My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C14 The Unsealed Giant Valley
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My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C14 The Unsealed Giant Valley
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C14 The Unsealed Giant Valley

High above, a vast net stretched across the sky, where light and shadow danced and lightning flickered. Amidst this tumult, the phantoms of two golden dragons clashed with the force of thunder. For a brief moment, as the fog parted, a radiant golden character emerged. But it was fleeting, soon shrouded once more by the dense mist.

The two elders were ashen-faced. "The sealing power remains formidable. The fog will close in again quickly," they warned. "We'll clear the fog every quarter hour. You must hasten your understanding, young friend."

"No need," Ye Kong interjected, leaving the group momentarily speechless.

The Village Chief swallowed hard, biting back a curse. His glare bore into Ye Kong, frustration boiling within. The boy had spoken with such conviction, swaying everyone's belief. Even the obstinate tomb guardians had unveiled the Divine Script for him. And yet, after a mere glance, he abandoned the effort. What was the meaning of this? Were they being toyed with?

The guardians' faces turned crimson, nearly apoplectic with rage.

With a serene smile, Ye Kong replied, "The Divine Script, I've already seen it. Fifteen minutes should suffice for me to grasp it. There's no need for further assistance."

At that, a walking stick clattered to the ground, followed by the thud of a dropped whip. The Village Chief, pacing nearby, nearly tripped over himself. Could this be anything but boastful bluster? Comprehending the Divine Script was traditionally a feat of years, a product of relentless focus and contemplation. And here was Ye Kong, claiming a mere glance and a brief meditation would unlock its secrets. Was he divine? Or was this just empty bravado? Humans, it seemed, could not be trusted.

Unperturbed by their disbelief, Ye Kong settled into a meditative pose, the image of the golden Divine Script — Imprisonment — etched in his mind. It was no mystery why the Giants were ensnared here; they were held by the power of a god's script. Could such a thing not contain them?

In his heart, Ye Kong pondered. The fate of the god mattered little. What was certain was their absence from this realm. The Giants' spiritual essence would not continue to wane, bringing them to the brink of existence.

The Divine Script of Imprisonment was originally used by the God to safeguard them.

Yet, this defied all logic.

With his thoughts organized, Ye Kong began to meticulously reflect on everything associated with the Divine Script of Imprisonment.


1. Trapped in suffering or unable to escape due to environmental or situational constraints.

2. Confined to a specific area; besieged.

3. Difficulty.

4. Fatigue.

5. Sleep.

Ye Kong rambled on as he pondered the definitions of Imprisonment.

All he needed was the power to ensnare foes.

Just don't end up with the ability to sleep incessantly!

The last thing he wanted was to be perpetually drowsy.

As time ticked away, the three Giants, in a rare moment of unity, waited in silence.

They were all eager to witness the outcome for this boastful human.

Suddenly, the massive web in the sky quivered.

A continuous buzzing followed.


A thunderous noise.

The heavens shattered.

The dense fog above cleared, revealing a sky of blue with drifting white clouds.

The entire Giant Valley was stirred.

People emerged from their homes, gazing skyward.

The sky was blue, not the gray they had known.

What on earth had transpired?

A fresh wave of Spiritual Qi enveloped them.

"The seal is broken!" exclaimed an elderly woman, her hands shaking with excitement.

"Ah, there's been a disturbance at the mausoleum!"

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The Giants sprinted in frenzy.

Elsewhere, the tomb keeper and the village chief were utterly astonished.

The primary Divine Script vanished into thin air, leaving the young lad's body.

His form then shimmered with a golden radiance.

Their mouths went dry with awe.

"Humans truly have a divine favor; such rapid comprehension of the Divine Script is unprecedented."

Shortly after, Ye Kong's eyes fluttered open.

"The seal should be lifted now, I believe."

"It is lifted," the gaunt tomb keeper replied, his voice hollow.

Had the Divine Script they had guarded for years truly perished?

He was reluctant to accept it.

Yet, he suspected it might be the truth.

After all, who else could have seized the Divine Script so swiftly?

The faces of the three Giants were ashen.

Ye Kong offered a reassuring smile, "There's no need for concern. During my encounter with the Divine Script, I sensed that the God might still be among us."

"Is the Divine Script still active?"

"Yes, I sense it faintly. The Divine Script must have severed itself, entrapping Giant Valley, and its creator might have journeyed to another realm."

Ye Kong was certain of the existence of other worlds.

If the Divine Script existed, then surely there was a world belonging to it.

The three giants' eyes sparkled with excitement upon hearing Ye Kong's words.

"Are you speaking the truth?"

"It seems so."

"Hahaha, I knew it! There are definitely other worlds out there," the village chief bellowed with laughter.

Ye Kong was taken aback.

Moments ago, they were the picture of grief, as if mourning a father's passing.

I offered comfort, and now they're roaring with laughter? How quickly they turn!

Giants are indeed creatures of simple emotions.

But upon reflection, Ye Kong considered that his words might indeed hold truth.

His recent insight into the Divine Script felt distinct from his previous experience.

Before, he felt in command of everything.

This time, not so much.

It was as if an unseen thread still tethered the Divine Script of Imprisonment.

Pushing those thoughts aside, he focused on the abilities the script granted him.

Ye Kong was torn between laughter and tears.

Imprisonment: 1. To confine an enemy, more effective in tandem with a formation.

2. To induce fatigue, to sleep.

Had he truly mastered the power of sleep, and would he now become prone to drowsiness?

The thought left him somewhat disheartened.

Then, an idea struck him, and he cast the fatigue-inducing power of Imprisonment on the village chief.

The chief merely rolled his eyes and dismissed him.

"Damn, it's ineffective."

He tested it on the two tomb guardians, to no avail.

As he was gearing up for another attempt,

a group of giants arrived from the distance.

Ye Kong's gaze fixed on Bardieg, perched atop another giant's shoulder.

His eyes gleamed with anticipation.

As Bardieg drew near, Ye Kong unleashed the power of Imprisonment on him.

"Yawn, I'm so tired!"

Bardieg's reaction sent a thrill through Ye Kong, his eyes narrowing with delight.

So, fatigue could be wielded in such a manner.

It was indeed a nifty ability.

"Village Chief, has our seal been lifted? Are we free to leave now?" inquired a middle-aged giant.

The village chief gave a nod of approval.

"Yay, we're finally free! I'm off to explore the outside world," exclaimed the middle-aged man, on the brink of sprinting off.

The other young Giants looked on with eager, shining eyes.

Except for a few who had slumbered for ages, this new generation of Giants had never glimpsed the world beyond their valley.

Now that the opportunity had arisen, each of them was itching to take a look.

The village chief let out a dismissive snort. "Hold on, we need to think this through carefully. Besides, Young Hero Ye has lifted our curse. He is henceforth the most honored friend of the Giants."

As soon as the village chief finished speaking,

All the Giants raised their right fists and thumped their chests in solidarity.

Ye Kong followed suit, striking his chest in the same manner.

Bardieg extended his palm, lifting Ye Kong into the air, and chuckled, "You don't pack much punch. Need a hand with that?"

Ye Kong hastily replied, "No, no, I'm fine."

His response sent waves of laughter through the crowd.

In that moment, Ye Kong genuinely felt the warmth of the Giants' friendship.

Half a month passed.

The gates of the long-sealed Giant Valley swung open.

The elder village chief was the first to emerge.

His step sent a tremor through the earth.

The pack of snow wolves outside prostrated themselves.

As if in homage to their rightful sovereign.

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