My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C12 Yvran
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My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C12 Yvran
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C12 Yvran

"What have you done to Yvran?" the female giant seethed through clenched teeth.

Ye Kong's body groaned under her vice-like grip.

He was unable to escape, powerless even to shift his position.

Anger surged within him. Damn it, this was nothing but bullying the weak.

"Release me! Is this how the Giants honor their word?"

He knew his mission was complete the moment he set foot in Giant Valley.

He had fulfilled his part of the agreement, bringing seeds and supplies to the Giants.

In return, they were supposed to provide him with Valyrian Steel and obsidian.

"Tell me, what exactly happened to Yvran?" Flames erupted around the female giant.

The village chief acted quickly, his palm making a subtle twist.

He scooped Ye Kong back to safety in his hand.

"Please, be patient. Yvran's situation is not his fault."

The female giant demanded fiercely, "Spill everything you know."

Ye Kong reassured himself. A true man knows when to bend and when to stand tall.

Considering your concern for your kin, I'll let this slide.

"I'm somewhat parched. Could I have some water?"


"I mentioned I'm thirsty," Ye Kong stated, his gaze steady on the crowd.

Inwardly, he dared them: If you're capable, then kill me.

If not, then bring me water as I've asked.

This was his final act of defiance.

As the female giant moved to act, the village chief interjected with a raised hand.

He then scooped a bit of water with a leaf and passed it to Ye Kong.

Ye Kong downed it in one gulp, wiping his mouth afterward.

"This water doesn't hold a candle to the tea I had earlier."

The village chief's brow furrowed. "Now, can you discuss Yvran's situation?"


Ye Kong recounted every detail of his encounter with Yvran.

By the time he finished, the crowd was seething with indignation.

"Despicable, he should be put to death."

"That old drunk had the audacity to deceive Yvran into calling him 'grandfather.'"

"He reduced Yvran to a mere underling."

"He must pay." The female giant's foot came crashing down, the ground thundering beneath her.

She cried out with all her strength, "All that is trivial compared to the real issue. Yvran is only three meters tall, and he hasn't grown an inch in twenty years.

That vile creature starved Yvran and used special means to stunt his growth."

The rest of the group glared with fury in their eyes.

"Kill him. We must retrieve Yvran."

"We can't allow Yvran to be enslaved by humans."

In that moment, the village chief regained his composure.

With a cold snort, he challenged them, "Kill him? How? And how do we bring him back? It's been decades since the ear-pluckers have come. Where do you propose we strike?"

A hush fell over the crowd.

Indeed, how could they kill him?

That vile man was untouchable unless he ventured into Giant Valley.

And the prospect of retrieving Yvran seemed even more unattainable.

The Giants were confined to Giant Valley.

It was both their sanctuary and their tomb.

For ten thousand years, no adult Giant could leave.

The faces around him were etched with pain and helplessness when the young giant stepped forward.

"I'll go. I'll go to the Great Wall and bring Yvran back."

"No, Bardieg, you're too young. Your bloodline's power isn't robust enough to withstand the Darkling Spectre's corruption. If you were to be corrupted..."

The very thought of mutation was an unbearable agony for the Giants.

Silence enveloped the group.

Ye Kong spoke softly, "Why not share your story with me? Perhaps I can help you retrieve Yvran."


Suspicion flickered in their eyes as they turned to him. Trust in humans had long since eroded, yet they were out of options.

Hope sparked in the female giant's gaze.

"If you can bring Yvran home, I will pledge myself to your service," she offered urgently.

The village chief gestured for silence, halting her pledge.

"We'll revisit this later. Disperse for now. I need to speak with our young friend here."

Once the crowd had scattered, the village chief led Ye Kong to a vast cave.

The interior was sparsely decorated, with furniture carved from boulders and an ice-sculpted bed.

Beyond that, the cave was bare.

The village chief positioned Bardieg at the entrance, uncertain whether he feared Ye Kong's escape or the villagers' potential rash actions.

