My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C2 The Divine Script Was Actually a Word!
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My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C2 The Divine Script Was Actually a Word!
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C2 The Divine Script Was Actually a Word!

The two exchanged a glance, both faces etched with astonishment.

'Impossible, right?'

'How could a novice, barely a Martial Cultivator, detect our presence?'

'Martial Cultivator, Fighter, Hegemon, Spiritual One, Maestro, Divine Obliteration, Fount of Insight, King Level...'

'Being new to the Martial Cultivator Realm is like not even having started the path of cultivation.'

'Such an insignificant being, not just in the cover of night.'

'But even in broad daylight, they're hard to spot!'


"This kid's got something," Yin Shisan mused, giving Ye Kong a penetrating stare.

Across the snowy expanse.

Ye Kong quickened his pace, not allowing himself a moment's delay.

He muttered incessantly, "System, oh great System, show yourself! Mysterious Elder, Little Fairy, where are you hiding?

Shouldn't a transmigrator like me get some sort of divine assistance?"

But his pleas went unanswered.

As dawn tinged the sky, Ye Kong approached the fabled Shadow Tower, his mood somber.

Constructed of raw obsidian, the nine-story Shadow Tower loomed.

Legend had it that within its walls, one was safe from divination and curses.

Gazing up at the tower, Ye Kong felt the weight of his quest.

He was unsure if this journey would yield hope.

Yet he was certain it was his only shot.

For beyond the Great Wall, with his meager skills, death was guaranteed.


A colossal lightning bolt cleaved the air, striking the tower's pinnacle.

The electric charge danced around the structure, then shot into the earth, vanishing into the ether.

"Why the sudden thunder?" he wondered aloud, cautiously approaching the tower.

A boy emerged, his face alight with a welcoming grin.

"Enter! Grandpa has been waiting for you for quite some time."

"Waiting for me?"

Ye Kong was taken aback. He hadn't known he'd end up here; how could they?

Did they possess some divine calculation?

The boy led the way, heading straight into the tower.

From the outside, the tower seemed modest in size.

Inside, it was immeasurably vast.

Ye Kong followed the boy's lead, walking for a solid fifteen minutes.

Upon entering a bustling hall, I found it packed with people. The remaining ninety-nine members of the Daredevils had long since assembled. Ye Kong chose a spot towards the rear and settled in.

A white-bearded elder emerged, clutching a wine jug. He boomed with laughter, "Excellent, all hundred have gathered—I've just won myself another five jugs of wine!"

"Old-timer, now that everyone's here, could you fill us in on the situation in the Northern Lands?" someone asked.

Beyond the Great Wall lay the Northern Lands, a realm of Darkling Spectres, giants, and wildlings.

"Yeah, we've been waiting on this kid for a couple of hours," another voice added, shooting Ye Kong a sharp look.

It dawned on Ye Kong why the youngster had mentioned a long wait. They needed everyone present to begin the discussion.

The elder took a swig of wine and chuckled, "Just call me Old Wine. All this 'senior' talk gets under my skin."

"Old Wine, we—"

The once jovial old man's demeanor flipped in an instant. "Didn't I just tell you? Drop the 'senior'—it's Drunkard to you!" he barked.

His wine transformed into an icy blade, impaling the arm of the speaker. The crowd was petrified, the hall's atmosphere turning to ice.

For ten agonizing minutes, silence reigned—no one dared utter a word.

Ye Kong's head throbbed with guilt for his tardiness, which had made them all wait. Could the capricious elder be after me now?

But doing nothing wasn't an option. Fear wasn't a luxury I could afford. I'm slow and need to hurry back soon. Surely, the old man wouldn't just slay me on the spot?

With this thought, Ye Kong raised his voice, "Old Drunkard, time is not on our side. Could you please enlighten us on how to endure the perils of the Northern Lands?"

The elder nonchalantly cleaned his ear with a finger and replied, "I prefer how this young one addresses me. Tell me, does anyone here know of the Divine Script?"

"Divine Script?" The crowd's eyes widened in unison.

In this world, myriad arts and techniques vied for dominance, each as diverse as the next.

Eastern warriors, Western wizards, and the arcane arts of myriad races.

