My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C7 In His next Life He Would be a Good Person!!
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My Divine Script Dominates The Worlds/C7 In His next Life He Would be a Good Person!!
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C7 In His next Life He Would be a Good Person!!


The anguished howl echoed into the distance.

In the moment Ye Kong's dagger flashed, the Headless Paladin disintegrated into dust.

With the Paladin's demise, the ghoul lost its leader and grew agitated.

Its movements turned sluggish and mechanical.

Soon after, it was swiftly dispatched by the group.

As the battle subsided, Ye Kong slumped to the ground, utterly drained.

He gasped for air in ragged breaths.

Of the twenty in their squad, only eight, including himself, remained alive—all bearing wounds.

The Northern Kingdom truly was a tomb for souls.

Ye Kong felt a sense of bewilderment.

Could he truly make it out alive?

"Brother Ye, I owe you big time for this one." A scholarly-looking fellow said, grinning.

Ye Kong gave him a nod, "No need for thanks, it's what we do."


A dagger thrust toward his heart, sending a chill down Ye Kong's spine.

Before he could even raise a defense, the blade sliced through his clothing.

Thankfully, his chainmail armor underneath stopped the lethal strike.

Enraged, Ye Kong sent his assailant flying with a kick.

Only then did he notice the fresh blood oozing from his chest.

That was too close.

Had the dagger penetrated just an inch more, it would have been the end of him.

Shaken, he glared at the others and bellowed, "Why?"

He couldn't fathom it. He had just fought tooth and nail to save these people.

They didn't have to be grateful, but to turn on him so quickly?

For what purpose?

The man Ye Kong had kicked away didn't seem fazed.

He casually wiped the blood from his dagger and scoffed, "Brother Ye, your skills are impressive.

If I'm not mistaken, you came here alone, didn't you?

And you arrived shortly after the ghoul appeared."

Ye Kong was puzzled by their insinuations.

But he was determined to understand why they were so ruthlessly turning on him.

He demanded icily, "What are you getting at?"

"Is it so unreasonable to suspect that you, Brother Ye, might have drawn the ghoul here?"

Ye Kong was taken aback by their suspicion.

He was frustrated, "What purpose would I have in leading the ghoul here?"

"Who can say? Maybe you wanted to slaughter us for our provisions and daggers."

"Why should I even bother helping you if that's your logic? I could just sit back and watch you all drop dead, couldn't I?" Ye Kong challenged.

The man with the scar in the crowd stepped forward and retorted, "You're just scared that the ghouls will overwhelm you, and you won't get out alive. That's the only reason you attacked."

He signaled with a wave, and the rest began to close in slowly.

Ye Kong's eyes blazed with a blood-red fury. "It's you," he recognized. In that instant, everything clicked into place.

This despicable, scar-faced man had been a thorn in his side back in the Shadow Tower. And now, here he was again, seemingly the ringleader of this sorry bunch.

"Ye, I once promised to break your legs, but considering the help you've just given us, I'll show some leniency. Lay down your weapon, chop off a finger, and I'll let you walk away."

Ye Kong was curious to see the extent of their shamelessness. "So, you're saying if I surrender my weapon, you'll spare me?"

"That's right. As long as you're no threat to us, we might just let you leave."

"Fine. Here you go." With that, Ye Kong tossed aside his twin daggers.

"Now, am I free to go?"

Two men came forward to collect his weapons, then burst into raucous laughter, dropping all pretense.

"Hahaha, what a fool."

"A tiger without its claws is nothing more than an oversized house cat. Time to die, kid."

"He's gone from a non-Martial Cultivator to a mid-level Martial Cultivator. He's bound to have some precious treasures on him. Once we kill him, all his riches will be ours."

They encircled him, moving in with deliberate steps.

Yet, Ye Kong remained utterly unfazed. No matter their numbers, they were mere Martial Cultivators, incapable of penetrating his illusion. His safety was not at risk.

With an icy glare, he addressed the encroaching group, "You've made your choice. Now, don't blame me for showing no mercy."

Mid-sentence, he vanished from sight.

"Such an impressive stealth technique. Even with his energy locked, he can still disappear."

"Stay calm, everyone. Keep the shield up. He's trapped within our perimeter; there's no escape for him."

The scarred man, leading the pack, brandished his dagger, wildly stabbing at the air. His cohorts were equally on edge, vigilant and wary.

"Ye, you can't run forever. Show yourself and meet your end. At least you'll have an intact body to show for it," he taunted as the circle of attackers tightened.

The group's faces grew increasingly grim. A protective shield loomed outside, while inside, a barrage of attacks came from every direction; they even scrutinized the ground inch by inch. Yet, Ye Kong had vanished as if by magic.

This defied logic.

Invisibility wasn't unique to Ye Kong; several among the Nightwatchers were adept at the art. They all understood that Invisibility was merely a trick of the eye—a way to become unseeable, though one's physical presence remained.

As the shield constricted to the point where there was no room left to stand, panic set in.

Where had Ye Kong gone?

They exchanged nervous glances, anxiety swirling in their minds.

After a grueling half-hour, they reluctantly deactivated the shield. It was too draining to maintain it indefinitely.

Suddenly, the scarred man had an epiphany and bellowed, "I've got it! He's mastered the Divine Script, a variant form of it. That's the only explanation for his newfound strength."

The revelation struck the others like lightning, rendering them speechless.

Then, in a swift stroke, the scarred man's head tumbled to the ground.

"You've realized too late," came Ye Kong's icy voice.

Two minutes later, another fell, a heart impaled.

Death hung heavy over them all.

Only Soong Xueming, the diminutive figure, remained alive half an hour later, utterly broken. He knelt, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Ye Kong, I admit my mistake. They coerced me. If I hadn't joined their assault, they would have killed me. Please, I implore you, spare my life. I just lost my way for a moment!" His cries were heart-wrenching.

Ye Kong shook his head.

I have no desire to kill you.

Upon spotting the pair, he greeted them with enthusiasm.

Realizing the Headless Knight hadn't perished, he promptly warned him.

I considered you a friend worth making.

But you crossed the line by joining them in their ambush against me.

Had you merely stood by, I would have ensured your safety.

Yet, you ultimately let me down.

With a swift motion, he severed the trachea.

Gently, he closed Soong Xueming's eyes, now wide with shock.

A wave of sorrow washed over Ye Kong.

"May you be a better person in your next life."

He quietly swept the battlefield, his gaze lingering on the strewn corpses.

His emotions were a complex blend.

His initial intent was to rendezvous with them.

Together, they would have completed the mission and escaped the Northern Kingdom.

But this was the grim outcome.

The thought was unbearable.

Had he not ventured to the Shadow Tower, had he not grasped the Divine Script,

his own end might have been equally grim.

Tallying his war gains, he amassed an assortment of short swords and a hefty supply of provisions.

Not to mention the five hundred and sixty-five spirit stones.

How would he manage to transport all these items?

Then, an idea struck him.

He meticulously scoured the area where the Headless Knight vanished.

After some time, beneath the snow, he unearthed the rustic ring.

With the owner gone, Ye Kong easily wiped clean the remaining mark.

As he let a drop of his vital essence fall into the ring, the storage ring accepted a new master.

His spirits lifted, "A hundred cubic meters of storage space—I've struck it rich."

Regaining composure, he glanced at the old drunkard's directions. The Mist Forest was his next destination.

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