yvran, as the last born, was under the watchful eye of the entire community.

The Village Chief's chest rose and fell with heavy emotion. The Giants had lived in their corner of the world for many years, enjoying peace and happiness. Never before had they witnessed one of their own being mistreated. But now, Yvran, their child, had been wronged by a human—a human they had trusted. This was an affront they could not stand for.

Ye Kong quickly sensed the shift in the mood. Giant eyes, each as large as a winnowing basket, glared at him with intense hostility. It seemed they were ready to rip him apart at any moment. A female Giant, in a surge of anger, seized him with a powerful grip.

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