My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C20 Yvran's Decision
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My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C20 Yvran's Decision
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C20 Yvran's Decision


The village chief's demeanor chilled. "You barely know him. Why are you so eager to join him? Has this kid been filling your head with nonsense?"

Ye Kong squirmed under the village chief's scrutinizing gaze.

Adjusting his clothes, he offered a smile. "Village Chief, Yvran could end up stuck at the Wall forever with that old drunkard, but with me, it's a different story."

"You? You're even weaker than the old drunkard."

Ye Kong didn't argue, simply gesturing for the village chief to lean in closer.

He'd been brewing a plan ever since his chat with the old drunkard.

The Wall was no place to linger. In this haunted wasteland, battling Darkling Spectres was the only diversion.

Everyone was cunning, ready to snatch a life at a moment's notice.

And here he was, a young man of sixteen, brimming with youthful energy.

He couldn't possibly spend his entire life confined here, without ever seeing a woman!

Leaving was inevitable.

Curiosity piqued, the village chief wondered what Ye Kong was up to.

He lowered his head to Ye Kong's level.

"If you're plotting against Yvran, her mother will surely kill you," he warned, voice icy.

Ye Kong chuckled. "Yvran and I hit it off immediately. Why would I harm her?"

He then whispered his plan into the village chief's ear in full detail.

The village chief mulled over it briefly.

"You've got quite the strategy. This could actually work, giving you a real shot at leaving the Wall. But are you certain you can take Yvran with you?"

"Absolutely. Keeping him in his normal form shouldn't be too hard for you, should it?"

The village chief didn't respond, merely grunting, "Wait here."

With that, he took Bardieg and Yvran and headed toward the gathering of giants.

On this departure from the mountain, the Giants split into two factions.

One, led by the tomb keeper, stayed to defend their ancestral Giant Valley.

The other, commanded by the village chief, ventured beyond the Wall of Despair in search of a new homeland.

The Village Chief typically had the final say on most issues, but when it came to Yvran, he believed it was best to consult with the elders first. Yvran's mother was still among them, after all.

Once they were all assembled, the Village Chief conjured a massive protective barrier with a wave of his hand. He shared Ye Kong's proposal with the group, then opened his hands and invited discussion. "Let's focus on Yvran's situation first."

A white-bearded elder spoke up, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "I disagree. The Human Realm is too distant. Should anything befall him, we'd be powerless to intervene."

"But where is safe?" Guta countered. "If the King of Eternal Night attacks with his army, do you really think our Northern Kingdom will stand a chance? Sending Yvran to the Human Realm could at least keep a glimmer of hope alive for us."

Another voice chimed in, "That human lad is too weak to even defend himself. How can we expect him to ensure Yvran's safety?"

Guta couldn't help but laugh at this. "Ridiculous! Since when do Giants need humans for protection? It's actually better that the boy isn't strong. It gives him the chance to grow alongside Yvran. Who knows, they might forge a bond as deep as those from ancient times..."

At Guta's words, a spark of realization flickered in everyone's eyes. It did make sense. Ye Kong had mastered the ultimate secrets of two Divine Scripts and had unsealed the Giants after ten thousand years. His destiny was clearly on the rise. He wasn't just a mover and shaker of this era; he was far from being an unknown.

With Yvran at his side in the Human Realm, who knows what opportunities might arise?

The Village Chief's brow creased slightly as he turned to look at Chan, the female giant. The decision ultimately rested with her—Yvran was her son, after all.

Sitting on the ground, Chan cradled Yvran in her arms and asked softly, "Yan, do you truly wish to venture into the Human Realm? You've made no progress in your strength these past years, and the dangers there are many. Wouldn't it be wiser to stay, grow stronger, and then set out for the Human Realm?"

Yvran drew near to Chan and gently kissed her cheek.

"Mom, I have to go. Once I'm truly powerful, it'll be too late."

Chan's eyes brimmed with boundless tenderness as she softly caressed Yvran's head.

Lost in her memories, she mused, "Ever since you were little, you've loved books, particularly those chronicling the human race. Maybe you're destined to be part of their world."

Abruptly, she released her embrace and turned away.

"Go, my child. I'll be waiting for you beyond the Wall, always."

Yvran bowed deeply three times and then sprinted off toward Ye Kong.

Witnessing the scene, Bardieg piped up, "Chief Ah Da, I'd like to visit the Human Realm too."

The village chief promptly thumped him on the head with a 'fried chestnut.'

"With your broken Human Realm language and clueless about their culture, you'd probably end up on a dissection table as a research specimen within a day."

Bardieg's imagination conjured up a vivid image of himself being dissected by a curious crowd, sending a shiver down his spine. He quickly dismissed the idea, "Forget it, forget it. I was only kidding."

Laughter filled the room, lightening the previously somber mood.

The village chief smiled, "Yvran has always been decisive, even more pioneering than us old folks. I have high hopes for him."

He then unfurled an enormous map.

"Yvran's path is set. Since he's advocated for the old drunkard, we'll let him be and allow him to remain with the humans.

"Now, let's decide on our next move."

He pointed to the map, "Guta and I have scouted the terrain for a thousand miles around. Let's review it together..."

As Ye Kong led the boy back into the Wall, tension filled the air.

What were the formidable Giants after? Were they friend or foe?

This time, even Elder Chen, despite his severe injuries, mustered the strength to join Ye Kong in the conference room.

Ming Yu immediately voiced her concern, "What do the Giants demand?"

Ye Kong's brow furrowed as he asked, "Who's in charge here now?"

Ming Yu gestured toward Elder Chen and said, "Elder Chen is the Nightwatchers' deputy commander. In the absence of the Icebound Divine King, he's our highest-ranking officer. As for myself, consider me the Chief Advisor to the Nightwatchers."

"An honor to meet you, Elder Chen, and Master Ming," Ye Kong said with deep reverence. His respect for them was heartfelt.

Elder Chen had bravely faced the Darkling Spectre beyond the Wall, a sight Ye Kong had personally witnessed. Despite his esteemed status, Elder Chen was always at the forefront, earning him great admiration.

"Dispense with the formalities. Give us an update on the Giants," Elder Chen urged.

"The Giants are allies, not foes," Ye Kong assured them, putting their minds at ease.

"They had some misunderstandings with the Old Drunkard, but I've cleared things up. There's no longer any threat of them laying siege to the Wall."

Elder Chen breathed a sigh of relief, well aware of the Giants' formidable power. Even the haughty Monarch Yong Yue had been effortlessly crushed. Without the Divine King, none could stand against them. With their mighty strength, breaching the Wall's gates wouldn't pose much of a challenge.

"What's their purpose in coming out this time?" Elder Chen inquired.

Ye Kong unfolded a map and lightly tapped a location. "Eight hundred miles northeast of Long Night Castle, there's a mountain. The Giants wish to establish a new homeland there and seek our assistance."

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