My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C4 Breaking Through Was a Dangerous Situation
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My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C4 Breaking Through Was a Dangerous Situation
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C4 Breaking Through Was a Dangerous Situation

Witnessing the surge of energy around Ye Kong, the old drunkard was convinced.

The martial path is arduous, with countless individuals never making it into the ranks of Martial Cultivators in their lifetime.

Yet, in the blink of an eye, Ye Kong had advanced from a non-Martial Cultivator to the Middle Period.

Who would believe such a feat without the enlightenment of a Super Divine Script?

Could his golden Divine Script be on par with the Purple Starlight?

It must be so; otherwise, how could he have absorbed the Divine Script?

With this thought, the old drunkard took several hearty swigs of liquor.

Then, with a stern look, he demanded, "Show me your Divine Script and the powers it grants you."

Newly endowed with the Divine Script, Ye Kong was eager to test his abilities.

He meticulously reviewed the features of the Divine Script in his mind.

The Illusory Divine Script had granted him three powers:

First: Illusion.

Second: Transformation, the ability to alter form and appearance.

Third: Transformation of the Divine Script itself, unconstrained by level.

The latter two powers were fundamentally the same, both involving transformation.

One affected people and objects, while the other was tailored for the Divine Script.

After a brief reflection, Ye Kong knew exactly what to demonstrate.

A flash of golden light sparked in his mind as he opened his eyes to a world that seemed brighter.

His gaze landed on the boy, startling him nearly to the point of shouting.


At that moment, a thunderclap roared as lightning struck from above.

Ye Kong remarked with a hint of embarrassment, "That thunder is terrifying. I noticed earlier that the lightning kept striking the shadow tower. What's the reason for that?"

The old drunkard tapped the floor and explained, "There's a Lightning Trigger Formation beneath us."

"Oh," Ye Kong acknowledged, his curiosity piqued but restrained.

He knew better than to pry into matters not concerning his survival, a lesson learned from years on the run.

Rising to his feet, he approached the wall.

In an instant, his body transformed into a phantom, seamlessly blending with the wall.

"Quite impressive, your power of illusion. I once mastered that same ability to make my own escape."

The old drunkard offered his critique.

As Ye Kong was about to make his presence known, the old drunkard interjected, "Hold on, push your ability to its limits and let's see what you're capable of."

Upon hearing this, Ye Kong remained concealed.

He edged along the wall, moving stealthily.

Curiosity nagged at him—could his transformative ability elude the old drunkard's detection?

If so, his safety on this journey would be assured.

But he was overthinking it.

Once he reached the opposite wall, the old drunkard doused him with a splash of wine, instantly shattering his illusion.

With a scoff, he remarked, "The attribute of your Divine Script is impressive, no doubt.

But the rank is far too low.

A Martial Cultivator might be fooled by your illusion, but a Fighter will spot you the moment you stir—it's not difficult."

Divine Scripts are categorized into nine ranks, with each ascending rank exponentially increasing in power.

The difference between a first-rank and a ninth-rank purple Divine Script is like night and day.

The human race's three most prized treasures are all ninth-rank purple Divine Scripts:

The ‘Suppression’ of the King of Qin, dominating the world.

The ‘Control’ of the King of Tang, commanding the masses.

The ‘Calculation’ of Old Man Tianji, foreseeing all things.

It is these formidable Divine Scripts that have allowed humanity to endure amidst the battles of the Myriad Cosmic Clans.

"Do you understand why I've summoned you all to grasp the essence of this Divine Script?"

Ye Kong nodded, "I have some inkling."

Since he had grasped the Illusory Divine Script, he sensed that, besides himself, seven others had also mastered it.

They included the black-clothed knight, the fat man, the old drunkard, and four others too distant to pinpoint.

He faintly sensed that the deepest understanding belonged to the one with blue starlight, followed by the old drunkard with his insight into the green starlight.

"Go on," prompted the old drunkard, unsurprised.

Comprehending the same Divine Script naturally creates a resonance within a certain range.

"By bringing us together to contemplate this Divine Script, you're hoping to leverage our collective insights to enhance your own understanding and elevate your Divine Script to the next level."

"Smart move," the old drunkard complimented with a clap of his hands.

Beside him, a boy flashed a toothy grin, holding a roasted lamb leg in his left hand and a blood-drenched axe in his right.

"Now that the original form of the Divine Script has vanished, the choice is yours: feast on meat or face the axe."

Ye Kong was at a loss for words.

It was like escaping a wolf's den only to fall into a tiger's lair!

Having grasped the Divine Script and made a breakthrough as a Martial Cultivator, he had gained a sliver of power to defend himself.

Yet, in an instant, he might meet his end at the hands of the old drunkard.

"I'm willing to give it a shot."

"No, you'd better hope for success, because if you fail, I assure you, your life will be worse than death."

The blood-red gaze of the old drunkard sent shivers down Ye Kong's spine.

He fell silent and closed his eyes, focusing his entire being on the Divine Script, striving to manipulate it.

As he exerted his will, a brilliant golden light intensified around him, illuminating the dark shadow tower.

Suddenly, the Divine Script burst forth like a dazzling sunbeam, hovering three feet above Ye Kong's head.

The old drunkard watched in astonishment as his own Divine Script, beyond his control, was drawn out from the Divine Sparrow Point.

The impatient golden Divine Script in the air radiated strands of light that the old drunkard's green Divine Script eagerly absorbed, its excitement palpable.

The aura grew richer, the color shifting from green to blue, until both Divine Scripts vanished, returning to their respective hosts.

The old drunkard's face was etched with disbelief.

Could the Divine Script really ascend in such a manner?

It seemed as though no effort was made—no deeper insight, no consumption of precious treasures, and yet, an advancement?

He even wondered if it was all an illusion.

But the Divine Script at the Divine Sparrow Point had indeed become much more potent, and his transformative abilities had significantly improved.

It was utterly bizarre, overturning everything he knew.

The Divine Script could evolve on its own, without personal enlightenment.

In that moment, a sinister thought crossed his mind.

If he were to kill the young man...

And extract his Divine Script for his own to absorb...

Could he then directly ascend to the Purple Starlight?

Ye Kong squirmed under his penetrating gaze.

His mind raced with thoughts.

The old drunkard is up to no good, he realized. I need to thwart his malicious plans.

Otherwise, I won't make it out of the Shadow Tower alive.

After a moment of contemplation, he declared firmly, "The Divine Script is now one with me. Even in death, it would vanish along with me, forever out of reach. That's the unique trait of the golden mutated Divine Script."

He didn't give the other a chance to respond, pressing on, "Old drunkard, I've fulfilled your request. Time to hand over that roast lamb leg."

With that, he strode over and grabbed the lamb leg from the boy, tearing into it with voracious bites.

The old drunkard froze, wine pot in hand, wrestling with his conscience.

It took a while before he conceded, "Alright, I've accomplished what I set out to do. I'll let this go."

He then whispered a few instructions to Ye Kong and passed him two storage bags and a mysterious cloth.

"Once you're beyond the Great Wall, you're on your own, kid."

With his piece said, the old drunkard retreated to his quarters.

The boy escorted Ye Kong out.

Leading the way, the boy in front, Ye Kong trailing behind, they made their way slowly towards the tower's exit.

Just as they neared the threshold, the boy spun around, "You've figured out who I am, haven't you?"

"What?" Ye Kong feigned ignorance.

"Hehe, it's a long night ahead, watch your back."

The boy's insincere grin sent shivers down his spine.

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