There are martial paths and arcane laws.

Yet, each has its limits.

Only one thing transcends them all.

That is the "Divine Script Master."

Divine Script is an ancient script unearthed on the Myriad Races Battlefield.

Those who grasped it, channeling the Divine Script, gained extraordinary powers.

It holds a natural edge over other arts.

Each Divine Script carries a unique essence.

For instance, a fire mage might labor for years to grasp the fire element, but a Divine Script Master, with just the Fire Divine Script, instantly masters fire control.

A Martial Cultivator might achieve modest success after a decade of body refining, but a Divine Script Master, upon understanding the Body Divine Script, fortifies their physique to extraordinary levels.

The unveiling of Divine Script drew legions of the mighty, making its mastery an eternal quest.

Yet, becoming a Divine Script Master is no easy feat.

One must discern its sound, grasp its meaning.

To unlock the word's essence is to unlock miraculous powers.

Confronted with alien script, mastering the pronunciation is a Herculean task.

Grasping its meaning is an even greater challenge.

For millennia, Divine Script Masters have been exceedingly rare.

Now, as the old drunkard brings up Divine Script, could it be linked to the safety of our journey?

"Master Drunkard, doesn't Divine Script require a high level of psychic force?" inquired a black-clad knight.

Ye Kong recognized him; he was the mightiest in their hundred-strong cohort.

The sole Fighter.

"Indeed, Divine Script demands considerable psychic force. However, you Martial Cultivators should have no trouble grasping the three-colored Divine Scripts."

He glanced at the black-clad knight, speaking evenly, "And you, with a bit of luck, might even grasp the green starlight Divine Script."

Divine Script comprehension is categorized by seven starlight colors: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple.

Red is the weakest, purple the most potent.

The more advanced the Divine Script, the more challenging it is to grasp.

"Does that mean non-Martial Cultivators can't comprehend Divine Scripts?" Ye Kong posed the question, prompting a wave of laughter from the crowd.

"Are you clueless? Non-Martial Cultivators haven't even accessed psychic force; how could they possibly comprehend it?"

"We're a group of cultivators discussing matters beyond the reach of mere mortals like you."

The crowd jeered, but Ye Kong paid them no mind; he was desperate for an answer.

Understanding Divine Script could be a matter of life or death for him.

If he lacked even the qualifications to comprehend, then he stood no chance whatsoever.

Amidst the mockery, the old drunkard flashed a grin and countered, "Who says non-Martial Cultivators can't comprehend Divine Scripts?"

At this, all ears perked up.

Could a non-Martial Cultivator really grasp a Divine Script?

That was unheard of!

Yet, Ye Kong's confidence surged.

Being able to comprehend was all that mattered; at least there was still hope.

With a mischievous smile, the old drunkard recounted, "There was once an individual, exceptionally gifted, who as a non-Martial Cultivator, managed to comprehend the cyan starlight Divine Script. And then..."

"Did he ascend to great heights afterward?"

"No, he exploded," the old drunkard said, wagging his finger.

"Caught fire?"

"No, literally exploded. His sea of consciousness couldn't sustain the immense power of the Divine Script, and he was blown to bits."

Ye Kong blanched at the revelation.

Biting back his frustration, he pressed on, "So, there's never been another non-Martial Cultivator who has comprehended a Divine Script?"

"Not to my knowledge," came the old drunkard's definitive reply, leaving Ye Kong visibly shaken.

Was this brutal beginning truly leaving no room for opportunity?

"Hey, stop wasting the old drunkard's time," a burly figure scowled at Ye Kong.

Turning to the old drunkard with a respectful gesture, he said, "I presume you're here to test whether we can comprehend the Divine Script?"

"Indeed, I have a Divine Script for your perusal. Should anyone here grasp it, I'll share with you the intricate details of the Northern Kingdom."

With a grand sweep of his hand, a dazzling golden character burst forth, hovering in the air before him.

Ye Kong looked up and in a single glance, he was astounded!

He rubbed his eyes vigorously.

His expression one of utter disbelief, he exclaimed, "Holy shit, Divine Script, actual words?"

The Divine Script was indeed words!

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