Pouring a cup of tea, the village chief then retreated deeper into the cave.

Ye Kong was at a loss for words as he gazed at the cup, which was larger than a bathtub. But recalling the potent effects of the Giants' tea, he shrugged off his hesitation and plunged his face into the gargantuan cup, taking large, noisy gulps. The tea left him feeling invigorated and utterly relaxed.

Soon after, the village chief emerged with two bags in hand. "Here are the obsidian and Valyrian Steel," he announced. Ye Kong quietly accepted them, securing the items he was tasked to retrieve. Even if this journey yielded no other treasures, surviving the return to the Great Wall would be a feat in itself.

Upon Ye Kong's acceptance, the village chief's tone turned icy. "We're settled now. Would you like to stay the night, or shall I have someone escort you out immediately?"

Ye Kong paused, taken aback. "You're not going to discuss Yvran's rescue with me?"

The village chief shook his head dismissively. "Firstly, I don't trust you. Secondly, you're too weak. Getting involved would be a death sentence. The ear-cleaner may not be strong, but he's cruel and merciless. You'd be no match for him."

Ye Kong locked eyes with the village chief, his mind racing. The chief, along with all the Giants, deeply valued Yvran. Could he truly be ready to abandon him? No, that seemed unlikely. Even if he were, the female giant wouldn't stand for it. This had to be a test.

If Ye Kong simply left, his chances of making it back to the Great Wall alive were slim. The Darkling Spectres were a threat, as were the snow wolves, not to mention the dangers within the Giants' own ranks. Recalling that none of the five who ventured to Giant Valley had survived, Ye Kong felt a chill. He needed a new strategy.

With his thoughts whirling, he spoke softly, "Nothing in this world is absolute, and strength isn't everything. Take, for example, my effortless mastery of the Divine Script's deepest secrets—something none of you have achieved. How can you be sure I won't succeed in rescuing Yvran if you never give me a chance?"

He paused briefly, then added, "The Old Wine Master bears no grudge against the Giants. There could be two reasons why he's limiting Yvran's growth."

"Which two reasons?" Ye Kong asked, pausing to take a sip of tea before rising to his feet.

"First, the Old Wine Master fears he won't be able to control Yvran once he comes into his own. Second, he might be looking to manipulate Yvran to extract greater advantages from your Giants."

The Village Chief's brow furrowed in silence, prompting Ye Kong to press on. "There's something else. It's possible you've misjudged the Old Wine Master."

No sooner had the words left his mouth than the Village Chief of the Giants crushed his teacup in his hand, his voice booming, "Are you trying to make excuses for him?"

"I'm not making excuses for anyone," Ye Kong replied, shaking his head. "I'm simply stating the facts. I've mastered the highest secrets of the Divine Script, the Illusory, effectively snatching the old drunkard's prized possession. He's tried to kill me numerous times; I have no reason to defend him."

The Village Chief's expression softened slightly, and Ye Kong seized the moment. "Every year, the Old Wine Master sends people beyond the Great Wall, hoping to reach Giant Valley. Sadly, after all these years, few have survived the journey. With the emergence of Yvran, I presume you're no longer considering a partnership with him?"

"I want to take him down myself," Bardieg growled from the doorway, his presence menacing.

Ye Kong paid him no mind, keeping his gaze fixed on the Giant Village Chief. "Years of being sealed have depleted your energy and food supplies. Without seeking allies or change, how much longer can you endure? Have you considered that the great Giants could face extinction because of this?"

The Village Chief remained composed until Ye Kong mentioned the potential extinction of the Giants. It was as if a bolt of lightning had struck the old leader's heart. They were already struggling despite having allies. Without external support, could Giant Valley survive?

This couldn't continue.

His eyes appraising Ye Kong, the Village Chief wondered if this young man could be the catalyst for change. The Tide of Ten Thousand Years was approaching, and the Giants could not remain sealed away forever. With this in mind, he reached a critical decision.

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