My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C19 The Cunning Old Drunkard
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My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C19 The Cunning Old Drunkard
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C19 The Cunning Old Drunkard

What's the difference?

The old drunkard remained silent, and Ye Kong didn't bother to inquire.

There was an unspoken understanding between them.

"Did you release the Giants?"

Ye Kong replied nonchalantly, "Just a stroke of luck."

"Exactly. With your level of power, freeing them must have been a fluke."

The old drunkard scrutinized Ye Kong.

He remarked, "Your cultivation doesn't seem to have progressed much. The Giants haven't treated you too well, it seems."

Ye Kong chuckled, "Not too shabby. They've given me plenty of obsidian and Valyrian steel."

Their casual exchange was a battle of wits.

The old drunkard sipped his drink, deep in thought.

I refuse to believe I can't shake your resolve.

I need to sow discord between you and the Giants to increase my chances of survival.

Approaching Ye Kong, the old drunkard clapped him on the shoulder, "Is this all? Merely some quest items."

"I remember when I was in Giant Valley, I advanced an entire realm."

"With their ongoing support, I've achieved what I have today."

"Hmm, so I've heard," Ye Kong responded coolly. "Unfortunately, I haven't been as fortunate as you."

The old drunkard chuckled, "It's not about luck; it's about seizing opportunities."

"Oh, is that so?" Ye Kong remained composed.

"Listen, we have no quarrel. Save my life, and I'll make it worth your while."

Ye Kong raised his hand to silence him.

"It's not that I don't want to save you; it's that your actions towards Yvran crossed a line with the Giants."

"Don't blame me for Yvran. How could I control him if I didn't suppress his growth?

And once his Giant heritage was revealed, do you think he'd stand a chance at survival?"

The old drunkard's agitation was palpable, as if he had been wronged.

"But that's not what you said when you took him away."

The old drunkard gave Ye Kong a scornful look. "What, you think I'm a fool? Without those words, he wouldn't have followed me.

Without him, would the Giants have willingly powered me all these years?"

"So, in the end, it was you who broke faith, wasn't it?" Ye Kong's gaze grew icy.

"Yes, without self-interest, who can achieve greatness?" The old drunkard's face turned a deep shade of red. "I just never imagined they'd make it out of Giant Valley. If only I had known..."

"If you had known, you would have killed me rather than let me go there, right?"

"That's correct." The old drunkard was not lying.

He had realized that Ye Kong, despite his youth, was shrewd. Playing games might just backfire, so it was better to be straightforward.

Ye Kong responded with a thumbs-up.

The old drunkard made no pretense, openly admitting he would have killed him. Ye Kong couldn't help but respect such boldness, although it left him feeling somewhat uneasy.

For a while, neither knew quite what to say, and the air grew tense and awkward.

After several minutes, the old drunkard broke the silence. "Are they really out to kill me?"

"Yes, there's a female giant who'd love nothing more than to flay your skin and strip your sinews."

At those words, the old drunkard felt a wave of weakness wash over him, leaving him limp and powerless. Yvran had wanted to leave with him, and the female giant had accused him of stealing her child. She had given him a severe beating; he would have died if not for the village chief's timely intervention. The mere thought of the female giant still sent shivers down his spine.

"Ye brother, let's not beat around the bush. I can see the Giants hold you in high regard. Help me out, and I'll make it worth your while."

Ye Kong sighed. "It's not that I don't want to help you, but as you've seen, the Giants are itching for an excuse to barge in, kill you, and take over the Great Wall."

"I don't care. If you don't save me, you're as good as dead too." The old drunkard was engulfed in a shroud of black mist, his presence turning ominously cold.

Ye Kong's brow furrowed, and he was on the verge of storming out when a sudden pain gripped his stomach.

He stared at the old drunkard in disbelief. "What have you done to me?"

"I've done nothing," the old drunkard said. "The wine I brewed for Custer—I added a special concoction of mine. I never expected you'd drink it as well."


"Young man, you're still too green. If I didn't have a few tricks up my sleeve, how could I possibly travel to and from the Northern Kingdom?"

"Impressive. The old ginger is indeed spicier. I rescued you from a tight spot, now hand over the antidote."

Ye Kong was somewhat disheartened, yet he didn't panic.

This time, having led the Giants to rescue the Great Wall, he had become a significant benefactor to the Nightwatchers, and the Old Drunkard wouldn't dare lay a hand on him.

Of course, that was contingent on him saving the old coot.

Otherwise, given the Old Drunkard's temperament, if he thought he was a goner, he wouldn't give a damn about anyone else. Dragging someone else down with him would just be a bonus.

After the Old Drunkard left the room, Ye Kong took a moment to talk privately with Yvran.

The Great Wall was filled with cries of despair.

But when Ye Kong, escorting the boy disguised as Yvran, slowly emerged,

the crowd fell silent.

Fish's jaw dropped.

"Is it really that kid?"

"Who?" Yin Shisan was visibly confused.

"That Number 66 with the lantern, he's actually returned alive and even brought the Giants with him."

"Holy smokes, that's badass!"

Yin Shisan sharply inhaled, drawing the blood from his lips back into his mouth.

Fish leapt to his feet, exclaiming, "Number 66, you truly haven't disappointed me. I'm counting on you this time too."

Ye Kong didn't respond but flashed a victory sign over his shoulder.

Without caring whether Fish got the message, he led the boy, step by step, towards the Giants outside, under the watchful gaze of the crowd.

The soldiers atop the wall buzzed with speculation.

"Who is he, and how did he return from the Northern Kingdom?"

"Why has he brought the Giants with him?"

Ye Kong's identity quickly spread among those in the know.

Now, the curiosity was even greater.

How had a nobody, not even a Martial Cultivator, become the spokesperson for the mighty Giants?

How he managed it was nothing short of incredible!

Ye Kong and Yvran appeared outside the Great Wall.

The village chief's eyebrows shot up as a whirlwind enveloped them, swiftly bringing them forward.

Before Bardieg could even make his move, the female giant reached out and snatched Yvran away.

Tears brimmed in her eyes as she spoke to Yvran through her sobs.

Yvran patiently responded to each point.

Eventually, the woman's mood stabilized.

Yvran resumed his towering three-meter stature and approached Ye Kong.

With a playful tone, he said to the village chief, "Village chief, I've missed you so much."

The village chief affectionately stroked his head, saying, "I'm glad you're back."

Seizing the moment, Bardieg dashed forward.

He wrapped his arms around Yvran and inquired, "Did that old drunkard abuse you? Don't worry, I'll avenge you soon."

"Avenge me? For what?"

"Hasn't the old drunkard been limiting your growth, forcing you to keep the strength of a child?"

Yvran playfully flicked Bardieg's nose, "Oh brother, you're so naive. If I grew freely, I'd reach dozens of meters in height, and that would surely give us away. Do you think humans could accept a giant among them?"

"No," Bardieg admitted after a pause.

"See! Aren't I wiser than you? I willingly let the old drunkard impose those limits on me. That way, humans won't discover me, and I can blend in on their turf."

"Is that true?"

"Absolutely! Moreover, I'm not planning to return with you. I've decided to stay among the humans."

"What? No!" the village chief interjected.

Yvran cast a glance at Ye Kong and walked over to cling to the village chief's leg.

Persisting in her coquettish behavior, she declared, "I don't care, I want to explore the Human Realm, and visit the Myriad Races Battlefield."

"With whom?"

"With him!" She pointed at Ye Kong.

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